iHATE the gym

So I have a gym membership that I put NO use to because I ABHORE the gym, their sales tactics, the snotty trainers, and all the skinny people on the eliptical machines. Do you guys have tips for exeercising outdoors or in my living room? Dvd's to try? Best ways to stay cool while exercising in the summer? Any help is appreciated.


  • cyclerjenn
    cyclerjenn Posts: 835 Member
    I love the outdoors, I go to parks, run the trails, hike, bike ride and anything else outside. Durning the summer just take lots of water or go as early as you can to get the workout done before it gets to hot.

    I do have DVD's also that I will use on busy days where I don't think I have a lot of time. I use Insanity, P90x, and Anything by JM are my favorites, but I have the 10 minute solution DVD's also for extra busy days.
  • juliexiuu
    juliexiuu Posts: 118
    I know what you mean. Thank god my gym is small (not goodlife, hate goodlife) and people are fairly nice. It gets crowded though which I hate.
    But in the summer I'll simply walk everywhere! I'll get off the bus 20 mins earlier to my stop and just walk from there. I also love biking, but will usually go with my dad or boyfriend. I would also check out some workout videos. If you're like me and don't want to pay, I just go on youtube and do some. LOVE the Tiffany Rothe workouts she's amazing!
  • SinIsIn
    SinIsIn Posts: 1,865 Member
    I :heart: my gym. We don't have anyone trying to 'sell' you anything. There are skinny people on the machines... but I see just as many 'big' people using the machines too and joining in on the classes.
  • 69Greer
    69Greer Posts: 36
    The spirit from which this reply is intended is not one of defensiveness or counter attack. It is only from my own experience, strength, and hope. I'm not skinny and I have a way to go. But, I am training to be more fit and healthy. It is a process. One day I hope to be one of those people who others observe to be in great shape. I have not personally observed all skinny people to be snotty any more than I have observed that to be true of people my own weight or higher. I have found the axiom, "We attribute to others, what we see in ourselves" to be personally convicting. So, I do attend a gym and I do find myself around people who are in better shape. I'm not saying that you need to do that. I'm saying that I want to be around people who are succeeding at what I aspire to do. When I observe them to be people just like me, I get along with them quite well (fat, skinny, black, white, tall, short). We all have stuff. Isolating myself from others because I'm not like them has never helped me a lot. But, hanging around people who have what I want to learn or have has been a life changer. Hope this helps. God bless on your journey.
  • juliexiuu
    juliexiuu Posts: 118
    I first started just working out at home, but needed to switch it up.

    It took a lot of courage for me to start going to the gym on a regular basis. I I don't really know why, but I guess I was just too self-conscious to workout in front of others. The first time I went, I went with a friend. Then started going by myself, the more times I went the more confident I felt about going.

    Also, watching exercises that other people do have helped... I also don't look so awkward anymore while lifting weights. :p
  • bricha09
    bricha09 Posts: 6
    :wink: You guys are helping alot! THANKS!
  • Jen16226
    Jen16226 Posts: 20 Member
    I hate the gym too, but I am lucky. I got to my local YMCA and there are all shapes and sizes and for the most part, everyone is friendly and helpful.
    I am currently doing C25K and weights.....a friend of mine goes there as well and has lost over 100 pounds incorporating WW and C25K and is one of the "skinny" ones, but if it weren't for her encouraging me and inspiring me, I probably wouldn't be trying what I am doing now.

    There are plenty of people at the gyms that started just like we are.
  • wd773
    wd773 Posts: 122 Member
    try planet fitness its sooooo not like that!!!!
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    I really hate planet fitness. They really know nothing about their own gym...

    As for DVDs, I have tons! Anything Jillian Michaels is sure to work you out harder than you'd probably get at the gym anyway. If you like dance, bellydance superstars have a bunch of great workout DVDs. I love yoga, so I have a bunch of Rodney Yee DVDs (I love him, he's awesome!). Most of these have 20 minute workouts, the longest almost reach an hour. All great for a good living room workout.
  • awidener86
    awidener86 Posts: 260 Member
    try planet fitness its sooooo not like that!!!!

