my 5'3 ladies

im curious to know what your calorie intake is set at, right now i have mine at 1350, and im loosing about a lb a week, i have 45 lbs to lose all together though.


  • mine is at 1200 and i'm losing normally 2lbs a week depending on how healthy i eat that week. (; i've only been watching what i eat for 3 weeks but i've already lost 6lbs, so i'm happy with that. tons more to go, but i love this progress!
  • Axels91
    Axels91 Posts: 213
    Mine goes from 900-1200 and I just started 6 days ago so haven't lost any thing yet. I plan to lose 15-20
  • rintin88
    rintin88 Posts: 30 Member
    I kept mine between 1350-1400 and was also able to lose 1-2lb a week (the 2lb depended on how much I exercised as well). I also looked at my calories in terms of a weekly goal rather than daily so sometimes I would eat 1000 calories on a day that I wasn't very hungry and then 1700 the next. Mentally I felt like I was splurging a bit on the days I ate more but in reality I was still in my calorie goal. I was able to lose 30lb this way over six months and never plateaued. good luck with your weight loss journey!
  • l3long
    l3long Posts: 153 Member
    Mine is set at 1200 and I usually burn 400-600 in exercise. I was eating all my exercise calories back but doing that I was gaining weight so I have started not eating them all back and I am losing. I probably net about 1000 now.

    Please ... those of you who believe in eating more to lose ... don't flame me. I tried it and it does not work for me.

    I am currently 130 aiming for 120 lbs

    I also eat mostly whole foods and aim for 30-40 g of fibre daily due to health concerns
  • danifo0811
    danifo0811 Posts: 544 Member
    mine is set at 1800 (I'm nursing ) and I eat an additional 3-400 on my exercise days. This is also what I maintain at when I stop nursing. I lose an average of 1lbs/week.
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
    mine is set to 1310 and will go to 1350 daily. I have never lost more then .5 lb a week. i too tries upping my cals and never worked, when ilost my lbs i was at 1200 cals a day but that only last ed for 2.5 month and then hit a 2.5 month plateau... so now i changed my setting from 1 lb loss to .5 and it gave me more pretty much my bmr, so i know i am eating that atleast now. my goal was to loose min 10 but closer to 15. i have been stuck at 8-9 lbs and can't get past that. i do Ripped in 30 right now and did 30ds twice. i will work out anywhere from 30-60 min daily and will burn from 200-300 it seems is the average. I always eat back my calories so i hit at NET of 1200 cals min.... i started at 142, i am currently 130.8-131.6 goal of 125....
  • myf1101
    myf1101 Posts: 99
    Mine was set at 1200 and I rarely went over this. I exercise between 300 and 500 cals each day and don't eat this back. First few weeks weight loss was good but last 3 weeks less than a pound a week. So I have upped my intake today to 1390 (as suggested by MFP) and I am waiting to see what the results are. Not expecting great things in week one but once stabilised hope to kick start better weight loss again. I have been on for 6 weeks and lost 9lb overall by the way.
  • hollye31
    hollye31 Posts: 23 Member
    My Maximum was 1500, but I averaged at about 1300 and have lost 3lbs each week for the past 3 weeks, without working out every second of everyday!:)
  • SlimBananas
    SlimBananas Posts: 124 Member
    Thanks ladies for all the replies, when I first started months ago it was set at 1200 but I wasn't losing anything and I got so frustrated that I gave up then I've recently restarted lol and I set it to 1350 and I've been losing about 0.5-1 lbs a week. I have a huge sweet tooth and that's my main problem I'm trying to handle right now. Feel free to add me (anyone).
  • i have mine up to 1410, i'm trying to maintain, but i think i'm still losing? im also exercising 4-5x a week, and i eat back a portion of the cals i burn. im slowly trying to up the cals.
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
    how tall are you?
  • redmapleleaf
    redmapleleaf Posts: 56 Member
    I have mine set to 1941 and only eat back my exercise calories when I need to net my BMR which for me is 1297. I've lost 34 lbs so far.
  • Anna0721
    Anna0721 Posts: 2
    I try not to eat the calories. My darly kcal are 1200 and muy BMR 1445. If anyone want to add me please do it. I'm new and starting to understand MFP.
  • KathyChampi
    KathyChampi Posts: 66 Member
    Are you exercising also. If your following that calorie intake and exercising at the same time you probably will lose more weight.
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    I'm 4ft 11.5 - currently 169lbs

    I net 1600 cals, and lose 1-2lb per week.
  • amalthea23
    amalthea23 Posts: 44 Member
    Mine's set at 1200 a day, but I think it really depends more on the weight than the height.
  • KathyChampi
    KathyChampi Posts: 66 Member
    I am 5'3 and mine is set for 1200.00. The more exercise you do the more calorie intake your allotted. I try not to even go over that. I also think it will be based on height and weight. :smile:
  • ems1583
    ems1583 Posts: 150 Member
    Hi! Mine is 1200 this week but I only lost 1.6 lbs, last week I had it set for 1380 and I lost 4 lbs that week. And 1200 is really hard for me, really. I wonder how it is with you guys? I'm 147 lbs now and my goal is 130 lbs. I want to lose weight fast but they're saying not to go under 1200. I think that what happened to me.
  • arcercek
    arcercek Posts: 1
    I set mine at 1200 as well. I just tend to go over on days when I workout so I dont get too little. I actually have been on the body by vi diet with this and lost 10 lbs in the last 3 weeks.
  • raebear79
    raebear79 Posts: 17
    mine is set at 1200 and I had lost 4 lbs but now I seem to be stalled.