I Need Some Skin Advice..



  • juliee274
    juliee274 Posts: 124 Member
    I am 42 and I never had acne until I hit my 20s. My acne is mostly along my jawline which is usually hormonal acne. If you are not on birth control pills, you can consider trying them. They can regulate your hormones and help with acne issues. HOWEVER, be VERY careful....some BCPs (specifically, Yaz/Yasmin) can SERIOUSLY effect your blood pressure. I know because it happened to me. Do your research if you go this route.

    I would also recommend visiting a dermatologist if you can. They can prescribe an antibiotic (usually Doxycycline or Tetracycline) which is inexpensive (both can be purchased at WalMart for $4 a month) if they feel you need it. While I don't advocate taking antibiotics all the time, you may need them to help get you through this hump. I would recommend a female dermatologist if you can .... I have found them more receptive to cosmetic skin issues when you are woman. A good dermo should also be able to recommend a reasonable cleaning regimen for you.

    Email me if you'd like with questions.
  • kaetmarie
    kaetmarie Posts: 668 Member
    I had a similar problem not too long ago -- clear skin all through high school, college, and then in grad school -- BAM acne! I've found that it gets worse the more products I use ... I was going overkill with creams and cleansers, changing them frequently when they didn't work.

    What I do now ... and it's not always 100%, but it's MUCH MUCH better -- I use a cleanser morning, after working out, and at night (I use Aveeno), moisturize in the morning (again, Aveeno), and then put spot treatment on pimples at night (I use Clean & Clear, its in a silver tube). I use apricot exfoliating scrub once or twice a week followed by a a mud mask. I also drink tons of water!

    This has helped me ... and I probably only get 1-2 pimples every few months. Hope this helps ... skin problems are the worst!
  • There is a product by Marykay called Velocity it works great. Add the acne gel and toner to it you can't go wrong. :wink: I happen to be a rep but you can just go to www.marykay.com and a rep in your area will be happy to give you a free sample and facial. It really works my daughter uses it and she 20. Her breakouts got me in the business.
  • zenchild
    zenchild Posts: 680 Member
    Honey, I'm 32 and I still have acne. I kept thinking "I'm out of my teens, it should stop now." "I'm 25, it will stop now." "I'm 30! Why the hell do I have zits?!"
    Right now my skin is clearer than it's been since I was 12. There are a few things that help. I use castile soap a few times a week. I have very oily skin and I've found that castile is the only thing that gets rid of that film of oil. The only problem is I can't use it every day or it dries out my skin. A friend who is an aesthetician recommends a clay-based cleanser to suck up extra oil. I'm going to pick some up this weekend and try it.
    I have been eating pretty clean for about a month now (no white flour, only natural sugars, minimal processed foods) and I can't help but think it's helping. The recurring zits on my chin and my cheek are gone. These two have been coming and going for YEARS. Even when they weren't bad they were still there and still visible. Now there's nothing except some scarring. And come to think about it the collection of mini-zits is almost gone too.
    The third thing is a prescription. It's called Duac. It's a combination of erythromycin and peroxide. I've tried every prescription cream and gel under the sun with no luck. This stuff has been working beautifully. I apply every other day to avoid over-drying (this stuff is strong). I've been very happy with it. My GP prescribed it so I didn't have to go to a dermatologist.
  • Please note I am not a dermatologist but have had acne my entire life (29 years old now).

    The best thing you can do is visit your dermatologist. They can help you find a skin regime customized to your skin. But here are things that worked for me.

    1. Wash pillow cases frequently
    2. Wash your face morning and night religiously. NEVER EVER sleep in your makeup
    3. Buy yourself a Clarisonic Mia. It will really get the dirt out of your skin (cost around $95 but TOTALLY worth it) and comes in cute colors
    4. Get yourself an acne face wash. My all time favorite I've been using for 7+ years is Neutragena Rapid Clear Oil Control-I swear this product will change your life
    5. Ask your doctor for a perscription topical cream. I use Differin Gel. Have been since I was 15!
    6. Find a face/body lotion WITHOUT oil aka "non comedegenic." Means "does not clog pores." My favorite is Curel Sensitive Skin lotion. Guarenteed not to clog your pores. STOP using lotions that do not state "non comedegenic." These absolutely cause acne.

