iHATE the gym



  • jamiesadler
    jamiesadler Posts: 634 Member
    Try going super early or really late at night it may help. I hate going to the gym when there are a ton of people there as well. The sales people there are really friendly though
  • AmyBeth719
    AmyBeth719 Posts: 184 Member
    Jillian Michaels is my favorite. I have anxiety when I go to the gym by myself...sometimes so bad that I can't go in so I like to work out at home better. Her 30 day shred is great...I hurt so bad from it so I love it!
  • hvpooly
    hvpooly Posts: 39
    I go to the Y and I love it. I figured out the perfect time to go, when there is less people there. I have anxiety about being around alot of people. I stick to the times that I know not many people will be there. For the first week I wouldn't even step in to the weight room because it was always full of guys but I learned to go in the morning when there is only a few other people there. I make myself get up no matter how tired I am because I know that is the only time I am going to be comfortable there and if I don't go I will regret it. But I work out at home also when I need to and I found that netflix has alot of fitness dvd's in their streaming selection and phones come with alot of nice exercise apps too. My Iphone helps me alot when I need a workout to do at home.
  • Myles_D23
    Myles_D23 Posts: 51 Member
    I know what you mean, I do strictly P90x. 11weeks in and down 43lbs. All I do is wakeup 1 hour before I have to go to work in the morning. Then follow a good diet. As for the gym, I just use the treadmill from time to time when i tag along with the girlfriend or with friends.

    I recommend DVDs since you can pop it in your comfort zone and when YOU want to
  • I loveLoveLOVE the Wii

    I have Zumba, Wii Fit, DDR & My Fitness Coach, & I find the fact that I can do it in the privacy of my own home, & I have a variety of things to use (& they're more interactive than a DVD, & not always the same thing over & over) to really encourage me to use them
  • k011185
    k011185 Posts: 320 Member
    I hate the gym too, not all gyms, just the ones around here. It is either curves or some huge Walmart of gyms. They greet you at the door with a sales pitch and try to get you to buy a tanning package. There are 'trainers' walking around to 'help' you... aka: tell you loudly that you are not walking fast enough or the exercise you are doing is too hard for someone 'your size'.
    I'm quite sure all the employees are drinking buddies with the boss or something, lol, none of them seem to be great shape and don't know a thing about what they are doing.
    Sorry, rant over.

    I found a nice exercise bike on Craigs list, I really enjoy that. I can read my book or watch a movie while pedaling, I also like Jillian Michaels. Or I just go for a walk/jog, and if I'm feeling especially anti social I just jog in place inside.
    I also have a lot of fun on the wii fit and wii zumba.

    There is a new gym opening in a couple months, I can't wait to check it out. I work out SO much harder at a gym than at home where facebook and laziness beckon to me!
  • jcan1588
    jcan1588 Posts: 26 Member
    I'm not a fan of the gym either, i find that i work harder when theres no one else around, i'm a big fan of alot of the beachbody dvd sets, like p90x or insanity. I also skate in a roller derby league so i skate quite a bit which is my cardio.
  • Levedi
    Levedi Posts: 290 Member
    Try a different gym - see if you can get a refund on membership. Or tell your trainer he/she isn't motivating you correctly - help him or her communicate with you better. I signed up for a trainer this year for the first time in my life and I told him straight up that if he called me lazy or yelled at me, I was walking away. Verbal abuse doesn't motivate me at all. He agreed and so far it's been great.

    The other thing is going hiking or biking. Find a local park or nature trails. Jog in the evening or early morning when the streets are empty (be careful and mindful of safety) so you can be free from distractions.

    At the gym, find a corner, crank up your music and fantasize. Train yourself to ignore other people and not worry about what they think. They may be self conscious too.

    Quick story to finish - I play racquetball badly. Really badly. But it's fun and it makes me sweat, so I do it. The other day I was thwacking away at the ball and a guy walked by just as I did something particularly clumsy and he grinned at me. I felt like an idiot, but I forced myself to smile back, turn my back on him and go back to my racquetball. Later on the way to my showers, I passed him at the weight bench and he waved. Turns out he was smiling because I looked like I was having fun, not because he thought I was an idiot. So next time someone is looking at you, remember - they might be thinking good things about you, not bad ones.
  • Goldenbast
    Goldenbast Posts: 227 Member
    There are a lot of things you could do while enjoying the outdoors:

    Swim (really good workout)
    run in sand
    push/pull/lift heavy things like rocks, dead tree limbs, etc
    climb trees (seriously hehe)
    hike up really hilly areas (also doubly fun to enjoy nature)
    play! if you have kids great..tag...hide and seek...anything really is good exercise for you and as a bonus gets you quality time with the kiddos...plus you can still do this if you have no kids...offer to babysit relative's kids or offer to take them to the park, the beach, the lake..whatever and just have fun. :laugh:
  • mrsmariasheehan
    mrsmariasheehan Posts: 24 Member
    The spirit from which this reply is intended is not one of defensiveness or counter attack. It is only from my own experience, strength, and hope. I'm not skinny and I have a way to go. But, I am training to be more fit and healthy. It is a process. One day I hope to be one of those people who others observe to be in great shape. I have not personally observed all skinny people to be snotty any more than I have observed that to be true of people my own weight or higher. I have found the axiom, "We attribute to others, what we see in ourselves" to be personally convicting. So, I do attend a gym and I do find myself around people who are in better shape. I'm not saying that you need to do that. I'm saying that I want to be around people who are succeeding at what I aspire to do. When I observe them to be people just like me, I get along with them quite well (fat, skinny, black, white, tall, short). We all have stuff. Isolating myself from others because I'm not like them has never helped me a lot. But, hanging around people who have what I want to learn or have has been a life changer. Hope this helps. God bless on your journey.

    Wow... how very nicely said.
  • Missi3601
    Missi3601 Posts: 264
    I :heart: my gym. We don't have anyone trying to 'sell' you anything. There are skinny people on the machines... but I see just as many 'big' people using the machines too and joining in on the classes.

    i love my gym as well :)
  • Missi3601
    Missi3601 Posts: 264
    I hate the gym too, not all gyms, just the ones around here. It is either curves or some huge Walmart of gyms. They greet you at the door with a sales pitch and try to get you to buy a tanning package. There are 'trainers' walking around to 'help' you... aka: tell you loudly that you are not walking fast enough or the exercise you are doing is too hard for someone 'your size'.
    I'm quite sure all the employees are drinking buddies with the boss or something, lol, none of them seem to be great shape and don't know a thing about what they are doing.
    Sorry, rant over.

    I found a nice exercise bike on Craigs list, I really enjoy that. I can read my book or watch a movie while pedaling, I also like Jillian Michaels. Or I just go for a walk/jog, and if I'm feeling especially anti social I just jog in place inside.
    I also have a lot of fun on the wii fit and wii zumba.

    There is a new gym opening in a couple months, I can't wait to check it out. I work out SO much harder at a gym than at home where facebook and laziness beckon to me!

    My gym is 20 bucks a month - free unlimited tanning and aqua massage table :) See if you have a planet fitness- it really is a great gym
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Try going super early or really late at night it may help. I hate going to the gym when there are a ton of people there as well. The sales people there are really friendly though

    This is good advice. Go during their "off" hours - early, early mornings or later at night. If you go around 4-8pm it will be crazy busy in there. I find going later at night, it tends to be all the same people going. Rarely is it busy, you never have to wait, the staff and trainers are long gone and you can just do your own thing.

    Maybe you should look around at other gyms? I know when I first started looking, I looked and looked until I found a gym where I felt comfortable. Don't judge all gyms on one place.
  • LovelyLibra79
    LovelyLibra79 Posts: 569 Member
    I used to feel that way...but when I signed up this time for a gym...I was ready and focused..I wouldn't care if there was donkey and sheep on the treadmill or eliptical..As long as they are minding their own business!!
    I'm there for me and me only..and I'm going to do what it takes to get in shape!

    I say this to say...if its about the people there..refocus..
    If you can't get with the enviroment---leave

    As for DVDS..I love Jillian Michaels, Leslie Sansone---Jackie Warner
    I hope it works out either way!
  • ccmccoy09
    ccmccoy09 Posts: 284 Member
    I used to hate going to the gym until I hired a trainer. I realize now I was just really self-conscious of my weight, my poor form, my perception that I wasn't working as hard as everyone else and was fatter than everyone else, etc. It was just my own damage and I had to get over it. There are rude regulars and snotty trainers and pushy salespeople everywhere, but if you stick your chin out, put yourself out there and talk to people, you might find it's partly in your head. Who knows, you could become one of the friendly "regulars" everyone knows and likes.

    Or you discover your gym really is terrible, and then you hightail it to another gym. :)

    I do love running outside though. In the winter I bundle up or wait until it hits 55 degrees (easy in Southern California); in the summer I go at dawn, dusk or after dark.

    At dawn, if you run/walk/bike the same route, you'll start to recognize the dawn patrol regulars. At dusk and after dark, I don't like to wear headphones (safety) and it's so peaceful. Way better than the annoying music,10 TVs, squeaky machines and grunting meatheads at the gym.
  • Teapotdomescam
    Teapotdomescam Posts: 156 Member
    If you like the outdoors, DEFINITELY invest in a bike. My boyfriend builds bicycles from scratch and he is helping me rebuild mine. We used to go biking atleast 4 miles a day and it is so liberating. Especially if you know of any good trails nearby.
  • estitom
    estitom Posts: 205 Member
    I hate the gym too, not because the people are mean or judging or anything, people in all sizes and shapes go there, but I hate being watched when I work out. When I go, I go early in the mornings so there's not too much people there.