CLUELESS... am I eating right or not?



  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Wow, you are not eating nearly enough, you need more fibre, protein, fat, etc. Try sticking to the caloric intake that MFP suggests, and when you exercise eat those cals back. MFP is set up so you will lose your weekly goal amount of weight by eating 100% of your caloires.
  • Michele7091
    Michele7091 Posts: 256 Member
    Ditto on the other DEF need to eat more. There are a lot of days where you don't even reach 1200 and thats not good. Up your calories for a couple of weeks and see how it goes. Good luck! :happy:
  • kirstyg1980
    kirstyg1980 Posts: 302
    OK... for those that have been at this awhile... I need your help. I am almost 40 and have been COMPLETELY in love with food my entire joke is I tell everyone that I simply have more taste buds than the average person. For 5 weeks, I have broken up with that love affair and have carefully documented everything I ate...problem is.. I dont know if I am eating right or not. I have drastically cut my portions, cut out all sodas ( miss you Dr Pepper), cut out all processed bread, and drink tons of water. When you have a moment...please check out my food diary and give advise. Thanks!

    if you've lost 13lbs in 5 weeks your doing incredible
  • kirstyg1980
    kirstyg1980 Posts: 302
    Wow, you are not eating nearly enough, you need more fibre, protein, fat, etc. Try sticking to the caloric intake that MFP suggests, and when you exercise eat those cals back. MFP is set up so you will lose your weekly goal amount of weight by eating 100% of your caloires.

    just after looking at your diary and I agree with above
  • ChristineS_51
    ChristineS_51 Posts: 872 Member
    Eat more - I know people think if you are on a "diet" you have to eat as little as possible - I did that once, and it took me 18 months to lose 10 kgs. It all came back, with interest. Since New Years I have been using MFP and learning lots as I went, and I am so proud to say I have lost over 13 kgs (30 lbs) in 100 days. Have a look at my diary and see what I eat - I eat LOADS and still sometimes don't get to a minimum of 1200 calories.

    Things I found help:
    * Water - try and drink your 8 cups of water - be it in tea / coffee / water - don't drink soda / juices / sugary drinks.
    * Plan your day - fill in what you think you will eat, and then you can see if you need to eat more / less, change things around, make different choices.
    * Read labels on everything, including the nutrition on the MFP database - it can be wrong.
    * Natural almonds - great for snacks
    * Eat "clean" as possible - fresh / unprocessed or minimal processing
    * This is for the rest of your life, it is not going to happen overnight

    Log in every day to MFP, you will be motivated, focused, and learn so much, :smile:
  • kathyd0829
    I totally agree with the others on the matter of not taking in enough calories. I really think that most of us believe that if we just cut down to the bare bones we will lose weight, but that is not true. You need to be eating all of your calories and if you are adding exercise into the mix, you need to eat those back too! You sound as if you are truly dedicated to making this work and you will, but don't try to think of this as just a weight loss plan, this is a life change and there will be days that you go way over your suggested calorie intake ( as most of us can attest to). Just be patient with your mind and body and the changes will come slowly but surely. Keep up the good work and remember to keep fuel in the tank.
  • GdeVries
    GdeVries Posts: 235 Member
    Wow, you are not eating nearly enough, you need more fibre, protein, fat, etc. Try sticking to the caloric intake that MFP suggests, and when you exercise eat those cals back. MFP is set up so you will lose your weekly goal amount of weight by eating 100% of your caloires.

    just after looking at your diary and I agree with above

    I'd have to agree as well. Your food choices are fine. But too little IMHO. I'd be starving all the time.

    Seems like everyone gave lots of great tips. Take it to heart, and good luck!
  • catio23
    catio23 Posts: 38 Member
    In addition to just tracking calories, look at what you're eating and try to get the minimum -
    2-3 dairy servings
    5-7 fruits or veggie
    2 protein
    1-2 whole grains

    Add some snacks in there, as long as they are healthy snacks that allow you to "check off" one of the items above.