Go Ape - Has anyone been?

Hi everyone,

I'm going on a hen do at Go Ape this weekend - I'm quite excited as I've never been before!
Now for the sad bit... does anyone know what I would be best off logging it as? I was thinking just general aerobics but only for about half the time we spend there (because I imagine there's quite a bit of standing around, but also quite a bit of more energetic stuff like climbing?).

Any suggestions?



  • Alicai
    Alicai Posts: 55
    Hi. I've been a few times and they're great fun. You're probably best logging it as circuit training, because you'll be doing everything from pulling and pushing, to jumping and stretching. You'll probably work up a sweat as well!!

    It's brilliant. Hope you have a great time! :happy:
  • I went with my sister a couple of years ago and loved it! If it's busy there is a bit of waiting but nothing too bad - it's a good laugh to see other people doing it too, it's like everyone's in it together and has a good time! I bet you'll love it - have fun! :smile:
  • melissa2807
    melissa2807 Posts: 35 Member
    Oh I'm sure I will enjoy it, I'm well looking forward to it! Thanks guys, I'll probably log as circuit training then :)
  • lulumar821
    lulumar821 Posts: 6 Member
    Ours just opened a few weeks ago and I am hoping to go in the next two weeks! Let me know how it is and if you are sore afterwards!! Have fun!