    I love that gym. People there are friendly and there are all shapes and sizes.
  • CaffeinatedConfectionist
    CaffeinatedConfectionist Posts: 1,046 Member
    I hate the gym, too. It's not really logical, I've just never been a fan of crowds, and I feel vulnerable when I exercise. But I work out at home using a variety of methods - I have an elliptical at home, which I love for my cardio. I also sometimes will do exercise videos, usually something by Jillian Michaels, or turbofire or something along those lines. I have a slew of dumbbells, and I do heavy strength training several times a week in addition to the cardio. Before I got my elliptical, I would do cardio-specific exercise videos, walk a lot, or rollerblade (still do them sometimes, but I prefer the elliptical). That being said, I'm moving soon and am going to try to suck it up and join a gym. I like having access to some of the machines that I just can't duplicate easily at home.
  • Dnsnyder
    Dnsnyder Posts: 263 Member
    Jillian Michaels work out DVD's! 30 Day Shred, Ripped in 30, 6 Week 6 Pack, Kickbox FastFix, No More Trouble Zones, Banish Fat Boost Metabolism...these are all great workouts that you can do at home and range in length from 20 minutes to 45-60ish minutes.
  • Flippiefloppies
    I go to a small community gym. I love it. There are all kinds of people there and no one selling anything. Everyone is nice and says hi to one another. I used to hate working out in front of the guys. Alot of them are friends with my boyfriend and my workout partner so I have got to know then that way. The gym is actually one of my favorite places anymore. Sorry to hear you have had a bad expierence. As far as outdoors. My boyfriend just got a bike and he rides it alot. I am planning to get on soon. You could go to a playground and do tricep dips on the tables. Pullup on the monkey bars.. all sorts of stuff. Just be inventive.
  • MyTime1985
    MyTime1985 Posts: 456 Member
    try planet fitness its sooooo not like that!!!!

    I just joined them today!
  • Karalopolous
    What about if you just youtube some aerobic exercises that you can do at home?
    Another idea....go to the thrift store and find an exercise DVD. I got mine for $3!!!!
  • DeanneLea
    DeanneLea Posts: 261
    I absolutely hate gyms for various reasons. I did the 30 Day Shred DVD and really enjoyed it. There are so many DVD's and DVD sets that can give you amazing results. I'm about to start Jillian's Body Revolution which is a 90 day program with 15 different DVD's so I won't get bored. I also like walking outside. I think there's definitely some options you can enjoy without the gym.
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    So I have a gym membership that I put NO use to because I ABHORE the gym, their sales tactics, the snotty trainers, and all the skinny people on the eliptical machines. Do you guys have tips for exeercising outdoors or in my living room? Dvd's to try? Best ways to stay cool while exercising in the summer? Any help is appreciated.

    Quit making excuses. Go to the gym as well as outdoor activities.

  • runwithitwerewinning
    runwithitwerewinning Posts: 39 Member
    my philosophy on working out is similar to what it's always been in martial arts. Losing (in martial arts) or working out with people in better shape than me always motivates me to do better. I want to be that person that other's look up to, but if there's someone around that I look up to, then it's obvious that I've got some work to do. My advice is to find something physical you love to do. I'm not a huge weight lifter, so I don't do that anymore. I have found that i like to run and do martial arts, that's where I get my workouts. try different things, whether it be zumba, swimming, yoga, walks in the park, or pole dancing. (yes there are workouts for that) find something, in the gym or not, that actually makes you want to get off the couch.
  • zgdsmith
    zgdsmith Posts: 114 Member
    I love my gym! Actally, I just love the classes. I don't like working out on the machine's as much. I find I get board really fast but in an hour class it flys by!

    As far as outside activities. I like to bike, run outside (I like to feel like i'm going somewhere instead of on a treadmill), hike, jump on the trampoline with my son, and play outdoor sports (volleyball, softball, kickball, etc).

    You will do great you just have to find out what you like to do for excercise that seems like fun and not work. For me it's Zumba and dance classes. I LOVE LOVE them!!
  • JaclynnGail
    JaclynnGail Posts: 204 Member
    I go to a local women's gym, and I like it okay. Everyone is nice...there are all kinds of ladies there...and it's very clean, plays good music, and has an amazing steam room and sauna area. And I get a corporate discount through the school district. Plus, it's next to my favorite natural grocery so I treat myself to something every time I make it to the gym.

    That being said, though, I kind of hate going to the gym in general. It's slightly out of the way and I get bored easily. If the weather is nice, I go for a run instead. If I'm at home and just can't seem to get my butt out the door, I keep a few DVD's on hand. I also recently discovered the ten-minute workouts on Netflix on Demand. They aren't anything spectacular, but they are kind of fun if I am just wanting something different for a day. I found a fun kickboxing one on there, and some decent yoga ones. You can combine different ten-minute sections to kind of customize your own workout.

    If all else fails, I take the dog for a walk/jog around the neighborhood. Or I dance to bad 80's music in the kitchen while making dinner. Anything to get up and moving.