    I have beautiful skin now and am always told I look 23/24 than 29 (turning 30 in a few months). I wear sunscreen daily (you can find oil free sunscreen at the drug store. Look for Non comedegenic products. Sunscreen is a must!

    You may also need oral medication which only your doc can prescribe. When I was 16 I went on a high dose of Amoxicilin for a year (i know that's for when you are sick, but it can also treat your acne!)

    Hope this helps! Please consult your doctor first!

  • LordBezoar
    LordBezoar Posts: 625 Member
    Use this:

    Combine a quarter of a cup of aloe vera gel with ten to twelve drops of Geranium oil, ten drops of Lavender oil and seven drops Lemon Grass oil or Tea Tree oil (I much prefer the Tea Tree Oil). Blend all the oils and gel together thoroughly and apply to blemish areas twice daily after cleaning the skin.

    A word of caution, though, be very VERY careful about your eyes. Don't use this cream right up next to them and make sure that you wash your hands thoroughly after using. Tea Tree and some other oils can wreak havoc on your sensitive bits... and eyes, too.

    All of this should be available at your local health food store. If you have any questions, feel free to message me.
  • LiquidSugarr
    LiquidSugarr Posts: 50 Member
    There is a product by Marykay called Velocity it works great. Add the acne gel and toner to it you can't go wrong. :wink: I happen to be a rep but you can just go to www.marykay.com and a rep in your area will be happy to give you a free sample and facial. It really works my daughter uses it and she 20. Her breakouts got me in the business.

    Lol I'm an Avon Rep.. I can't buy from the competition!!
  • 1shauna1
    1shauna1 Posts: 993 Member
    The washing the pillow cases is good advice; also watch if you are on the phone alot. Pressing on your face can be dirty also. Drinking water helps and healthy eating as well.

    I wouldn't use an anti-microbial hand/body wash on your face, it's very harsh. Use a gentle cleanser like Cetaphil and you will need moistuizer too. There are many good oil-free ones. As mentioned, Pro-Active can work well (but I found it harsh when I tried it in the past).

    I used to be an esthetician, and I'm often told I look closer to 30 than the 40 I actually am. Start a skin routine now and you'll benefit in the future!
  • nicehormones
    nicehormones Posts: 503 Member
    The only thing that's ever really worked for me is being on the birth control pill. I almost never had any acne issues when on it. Not that I have a severe problem, but I usually have at least one that doesn't go away for like weeks. I've tried every face wash, they don't really make any difference. I miss my pills :(
  • LiquidSugarr
    LiquidSugarr Posts: 50 Member
    The washing the pillow cases is good advice; also watch if you are on the phone alot. Pressing on your face can be dirty also. Drinking water helps and healthy eating as well.

    I wouldn't use an anti-microbial hand/body wash on your face, it's very harsh. Use a gentle cleanser like Cetaphil and you will need moistuizer too. There are many good oil-free ones. As mentioned, Pro-Active can work well (but I found it harsh when I tried it in the past).

    I used to be an esthetician, and I'm often told I look closer to 30 than the 40 I actually am. Start a skin routine now and you'll benefit in the future!

    I've used Cetaphil and Pro-Active, neither of them worked. I'm a Cosmetologist and have tried doing the skin care stuff that I learned, but it hasn't worked.
  • LiquidSugarr
    LiquidSugarr Posts: 50 Member
    The only thing that's ever really worked for me is being on the birth control pill. I almost never had any acne issues when on it. Not that I have a severe problem, but I usually have at least one that doesn't go away for like weeks. I've tried every face wash, they don't really make any difference. I miss my pills :(

    I was on birth control once and it made me really sick, didn't clear up my skin, and made me fat...
  • RunningMama1276
    RunningMama1276 Posts: 15 Member
    I've never had bad acne, just the occasional pimple we all get. But within the passed year my face has been breaking out a lot and getting worse these passed few months. It's really bad, some of the acne looks like I have huge planets on my face. It's embarrassing and hard to hide. I've used pretty much everything that you can find over the counter. I'm at my wits end and don't know what else to do. I'm twenty-two this phase of my life should be behind me. Any advice is greatly appreciated.

