Really need some friends to motivate me

I haven't been to the gym all week :(.. I am just not that motivated to go if I don't have anyone to go with. I just need someone to tell me get up and let's go YOU can do this. I NEED to lose 75lbs and I want to lose it by the end of the YEAR. The way i'm going it's NOT going to happen. That should motivate me to get up and get going but it doesn't for some reason. Please help me get motivated!!!!


  • PinkCoconut
    PinkCoconut Posts: 655 Member
    In my experience, don't think about whether or not you're motivated to go because motivation comes and goes. Instead, trying thinking about being consistent. Consistency is what's going to make your workouts stick, there are plenty of days where I'm not motivated to work out but I do it because I made a commitment to work out a certain amount of days per week and I try to reach these goals. The more consistent you are, the easier it gets to head to the gym.

    No. GET TO THE GYM!!!!!!
  • mrsfurby14
    mrsfurby14 Posts: 181 Member
    Thanks for your response!
  • bradphil87
    bradphil87 Posts: 617 Member
    I already worked out this morning, but I'll go again tonight if you go :)!
  • srussell1108
    srussell1108 Posts: 20 Member
    I would be glad to be a motivational friend , I have trouble making myself go to the gym as well, but I understand its easier to have friends commenting on your up and downs. :smile:
  • smilingalltheway
    smilingalltheway Posts: 216 Member
    I find if I stick to my workout plan and I go everyday it is easier, if I take a break and don't go it is harder to get back into.

    When I wake up and really don't want to go I take it in tiny steps

    one: get out of bed and into workout clothes (if I want to I can get back in bed)
    two:get in the car and drive to the parking lot (I can always turn around and go home)
    three: walk into the gym (I can always leave)
    four: do the first 5 - 10 minutes of my workout (I can always hit the shower and go home)

    but by than I feel relieved that I'm there and feel good about having made in to workout, sometimes you just have to talk yourself into it.
  • mrsfurby14
    mrsfurby14 Posts: 181 Member
    I already worked out this morning, but I'll go again tonight if you go :)!

    :( I didn't go today. Man I wish I saw that post.
  • mrsfurby14
    mrsfurby14 Posts: 181 Member
    I would be glad to be a motivational friend , I have trouble making myself go to the gym as well, but I understand its easier to have friends commenting on your up and downs. :smile:

    YAY.. I got a workout buddy on here! Thanks I need someone to motivate me to get going :). Thanks again. You can add me as a friend as well and we can keep in touch :).
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    I read your post, and I'm now going to get out of my chair and do ten sit-ups in your honor.


    Done. YOUR TURN.
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    I haven't been to the gym all week :(.. I am just not that motivated to go if I don't have anyone to go with. I just need someone to tell me get up and let's go YOU can do this. I NEED to lose 75lbs and I want to lose it by the end of the YEAR. The way i'm going it's NOT going to happen. That should motivate me to get up and get going but it doesn't for some reason. Please help me get motivated!!!!

    Now, on a more serious note (not that my doing ten situps for you wasn't serious, I really did - honestly!), the only true motiviation is consistency. I get out of my exercise habit all too often (a nasty pattern that coming to this site has really helped me break, at least for now).

    But "losing 75 lbs by the end of the year" is a long deadline and works out to a pretty aggressive long-term goal at 2 pounds a week. I find that realy long-term projects don't get done unless they are broken out into smaller, shorter-term steps that are easily achievable.

    Try these:

    - "This week, I will do a minimum of 10 sit-ups per day in the comfort of my home. Next week, I will add an additional 10 sit-ups per day."
    - "One month from today, I will weigh 8 pounds less than I do today."
    - "Tomorrow, I will meet my calorie goal."
    - "Tomorrow, I will do one 30-minute sweaty workout in the manner of my choosing (running, treadmill, jumping jacks, whatever it takes and your're comfy with). I will go until I start sweating, and keep going for 30 minutes after that, keeping it to the point where I can easily breathe but I'm sweating like a sonovagun, followed by a good cool-down and a relaxing shower."
  • mrsfurby14
    mrsfurby14 Posts: 181 Member
    I haven't been to the gym all week :(.. I am just not that motivated to go if I don't have anyone to go with. I just need someone to tell me get up and let's go YOU can do this. I NEED to lose 75lbs and I want to lose it by the end of the YEAR. The way i'm going it's NOT going to happen. That should motivate me to get up and get going but it doesn't for some reason. Please help me get motivated!!!!

    Now, on a more serious note (not that my doing ten situps for you wasn't serious, I really did - honestly!), the only true motiviation is consistency. I get out of my exercise habit all too often (a nasty pattern that coming to this site has really helped me break, at least for now).

    But "losing 75 lbs by the end of the year" is a long deadline and works out to a pretty aggressive long-term goal at 2 pounds a week. I find that realy long-term projects don't get done unless they are broken out into smaller, shorter-term steps that are easily achievable.

