Sucess with Body by Vi

Hello all!! Hope you are having a great day! I was wondering if anyone has had sucess or heard good things about body by vi? I was thinking about doing it but I am nervous. I was going to try and replace breakfast and lunch with the shakes and just eat a normal dinner. Also how is this compared to the shakeology?



  • vipergts223
    vipergts223 Posts: 114 Member

    Wish I could help, Krista. No clue about this one.
  • Krisgren
    Krisgren Posts: 95
    Well, I know it tastes really good :) (really, really good)I know it's easy to get a meal in when you are super busy, I haven't lost much weight on it but it fits my schedule (I have four children and work full time shift work and sometimes find it hard to get meals in at proper times) and is full of vitamins (lots of controversy on here whether a shake is good for you or not). My mom on the other hand is on it and has lost 15 pounds in about 2 months I think, she does it religiously pretty much, two meals a day, healthy dinner and a couple healthy snacks, she rides the exercise bike and walks too. She has more weight to lose then I do and that seems to be what I am reading is people who have larger amounts to lose seem to have more success. So no difinitive answer for you, just a few things I have learned :)
  • Nix0224
    Nix0224 Posts: 8
    I don't know about Body by Vi, but I've been doing Shakeology for breakfast for almost a month now and my energy level and focus are amazing. It's high protein, low glycemic and all natural plus they offer the money back guarantee if you're not happy with it after a month. It took about a week for me to feel the results but I'm a former skeptic turned Shakeology convert now. Just my input for what it's worth!
  • DebbieMc3
    DebbieMc3 Posts: 289 Member
    I just read a lot about vi shakes vs. other shakes.
    Ideal shape seems to be the best meal replacement shake currently on the market.
  • TotalBodyCoach
    I try to eat and drink things that are very minimally processed if any at all. Body by Vi (IMO) looks pretty processed. I personally love Shakeology. It is minimally processed and has antioxidants and pre/probiotics. Great shake.
  • sroatan
    sroatan Posts: 5
    I use Body By Vi and it tastes great! I've lost 10 pounds so far! I have a comparison chart if you want me to email it to you. My email address is