    Based on personal experience, I would (in no particular order):
    1. Go to an allergy doc and get tested. When I had my issues creep up, this was my first step. Found out I had the same allergies since I was about 12 (I am now 35), but this was still good info to have.
    2. See a dermatologist. This was my next step. Turns out, "adult acne". Was put on doxycylin for awhile (about 3 months to calm everything down), along with a prescription mosturizer. This has made a world of difference!

    Yes, washing your face before bed can make a difference, but there may be other underlying issues.

    Good luck!
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    Try some cheap, non-coated aspirin pills, ground up with a little water.
    Apply to damp skin with a cotton ball in circles.
    Leave on your face til dry (normally 10 minutes).
    Wash off and use whatever you normally cleanse with.

    I do this once a week, it exfoliates and cleanses... The key ingredient in lots of anti-acne medicine is salicylic acid, and it's the active ingredient in aspirin!
  • xosmsox
    xosmsox Posts: 119
    The only thing that's ever really worked for me is being on the birth control pill. I almost never had any acne issues when on it. Not that I have a severe problem, but I usually have at least one that doesn't go away for like weeks. I've tried every face wash, they don't really make any difference. I miss my pills :(

    I was on birth control once and it made me really sick, didn't clear up my skin, and made me fat...
    There are many kinds of birth control available. The estrogen levels may have been too high which made you sick. Oh and pregnancy makes you fatter than any pill (;
  • LiquidSugarr
    LiquidSugarr Posts: 50 Member
    The only thing that's ever really worked for me is being on the birth control pill. I almost never had any acne issues when on it. Not that I have a severe problem, but I usually have at least one that doesn't go away for like weeks. I've tried every face wash, they don't really make any difference. I miss my pills :(

    I was on birth control once and it made me really sick, didn't clear up my skin, and made me fat...
    There are many kinds of birth control available. The estrogen levels may have been too high which made you sick. Oh and pregnancy makes you fatter than any pill (;

    Lol that it does! But I wouldn't mind it. I feel like I'm getting old lol.
  • ddog6
    ddog6 Posts: 13
    I suggest seeing a dermatologist or esthetician they can help you figure out what kind of acne and a good skin care regimen for you. I had HORRIBLE acne about a year or so ago and started going to an esthetician for facials and now my skin is so so much better! I agree you need to wash daily (morning/night), moisturize, change your pillow case every few days are all things that helped. I have sensitive skin and I exfoliate it's not bad for you, you just have to be gentle! But I use Dermalogica products and am VERY happy with the results! Good luck!! (I have tried all over the counter and have used Proactiv and the acne always came back after a few months, my acne has been very much under control since using Dermalogica and started it over a year ago, and I had the HUGE pimples you are describing as well, now they are tiny and gone within a day)
  • LiquidSugarr
    LiquidSugarr Posts: 50 Member

    1. Wash morning and night
    2. Use an exfoliator and a cleanser. I use some apricot scrub and then some Clearasil
    3. Always moisturize. I find that if I start skipping out on this, my face breaks out more.

    I also recently started taking a biotin pill for hair skin and nails
    I swear since I've been taking it has cleared up my complexion.
    And drinks lots of water!!


    I have some biotin pills, but the taste is sooo horrible that I can't take them lol. So gross!
  • courtxoney
    courtxoney Posts: 59 Member
    i'm 21 and i still go through phases where my skin will just start breaking out like crazy.
    nothing i've bought in the stores would help.

    i eventually got skin id and it works.
    i still get pimples here and there but its nothing like what i used to get.
  • resan224
    resan224 Posts: 30 Member
    BPX- you can find it at any herb shop. This is a blood purifier. Ive had acne problems on my face, chest, shoulders, and back for over 10 years, I started using this and differin gel that the doctor prescribed and my skin has NEVER been so clear!
  • kassied09
    kassied09 Posts: 397
    2 things that have helped me ALOT:

    1. sleeping with a clean towel over my pillows. So simple..but overlooked.
    2. Taking Biotin daily. It has helped so much more than any acne product.