People Don’t Get It?



  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 994 Member
    Just say... oh.. thanks for your advice - and then go on doing what you are doing..
  • melhayes1115
    melhayes1115 Posts: 187 Member
    Obviously it's working for you so I wouldn't let them get under your skin. They are probably jealous because you are losing the weight you want.

    The amount of calories you are consuming really isn't a lot considering your workouts and all the walking you do . They obviously don't understand the whole weight loss concept.

    Keep up the great work!
  • connie_messina
    connie_messina Posts: 495 Member
    people r just ignorant u need to do some serious heavy weights to get bulky and muscle burns fat!! first of all weightlifting is amazing to keep u firm and not end up sagging! anyway just ignore them and thats it tell them oh ya well im following a nutritionist and they will feel stupid..
  • KristenStone
    KristenStone Posts: 106 Member
    Amen! So over it! I get it all day every day. I ate a breakfast taco today and fit it in my calories and my boss told me "No, you are on a diet, you can't do that!" I told him it was a life style change and I fit it in and he says, I don't care you need to eat blah blah blah-well I zoned out after that. No sense in telling these people who don't care or just want to throw in their two cents. We know whats up. Great job and great progress!!! :)
  • Derpina7
    Derpina7 Posts: 552 Member
    A lot of people are just ignorant or un-informed. I for one would try to only eat once a day, then wondered why i never lost weight (and if any, held onto and gained more by doing that). It's not a diet, it's a lifestyle change :). I don't necessarily plan to give up everything I like eating, but I'm learning portion control followed by a regular exercise routine is key. What you're doing is working for you, don't let un-educated comments deter you! :)
  • thepanttherlady
    thepanttherlady Posts: 258 Member
    Any time someone uses the term "diet" around me, I remind them I'm not on a diet. I'm simply counting calories and yes, I do try to eat healthier but if I want something "unhealthy" then I can have it. I'm not depriving myself of anything I want/crave because I want this to last a lifetime, not a quick "fad" or fix.

    I usually look at my calories on a weekly vs. daily basis anyway. There are days I'm under and days I'm over. As long as I maintain a healthy deficit, I'll lose.
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    I guess my kick a** results will have to do the talking for me…

    Yup. The only response should be "I've lost ten pounds doing it, and I'm sticking with it. Thanks for caring."
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    Neither of us want to wake up with a steak knife in the chest.

    Oh, but what a weight loss plan that would be! OK, decomposition isn't my number one plan, but...
  • thepanttherlady
    thepanttherlady Posts: 258 Member

    ^^^This - What I do - everyone around you wants to tell you how to do it but until they are fit and healthy - leave me alone!!! Don't tell me I can't go to the gym and lift weights if I want. Strength training does not make you bulky, it makes you lose weight more effectively. Burn the fat off. Or you get the opposite side of the coin of the people who are just changing their diets but not working out...not going to work people - you have to exercise and build some muscle!

    My 48 lb loss is strictly change in diet. I've gotten on the treadmill a handful of times but nothing significant or consistent. As long as there is a caloric deficit, there will be weight loss. Would weight/strength training benefit me? Yes. I'll start it when I'm good and ready. Until then, I'm still losing. :)
  • sebbysmommy
    sebbysmommy Posts: 63 Member
    For some reason, my husband decided yesterday to ask me "Should you really be eating that?" He then decided he would look silly with a fork in his eye and opted for "You're looking hawt!"

    He's a smart man and a quick learner.
    My hubby just asked me "are you going to eat ALL that?" My response was that I had worked out for 2 hours today and have a 1,000 calorie deficit for today(and it is 10pm) so yes I am going to eat these brownies and you need to back off!
  • mainey65
    mainey65 Posts: 343 Member
    When people hear you are trying to lose wight, everyone has an opinion. Listen and take what is useful to you and let the rest GO! Do what works best for YOU! Some people really do know what they are talking about and are really trying to help you while others just like to hear themselves talk and don't have a clue. You will get to know what works best for YOU! I wish you all the best on YOUR weight loss journey!
  • amuchison
    amuchison Posts: 274 Member
    I agree except I get it on the opposite end I am chosing to do Medifast and catch a lot of flack for it..u should just watch what u est and exercise,u r gonna gain all that weight back once u get off,u r getting too skinny,u r losing it too fast...but I'm 89lbs down in 33 weeks and I am healthier than I have ever been! Im 179.4 and my goal weight is 150 I'm 5'7.5 around 165 is the heaviest I can be at my height...LOL I am also changing my habits and learning mire about the ins and outs of u say if its working for u great and u should continue to be proud if yourself will I be on Medifast forever no!! As soon as I hit 150#s I will Transition off and add back regular healthy foods...its like learning how to crawl....the program takes u down to just what your body needs and then builds u up body,mind,n spirit and as I always say don't knock it full u try it and don't knick others down for trying either!!;) I have gone from a size 18 jeans to a 10 and from a XXL top to a LG size 10 shoe to a 9...and my girls have gone down too..46DDD to a waist was well close to 50 and now is a 32 the same as my husbands!! And u get checkups frequently since I started Medifast and I am as healthy as ever!!;) Keep going bump what people say my results speak for themselves;)
  • anitasongs
    anitasongs Posts: 129 Member
  • swthrtsmrf
    swthrtsmrf Posts: 384
    If you know you are doing right by you and are comfortable/confident with your choices...Then to heck with the nay sayers. In the end when you are done and look amazing then they will be "eating" their words.
    Sadly we all have encountered the nay sayers who will either not support us, support us but are our demisers at the same time (oxymoron I know) and then those who are just plain rude. Ignore them and go for the gold.

    Keep up the good work!
  • chrishgt4
    chrishgt4 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Most people are unhealthy, therefore don't know what they are talking about.

    And, when you try to tell them, it goes against received wisdom and they don't want to hear it.

    Like you say - when you have the kick *kitten* results that it sounds as if you are heading towards maybe they will change their opinions...probably not though, most people don't really want to improve, they just like *****ing.