    Try these:

    - "This week, I will do a minimum of 10 sit-ups per day in the comfort of my home. Next week, I will add an additional 10 sit-ups per day."
    - "One month from today, I will weigh 8 pounds less than I do today."
    - "Tomorrow, I will meet my calorie goal."
    - "Tomorrow, I will do one 30-minute sweaty workout in the manner of my choosing (running, treadmill, jumping jacks, whatever it takes and your're comfy with). I will go until I start sweating, and keep going for 30 minutes after that, keeping it to the point where I can easily breathe but I'm sweating like a sonovagun, followed by a good cool-down and a relaxing shower."

    Good Idea! Thanks for posting!
  • ScarlettVamp
    ScarlettVamp Posts: 828 Member
    The more you're motivated to stick with your plan (eating right/exercising), the more results you'll see. The more results you see, the more motivated you'll be to stick with your plan. Double edged sword, I know. lol

    I don't exercise daily but I do try to fit it in when I can. I don't belong to a gym but have found that I can still get a good burn by doing things at home. What motivates me? Wanting to see results! I'm not a big fan of exercise, (and I'm struggling more now because I have Mono and am dealing with fatigue a lot) but I always feel great afterwards because I love the sense of accomplishment.

    With that said, I'm always on board to share motivation with others who are trying to get healthy. Feel free to add me if you'd like.
  • triggs456
    triggs456 Posts: 14
    you could try an at-home exercise program
  • LizKurz
    LizKurz Posts: 340 Member
    I haven't been to the gym all week :(.. I am just not that motivated to go if I don't have anyone to go with. I just need someone to tell me get up and let's go YOU can do this. I NEED to lose 75lbs and I want to lose it by the end of the YEAR. The way i'm going it's NOT going to happen. That should motivate me to get up and get going but it doesn't for some reason. Please help me get motivated!!!!

    I completely agree, having consistency is key. Our gym only has the free daycare open for 2 hours n the morning, so I have to go then, and I have the rest of my schedule worked around that.

    Also, feel free to add me, and if you want? If you have a cell phone, feel free to send me your texting number and I'll text you once every morning to get up and GO TO THE GYM!
  • childofArtemis24
    Girl ditch the workout and find a Zumba Class! if you get started in a class you will be come ADDICTED TO IT! Then you will be working out and having a great We burn a 1000 calories or more a class.
  • schaferjrs
    schaferjrs Posts: 3 Member
    Hello erinu4 ~

    I started working out in February after many, many years of doing very little. I was once told you have to repeat an activity 21 times for it to become habit, so I set a goal to get exercise in at least 5 times a week for 4 weeks (which I have since accomplished). Now, I look forward to getting a workout in...and as others pointed out, it doesn't always have to be at the gym. It can be a bike ride, a walk, a run, basketball at the park, or a workout at home. I also made it a personal challenge to improve on something each time I exercise. Run 5 minutes longer, go a mile in a shorter amount of time, do one more repetition, lift a heavier get the idea.

    The process is all about BABY STEPS. Getting in better shape and losing weight (that will stay off) is about making small improvements and creating new life habits. Incorporate things that you like to do. When you don't feel like exercising, it is easy to find execuses. In the end, self motivation is the most powerful force...if I don't go to the gym today, I am losing a day toward reaching my goal, but if I do go, I am a day closer to reaching my goal! NOW just imagine the feeling of reaching your goal! Look forward to getting there and visualize what you will look like when you get there. Now take a baby step and go the gym and exercise! And when you are done, let the rest of us know...we'll cheer you on to the next baby step :happy:
  • mrsfurby14
    mrsfurby14 Posts: 181 Member
    Girl ditch the workout and find a Zumba Class! if you get started in a class you will be come ADDICTED TO IT! Then you will be working out and having a great We burn a 1000 calories or more a class.

    I would love to do Zumba they do classes at the gym I go to. But when I do Zumba my feet hate me yeah that's an excuse but they do. I can't do anything fast until I get my feet operated on. I love zumba but right now I just can't do it :'(
  • mrsfurby14
    mrsfurby14 Posts: 181 Member
    I haven't been to the gym all week :(.. I am just not that motivated to go if I don't have anyone to go with. I just need someone to tell me get up and let's go YOU can do this. I NEED to lose 75lbs and I want to lose it by the end of the YEAR. The way i'm going it's NOT going to happen. That should motivate me to get up and get going but it doesn't for some reason. Please help me get motivated!!!!

    I completely agree, having consistency is key. Our gym only has the free daycare open for 2 hours n the morning, so I have to go then, and I have the rest of my schedule worked around that.

    Also, feel free to add me, and if you want? If you have a cell phone, feel free to send me your texting number and I'll text you once every morning to get up and GO TO THE GYM!

    Thanks for your comment. I really appreciate it ! I'll add you.