Im New Here... Joined a week ago :)

samipd12 Posts: 12 Member
Hi all, I am Sam, I am new here. I Joined a week ago, as I found my old avenues for weight loss hit me at a plateau and then gaining again... so I wanted to try something new to keep on my journey for weight loss and the new healthier me!!!

My goal:
I want to get down to 165lbs. In Dec 2010 I started in at 367, got down to 302 and now i am back up to 316.... SOOOO back on track I go... I am focused, I am determined, I am goal oriented!!! I have a wedding to be thinner for .... 12/12/12 :)

Total Weight loss:
Dec 2010: 367 first time scale would read my weight.... (not sure how much I lost prior to scale reading my weight)
April 2012: 316 when Joined I was 317 (51 lbs I can actually account for -- where I was able to get numbers from the scale)

Looking for:
Friends who are trying to lose weight too, Friends who are interested in Moral Support from me & giving it to me as well, Friends who would be great to know via MFP and in time maybe even in person. If possible Friends who are also close by locally and could be Gym Buddies?!?!?! Im close to Roseburg, OR


  • mistressmambo
    mistressmambo Posts: 75 Member
    Hey there, I'm Irma. I'm not in OR, I'm in NJ but thought we could become MFP friends :D
    I love MFP! It keeps me on track. I've been on only for a month.
    I have lost a total of 42lbs in about 6 months or so. I'm now at 219.
    I'm not quite sure what I want to weigh though... hoping I'll know when I get there :D
    I'm always looking for more friends... friends who will support and encourage.
    I'll send you a request... hope to know more about eachother and help eachother out!

    BTW, congrats on your upcoming wedding! You can do this!!
  • TinaCleg_cancel
    Hi Sam, welcome. This is a great place for support and knowledge !
  • Deelite2012
    Deelite2012 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi Ladies - I joined about 2 weeks ago but went on vacation last week so really started up again this past Monday. I have not posted a pic yet or done a profile because I originally was just using this on my adroid but now that I saw the message boards I am going to update my profile etc. Sam - do not worry - you are going to look great for the wedding and you started nice and early so you have plenty of time to reach your goal. Mistressmambo I am a Jersey girl too and I am looking for motivation from people. I do not even know how to send a friend request so help!!!
  • ewjl1981
    ewjl1981 Posts: 21
    Hi, My name is you i joined about a week ago! I am looking for friends as well to keep me motivated on my journey to weight loss! i will also help support/motivate you! Feel free to add me :)
  • MaryRegs
    MaryRegs Posts: 272 Member
    Hey everyone-I'm Mary...four weeks in and I've lost 10 pounds. Long way to go, but this site has changed EVERYTHING for me. Friend me!
  • mistressmambo
    mistressmambo Posts: 75 Member
    Hi Ladies - I joined about 2 weeks ago but went on vacation last week so really started up again this past Monday. I have not posted a pic yet or done a profile because I originally was just using this on my adroid but now that I saw the message boards I am going to update my profile etc. Sam - do not worry - you are going to look great for the wedding and you started nice and early so you have plenty of time to reach your goal. Mistressmambo I am a Jersey girl too and I am looking for motivation from people. I do not even know how to send a friend request so help!!!

    Guess you figured it out b/c I got (and received) your friends request lol..
  • TheNewCrystal
    Hi Sam, Im Crystal. Nice to meetcha! Im in Florida but would love to be here for moral support :) Welcome to MFP, everyone here is very nice & encouraging, youll like it here! Good luck on your fitness plan :)

    Hi all, I am Sam, I am new here. I Joined a week ago, as I found my old avenues for weight loss hit me at a plateau and then gaining again... so I wanted to try something new to keep on my journey for weight loss and the new healthier me!!!

    My goal:
    I want to get down to 165lbs. In Dec 2010 I started in at 367, got down to 302 and now i am back up to 316.... SOOOO back on track I go... I am focused, I am determined, I am goal oriented!!! I have a wedding to be thinner for .... 12/12/12 :)

    Total Weight loss:
    Dec 2010: 367 first time scale would read my weight.... (not sure how much I lost prior to scale reading my weight)
    April 2012: 316 when Joined I was 317 (51 lbs I can actually account for -- where I was able to get numbers from the scale)

    Looking for:
    Friends who are trying to lose weight too, Friends who are interested in Moral Support from me & giving it to me as well, Friends who would be great to know via MFP and in time maybe even in person. If possible Friends who are also close by locally and could be Gym Buddies?!?!?! Im close to Roseburg, OR
  • MissMiley
    MissMiley Posts: 49
    Hi all !

    I just started this week & have 80 lbs to loose! In January I decided this was the year I would loose this weight & I would make a plan. Would it be low fat....WW.....Jenny Craig.....low carb....let me get a plan together & I'll start. Trouble it is April...and I was still trying to come up with a plan!!! So I decided to just get started!! Since tracking my food on MFP I'm WAY more aware of what I'm eating!!

    With all that said...I'd love some MFP friends to motivate, encourage & support each other! Please add me if you're looking for the same!!

    Houston Tx