Has anyone tried Herbalife?

I started drinking Herbalife on Monday, its kinda like Slim Fast where you replace two meals with the shake and eating one sensible meal. I've been doing pretty good on it. I am lactose intolerant so I can't do Slim Fast so I like that I can use lactose free milk for my shakes. I don't know if you are supposed to snack with Herbalife, but I have been snacking on broccoli, carrots, or grapes. I was just wondering if anybody has tried it and if it worked. I'll keep you posted on whether or not it helped me.


  • This is a really good question and it will depend on what program your coach has recommended for you . Would suggest you contact them but usually we would recommend healthy snacks. I have been doing Herbalife for over 9 years. Lost my weight and now just use it to maintain my weight. Love my shakes!
  • mtaylor1980
    mtaylor1980 Posts: 134 Member
    I do. I actually do the shakes for breakfast, and lunch. Usually for lunch, I either have veggies on the side, or fruit. The shakes just aren't enough for me. They also have a very tasty protein bar-the deluxe citrus lemon.
    You probably want to have healthy snacks to keep your metabolism going!
    I have had success with HB. When I did it correctly, I lost almost 20 lbs!
    I don't sell it, or even have a coach, so my opinions on this thread are 100% honest, if you want to ask me any morre questions about the products!
  • mrose414
    mrose414 Posts: 8 Member
    Awesome! How fast did you see results? I'm on my second week and it seems like I lost 2 lbs last week. I've been going to the gym so I'm hoping that will give me a boost in wt loss :)
  • GasMasterFlash
    GasMasterFlash Posts: 2,206 Member
    I don't know if you are supposed to snack with Herbalife, but I have been snacking on broccoli, carrots, or grapes.
    I'm sure your dealer would be happy to sell you some snacks.

    Have you seen any advantages replacing healthy meals with drinks?
  • nettie23
    nettie23 Posts: 42 Member
    I have been doing Herbalife for a couple of weeks. I do a shake in the morning and usually after workouts in the evening. It has been working fine for me. Yes, you can snack I have a mornning snack and afternoon and if necesseary have a evening snack. . Feel free to add me.
  • aochoa123
    aochoa123 Posts: 299 Member
    I am an Herbalife distributor to answer your question healthly snacks are ok. Fruits, veggies, protien bars. Herbalife makes great snacks especially the protien bars, they also have soup, soy nuts and protien drinks(besides the shakes). I have been using Herbalife for close to 3 yrs now and have lost 158 lbs. Part of that time I was pregnant with my last child so all considered I feel I have done great with the products. Anyone who would like support please add me.
  • JenAiMarres
    JenAiMarres Posts: 743 Member
    Im addicted to the taste of herbalife...I cant even buy it, cuz it gets dangerous...lol!!! I would just mix the teeniest bit of water in and it tatsed like melted ice cream or something wonderful! And in a berry smoothie..omg!! YUMMMMMMMMMMM! Mix spinach in and you cant even taste it.

    not sure of how the program works but just wanted to say...yes their shakes are gooood!
  • Annette8479
    Annette8479 Posts: 82 Member
    bump for later...
  • Browny43
    Browny43 Posts: 124 Member
    my friends actually own a herbalife shop and its basically like a bar setup wher you get a tea and shake

    here are a few to try

    vanilla with orange h30, tastes like an orange dreamsicle

    vanilla, cookies and cream, with a tbsp of sugar free pistachip pudding mix

    vanilla, apple fiber, and sugar free carmel syrup

    vanilla, lemon h3o

    always blend with plenty of ice for a frothy shake