1 month in, some success, now what? (Recalculation question)

March 15th - April 12th (28 days) SW: 250.6, GW: 220.6

At MFP's suggestion I ate 1760 max each day with three weeks of OK exercise, 1 week not so good. I Lost 19.1 pounds.

Today I recalculated a few things - SW(new): 231.5, GW(still): 220.6

1. MFP now says 1640 via its 're-calculation option'.

2. Fat 2 Fit says BMR = 2104; MFP says BMR = 1957

Average = 2031

3. TDDE = Average BMR x 1.375 = 2792

Questions. In order to lose 2 pounds per week;

1. What the heck should I be eating? I'm confused!

2. I assume I should be eating TDDE minus some %.

3. It appears at 1640, MFP has me eating -40% of TDDE! Isn't that really low?

I suppose, if I do the following, it makes more sense;

Assume 1 pound of fat = 3500 cal, then to lose 2 pounds in a week I have to cut 7000 calories in the week, i.e., 1000 per day.

2792 - (7000/7) = 1792

This is closer to 1640, but still....


  • ding30180
    ding30180 Posts: 53 Member
    Any ideas, here?
  • ding30180
    ding30180 Posts: 53 Member
    Last try - how many should I eat?
  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    You could start with the average between the two for BMR. If you're dreaming about pizza at night you're probably not eating enough. Or you could try 20% below your TDEE. That's probably going to be about a lb a week, if you're losing more or less than expected then you can always readjust. You have to give it a good 2 weeks to sink in at least. Any time you change your diet, strange and mysterious things tend to happen, like purging water and such.
  • ding30180
    ding30180 Posts: 53 Member
    Thanks man. I'm dreaming about beer every night, but I think the advice about trying and adjusting is good! I think if I can come in 20-40% below my calculated TDDE each day for a couple of weeks, I hope I can still lose between 2 and 4 pounds. We'll see.