Blood glucose down!

I lost 8 pounds and my fasting glucose has gone down consistently to around 120 in the last few days (from upper 130 s and sometimes 170 range.) So happy to see that a small weight reduction has helped so much. Maybe I CAN beat this borderline diabetes! Thank you MFP!


  • _Schatzi_
    _Schatzi_ Posts: 112 Member
    Awesome! I'm Type I and am having huge success lowering my A1C's (three month blood glucose average) just by recording my food. Now I know exactly how many carbs I'm eating as opposed to just guessing.

    I feel your victory! Congratulations!!!
  • mhsrnmz
    mhsrnmz Posts: 86 Member
    Way to go!
  • ChefTamiCinNC
    ChefTamiCinNC Posts: 39 Member
    Great news! I started this weight loss/healthly lifestyle program mid March when I got a bad result on the A1c. Doc gave me until May 1 to loose 10 pounds and work on my eating/exercise habits. If not better she said I would have to go on oral meds. I actually can't wait to get to her office and see how I have done! I love hearing the stories of others in the same boat as me...really gives me hope! Good job!
  • 75Juniper
    75Juniper Posts: 376
    Woohoo! Great job! :bigsmile:
  • painterlyme49
    Thanks all. I've read that there is only a window of time in the pre-diabetics life that he can possibly change the course, or at least prolong it. I hope I'm still in that window. Losethatweight : are you testing your bg? I've found it helpful to record my bG in the food notes in the diary. It helps me to look back and see what carbs and combos most effect blood sugars. We should all be very proud that we are taking control!
  • MrsLeibas
    MrsLeibas Posts: 43 Member
    Way to go everyone!! I'm a type one diabetic, have been since I was 13 ... in my teens and 20s I've always struggled to get my HbA1c in the 7% range ... much less under 7%. In December mine was 7.9% and I felt like I was never going to break that plateau, however for Christmas my fiance and I got Fitbit Ultra's and we started using my fitness pal regularly. I've only lost 6 lbs but my HbA1c is down to 7.2% and I was stoked!! I'm hoping the next time I go I can report that's out of the 7's but I know that goal will be much harder to obtain.

    Also, any other people with diabetes finding that the pounds are harder to drop, or struggling with exercise because of hypoglycemia at times?
  • _Schatzi_
    _Schatzi_ Posts: 112 Member
    Yes! I am low all the time. Sometimes two or three times a day. I hate it. But I am starting to realize that my pump was set to a higher dosage than I really needed. Such a struggle. This week has been great food and exercise wise, but then I've had so many lows, it ruins it. I have to carry glucose absolutely everywhere (even to the poolside to go swim laps!)
  • charlotte3176
    charlotte3176 Posts: 115 Member
    Great job!!
  • MrsLeibas
    MrsLeibas Posts: 43 Member
    Yes! I am low all the time. Sometimes two or three times a day. I hate it. But I am starting to realize that my pump was set to a higher dosage than I really needed. Such a struggle. This week has been great food and exercise wise, but then I've had so many lows, it ruins it. I have to carry glucose absolutely everywhere (even to the poolside to go swim laps!)

    I carry Gu packets with me when I walk, because they also have electrolytes in them to help with sore muscles. I took myself off my pump a few years back because I was so non-compliant with it, and saw great improvement when I went back to shots. I hope that you get your pump adjusted so you have less lows, but I'm sure it's constant adjusting since your needs change with weight loss and exercise.

    So I have another question, do you count the glucose or food you eat to correct your low into your daily calorie intake ... I have been, but sometimes that's so frustrating because I look at my food diary and realize that if I hadn't had a low I wouldn't be over my calories for the day.
  • titletown
    titletown Posts: 377 Member
    Congratulations, you can totally reverse Type II and "Pre-Diabetes", with diet and exercise, I did ;)
  • ChefTamiCinNC
    ChefTamiCinNC Posts: 39 Member
    I have not been checking my blood sugar. I think when I go back to the doctor on May 1st I will see what my latest results are and decide then what I need to do. If no better, she said she would put me on pills for the diabetes. All I can say right now is that I feel so much better! For about 7-10 days after starting my "lifestyle modification" I actually felt worse! Scary bad actually! However, I now realize my body was detoxing! It was so accustomed to running on constant sugary sodas, starcy foods and snacks that it had to regroup. I have started the 30 Day Shred this week and although difficult, since I am so out of shape I am so excited about doing it! Hope you are doing well!
  • _Schatzi_
    _Schatzi_ Posts: 112 Member
    No! I definitely don't count anything I eat/drink to correct a low. I still do, however, have that little voice in my head that says 'calories! calories!' But I tell it to shut up. I'm low, and I'm going to have a juice box and not punish myself for it, or deny myself normal food calories because I had to have something when I was low. That's just too unfair! So I don't count or log it at all. I just have my juice box and move on.
  • maggiepz
    maggiepz Posts: 141 Member
    I'm no longer a diabetic thanks to diet changes.

    I'd crossed over from pre-diabetic to diabetic several years ago. I also had metabolic syndrome. About 5-6 years ago I had lost weight and went down to 163 but it didn't change my pre-diabetic status at all. I'd gained a bunch since then and became diabetic. I've lost 29 pounds since Jan 28th and down to 198 but I gave up all processed food, starchy and sugary carbs. I cut all high gylcemic index foods.

    The end of last month when I told my doctor that I took myself off meds because I wasn't diabetic anymore, she went nuts. She said I was "in denial" and "you were 200 before and you were diabetic, what makes you think you're not now. Look at this blood work from November".

    She checked my fasting blood sugar and it was normal, then checked my hgbA1c which is "5.1". She was amazed how quickly I turned things around and contributes it to my dietary changes. I was RIGHT.

    I don't recommend taking yourself off your meds without a doctor's advice like I did but it goes to show that it is possible to turn things around pretty quickly with dietary changes.
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