help... i already screwed up after the first week:/

So i started myfitnesspal at the end of March. For the first 5 days I was doing great. I stayed under my calorie goal everyday and lost 3 pounds. I decided to give myself Easter off. Well, Easter turned into a whole week and I gained back the weight I'd lost and another pound:(((( I need to get back on track.... I had pancakes for breakfast this morning, which was probably not the best start, but I worked out like crazy today and can still stay under my calorie goal if I'm careful for the rest of the day. It's really hard for me to stick to a diet for more than a week or so, and if I cheat once I always end up going off it completely. I need some serious motivation, guys. Anyone have any tips or words of advice?? It would be much appriciated:)


  • RaysFan80
    RaysFan80 Posts: 27
    If you fall off the wagon, don't get discouraged. Jump right back on it! I'm notorious for messing up one day...and that day turning into a week or longer! It's hard work, but the folks on this site are very good at keeping you motivated. If you'd like, add me as a friend! :)
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    First I would stop thinking of eating right as something you go "off" and "on". This is your life you're talking about so of course there will be times you go over your calorie goal, and there will likely be times you are under. But the key is to stay close to it most of the time. Don't see every "screw up" as a reason to throw in the towel. It's just part of life. Move on.

    And don't give up all the foods you like. If you eat nothing but crap, slowly incorporate healthy options. But don't try to completely change your whole diet overnight. Just eat less and add more healthy options a little at a time. Pay attention to portion sizes and calories but enjoy your food. It's really not that hard. The longer you do it, the more natural it will be.

    Good luck!
  • ebonyvi
    ebonyvi Posts: 7 Member
    i do that all the time but ive just started and im trying to educate myself on as many things as possible just meaning excersice swaping out many of my food choices for better ones the rite combination of foods and everything but i do agree wit the other ladies on many of the things they said
  • Collidoscopekid
    Collidoscopekid Posts: 195 Member
    I personally feel that the first few weeks are the hardest. You're suddenly without all fatty foods you love. After a while it becomes habit. Going without those feeds starts to feel normal. Just keep pushing yourself and it will fall into place sweetie.
  • yoga_mom
    yoga_mom Posts: 16 Member
    Think of each day as one meal at a time.

    Even if you screw up one meal don't say 'oh well' I messed up so I might as well keep going and make it a cheat day'

    Instead - I messed up that meal so I need to get back on it for the rest of the day.
  • Your post is exactly how I feel today after I just weighed myself and two weeks of hard work suddenly feel like a waste. I need some support and motivation, too. My husband has been verbally encouraging, but it's been difficult to get up and exercise when he lays on the couch the second we get home from work. I'm trying to get back to my weight before I met him (which isn't much to go, I don't think) and have really been struggling this week. I miss my hashbrowns with cheese breakfast and fast food for dinner. I can't find any "low cal" foods that taste good...and the 100 calorie snack packs...I want to eat the whole box!!

    I looked at the reports section to see if I noticed any major changes, and I did. The first week, I didn't do any crazy, difficult exercises for long periods of time...I just went for a 30 minute walk everyday. The second week, I tried to do a little more and wore myself out to where this week, I haven't felt like doing anything. I can't cook for the life of me, so I'm going to just keep it simple and go back to taking a walk a day. =)
  • RaysFan80
    RaysFan80 Posts: 27
    Your post is exactly how I feel today after I just weighed myself and two weeks of hard work suddenly feel like a waste. I need some support and motivation, too. My husband has been verbally encouraging, but it's been difficult to get up and exercise when he lays on the couch the second we get home from work. I'm trying to get back to my weight before I met him (which isn't much to go, I don't think) and have really been struggling this week. I miss my hashbrowns with cheese breakfast and fast food for dinner. I can't find any "low cal" foods that taste good...and the 100 calorie snack packs...I want to eat the whole box!!

    I looked at the reports section to see if I noticed any major changes, and I did. The first week, I didn't do any crazy, difficult exercises for long periods of time...I just went for a 30 minute walk everyday. The second week, I tried to do a little more and wore myself out to where this week, I haven't felt like doing anything. I can't cook for the life of me, so I'm going to just keep it simple and go back to taking a walk a day. =)

    I actually take those "bad for you" foods, and put a healthy twist on them....while keeping it simple! If I crave pizza..for example, I get wheat pita bread, throw on some pizza sauce, veggies, and fat free cheese...pair it with a salad and there ya have it! Quick, simple, tasty. It's all about taking the foods you love, and turning them into healthier versions. You just have to think outside of the box a little. :)