Need some help from the Veggie people



  • isa75
    isa75 Posts: 156 Member
    I don't have the exact recipe, so below is approximate ratios and temperature. I found that ratios and ingredients vary depending on what I have in the house. There are so many version of it online, do a quick search if you prefer exact recipes and don't like to estimate.

    I have served this to many a meat eaters without any left overs.

    Lentil nut loaf

    0.5 - 1 cup chopped nuts (cashews, almost, walnuts)
    ~ 1 cup shredded/grated cheese (such as parmesean and sharp cheddar)
    1-2 cans lentils or garbanzos or one of each
    1-2 eggs to bind it
    0.5 cup flour
    shredded veggies: carrots, zucchini, spinach...

    mix it all together. put it in a non-stick bread pan and back at ~400F for 45min.

    Serve in slices like a meatloaf.
  • smor27
    smor27 Posts: 87
    Try this on... I know you don't want meat... but a meat alternative are always good. Boca Burgers- it is a Vegan burger. I didnt' think that I would like them but they are ever so yummy. Eating out Option at Red Robin. I got the Bonazi Burger but only got the Boca burger in place of the burger itself. It cut my calories down from 1050 to 457.
    They also have bacon for those that loved bacon.
    This is just to name a few items.
    Wish you success.
  • dreanance
    dreanance Posts: 246
    Appetite for Reduction is an AWESOME low cal, low fat vegan cookbook.
  • hypersensitiveb
    hypersensitiveb Posts: 342 Member
    Going veg is easy .

    Breakfast: oat meal, eggs, pancakes, wraps biscuits ect with egg and cheese add any veggies you like, cereal,french toast toped with fruit if you like even cream cheese in between them, waffles.

    Lunch : salads , grilled cheese sandwich, bean and cheese burritos, rice and black beans , pasta.

    Dinner: stir fries , tacos with morning star veggi burger crumbles, Indian curry over rice, raviolis , veggi lasagna stoffers makes a great one, pizza, mac n cheese, pierogies, halluski.

    For a week these things would work easily to get the family use to a non meat diet but doing it long term you will want to expand the fruit and veggies more and not use as much pasta and processed food.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    Hello, I'm veggie :D I'll come back to this thread in a bit!
  • dancin2011
    dancin2011 Posts: 92 Member
    Wow, I'm a vegetarian and am going to try a lot of these ideas!
  • aliciaann16
    aliciaann16 Posts: 11 Member
    the internet is your best friend when you first go veg

    these are the best: -- this is a user based recipe index (similar to mfp) and it has from very basic to more intense recipes. great beginner resource!
  • rachmass1
    rachmass1 Posts: 470 Member
    Eat some fish but otherwise a veg for 20 years.

    Kale is great but par boil it first (otherwise tends towards bitter). Stir fry olive oil, onions garlic, peppers, mushrooms, etc and serve over brown rice, quinoa or bulgar with a splash of Braggs.

    Make lots of veggie soups starting with a pat of butter and an onion as base.

    Watch out for carb overloading which is really easy to do as a vegetarian. Use the Internet for recipes based on what veggies you have and when possible buy organic and local for the best veggies. Good luck, you will enjoy it when you get used to it