I Need Some Skin Advice..



  • Heaven71
    Heaven71 Posts: 706 Member
    I've never had bad acne, just the occasional pimple we all get. But within the passed year my face has been breaking out a lot and getting worse these passed few months. It's really bad, some of the acne looks like I have huge planets on my face. It's embarrassing and hard to hide. I've used pretty much everything that you can find over the counter. I'm at my wits end and don't know what else to do. I'm twenty-two this phase of my life should be behind me. Any advice is greatly appreciated.

    Drink lots of water
    keep your hair out of your face, even if you have to put it up and cover it at night. My daughter sleeps with a do-rag on her head at night and it seems to help a lot.

    I break out from eating potato chips or anything snacky like that, maybe look for food triggers.
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    I've been struggling with the exact same issue, and I'm 33!

    I have given up using any special cleansers. I just get a hot washcloth and scrub twice a day. Then moisturize lightly. Make sure to use stuff that's for sensitive skin. (I can't always use it.) And sometimes, if I have a really bad spot, I use some persa-gel (clean & clear) before moisturizing. Only way I can have my poor skin clear!
  • maryduggins
    maryduggins Posts: 219 Member
    Moisturize... that's a biggie for me

    I use Neutrogena Advanced Solutions Skin Polishing Acne Cleanser two times a day, every day. It *is* kind of expensive (like $26) it comes in a 'kit' with three different bottles, and that lasts for about 2 months. I swear I've tried so many different things and this is the only one that works for me.
  • k011185
    k011185 Posts: 320 Member
    I would look into the idea that it might be a reaction to something, especially with mold. I'm allergic to mold, it beings out some crazy reactions in me.

    I have the most sensitive skin, tried everything from the cheapo drugstore brands, to proactive to prescription creams.
    About 6 years ago I started using oil to cleanse my face, apple cider vinegar to tone, sugar as an exfoliant and vitamin e cream to moisturize.
    Unless I'm exposed to an allergen I have not had a single break out since.

    I know the oil sounds weird, but it's basic chemistry, like dissolves like.
    I use equal castor to olive oil, but if you google 'The Oil-Cleansing Method', there are all kinds of ideas.
  • asanchez1129
    asanchez1129 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey there, I am a esthetician. And while I may be bias, washing your face TWICE a day is a MUST. Before bed, and when you wake up. Your pillow has bacteria on it too and if your sweating in your sleep, that can also cause break outs. So try maybe washing your pillow case more often. Another thing is MOISTURIZER, try an oil-free one- If your skin is oily it can still be dry and if your dry a lot of times your skin will produce more oil to compensate for the dryness. Kinda sucks I know. Don't exfoliate everyday 2-3 times a week is plenty because over doing it will irritate your skin. I know this seems a lot and kinda crazy but it's true, especially if your skin is more sensitized. Did you change any products your using? Shampoo? face wash? moisturizer??? Allergic reaction?? All possibilities. Another thing is, age has nothing to do with acne. I have been seeing more and more women who are my mothers age and going through the "change" that have been experiencing acne who have NEVER had acne before. :huh: A product that I used, that I have used since high school (so like 10 years) is Murad's on the spot acne treatment. its the size of lipgloss, it dries on CLEAR (which i love bc some dry on and look like your skin is flaking off) it's about $15 bucks, but lasts a while and its so THIN that it is you don't need a lot. I LOVE this stuff and it flies off the shelf at work all the time. You can put it on a few times a day (as needed) but each day (i usually use it morning and night when i break out) and the next day my pimple is smaller, and smaller until its gone. usually two-three days. Also, if you just changed your diet, the skin is the #1 place that the impurities will come out from so that could be a factor too. Hope this helps. :) Good luck with everything.
  • AmoreCouture
    AmoreCouture Posts: 255 Member
    I started getting adult acne really bad about a year and a half ago, and 2.5% Benzoyl Peroxide is the key ingredient to rid of it, but please be aware. I used Proactiv and it's generic brand from Walmart called Equate with the same ingredients for a very long time, and I discovered they have two ingredients that when together, that can actually cause acne, so I guess that's why it only worked partially for me. I still had a big problem with acne even using them. It did work some, but I started noticing I would put it on then end up with cystic bumps after. The ingredients that cause acne are cetereth-20 and ceteryl alcohol. Together, their level of comedogenicity (acne causing) on a scale from 1-5 is a 4. 1 being least severe and 5 being most severe, so if you find you are still getting acne and using a product with those two ingredients, that might be why. You would think products that are meant to combat acne wouldn't contain ingredients that actually cause it. I found the Acne.org website and it is amazing. The man who owns the site formulated everything because he struggled with acne himself. His products don't have any sneaky ingredients in them, so I would recommend his system.

    Other things you can do is make sure you cleanse your face of oil twice a day. Oily skin is very prone to acne.
    Change your pillow cases regularly due to the oil your face and hair gets on them.
    Don't touch your face unless your washing it, and wash hands before touching your face. Again, oil is on your finger tips.
    Moisturize no matter what, even if you have oily skin. (Use Cetaphyl if you're looking for a drugstore lotion)
    Watch the ingredients in your makeup like Isopropyl Myristate. I find it in a lot of CoverGirl makeup, and it will break you out.
    Here's a site I look at often for ingredients.


    I'm not affiliated with any of the websites I mentioned, and sorry for my long reply. lol.

    ETA: I use Purpose Gentle Cleansing Bar because other cleansers are too harsh on my skin and irritate it.
  • MyFeistyEvolution
    MyFeistyEvolution Posts: 1,014 Member
    Ok first things first....squash the idea that it's only a teenager thing. Adult acne happens and a lot of it is genetic.

    ~Wash your face, morning and night. Try to use the most gentle cleanser (I use Purpose wash and moisturizer, found right at Walmart).
    ~Wash your pillowcases weekly.
    ~Try to not touch your face a lot through out the day.
    ~I personally only get results from using Benzoyl Peroxide vs Salicylic Acid...if you haven't tried it, try it. But be aware it may dry skin so don't use it every day.
    ~As someone else mentioned, a change in diet can also cause breakouts, as well as exercise. Just follow a good regimen and it should clear up.
    ~Are you stressed? Try and find ways to relax.
    ~Are you eating crap? Eat more nutritious foods with vitamins and minerals and drink plenty of water.

    If all else fails (which will lead you to where I went), see a dermatologist. There are different creams they can prescribe or like my situation, pills that you can take that are very safe and effective. And be patient. :flowerforyou:
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    I want to know too. I used to have such good skin and now it's all patchy, lacklustre and I'm getting spots :cry: