Quick breakfast ideas - which keep you full!

Hi Everyone,

I need to get back on the bandwagon after falling off about a month ago, so it's time to start again :)

Does anyone have any ideas for quick breakfasts which keep you full?

I find that I am hungry again by mid morning, and then end up over eating rubbish then or at lunch instead of fruit or something else, so I think I probably need to try a few different ideas for breakfasts to tackle that. I seem to have the idea in my head that breakfast shouldn't equate to many calories, and I think that is probably not helping either.



  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Egg White Omelets or Whole Eggs if you are not watching your cholesterol, with salsa or any veggies and a sprikle of cheese. I put mine on a low calorie pita.
  • Eggs, or I like to have a protein smoothie (I'm doing Body By Vi) for breakfast and it keeps me full longer. Also, I have a snack mid-morning to keep my hunger in check, usually some fruit and beef jerky, or a low-fat string cheese - I stay away from processed food and carbs.
  • DellG85
    DellG85 Posts: 79 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I need to get back on the bandwagon after falling off about a month ago, so it's time to start again :)

    Does anyone have any ideas for quick breakfasts which keep you full?

    I find that I am hungry again by mid morning, and then end up over eating rubbish then or at lunch instead of fruit or something else, so I think I probably need to try a few different ideas for breakfasts to tackle that. I seem to have the idea in my head that breakfast shouldn't equate to many calories, and I think that is probably not helping either.


    You could try something like oats or weetabix? They get a bit boring after a while but I've found some low fat or fat free yoghurt on weetabix with some mixed berries sprinkled on top is lovely. I also love the breakfast yoghurts some supermarkets sell which are yoghurts with oats in or yoghurt with granola to sprinkle on top :)
  • Maggie821
    Maggie821 Posts: 55 Member
    Definitely eggs ( I use Egg Beaters) with an English Muffin or toast; protein shakes with frozen fruit blended in. I love hot cereal, but I have to have some form of protein with it or I am starving in no time!!!
  • DellG85
    DellG85 Posts: 79 Member
    I should clarify, I meant using fat free yoghurt instead of milk on the weetabix. You can also swirl a teaspoon of clear honey on top of the yoghurt weetabix too, that is also scrummy :)
  • kmayne
    kmayne Posts: 82 Member
    1 egg, 1/2 c unsweetened applesauce, 1/2 c instant oats, and 1 tsp cinnamon. Mix well and microwave 2 minutes. Yummy!
  • Toddrific
    Toddrific Posts: 1,114 Member
    Oatmeal w/whey protein seems to be the only thing that has worked for me so far =/
  • katiej122
    katiej122 Posts: 125 Member
    I always had that problem, but I started eating oatmeal...I make mine with 3/4 cup oats, 1 cup almond milk, cinammon, stevia, and I put a tablespoon of peanut butter on top. Usually holds me over till lunchtime. You could make oats any way you like and they would be really filling.
    Or a bowl of high fibre cereal and two boiled eggs does the trick too :) yoghurt is really filling as well, if I make a tub of yoghurt with a chopped up apple I always struggle to finish it and it keeps me full for ages.
  • AdamBellfpt
    AdamBellfpt Posts: 224 Member
    Depends on your goals but generally protein is the way to go as it Digestion of protein takes longer than carbs. Im a fan of egg/egg white omelette with veggies and a oven cooked sausage.
  • nph1960
    nph1960 Posts: 57 Member
    I make a double serving of good, hearty oatmeal, with fresh and/or dried fruits and maybe a little bit of almonds added. This is nice and filling.
    I then use the extra over the next two days by mixing about half a serving of the cold (yes, cold) oatmeal with about half a cup of vanilla yogurt.
    Don't say EWWWW! until you've tried it!
  • LRuland
    LRuland Posts: 12 Member
    2 fried egg whites, 2 slices of Italian bread (80 cal), 1 slice of Oscar Mayer ham (30 cal), 1 slice of Crystal Farms American Cheese (60 cal)....my version of the Ham,egg, & cheese...and all around 205 cals.....love it.
  • spacehorse79
    spacehorse79 Posts: 7 Member
    I have been making protein smoothies the night before. I get up very early and have a toddler in the house, so I do not want to run the blender at 430 AM! I did create a problem for myself- I gave myself an ulcer from too much acid from all the fruit and OJ I was using in the smoothies. It is very depressing that I can't have them until my stomach calms down- just something to think about.

    I usually try to make mine no more than 300 calories- and I am usually full for a good 5-6 hours. I also make mine green- it adds basically no calories but fiber and iron, and you can't taste it. But check your teeth before speaking. :)

    My typical recipe was
    1 banana
    1-1.5 cups strawberries or mixed berries
    1-1.5 cups Trop 50
    2 scoops protein powder (100 cals)
    Big handful spinach
    1 or 2 TBS homemade oat flour/flax mixture- helps to thicken it

    The color is not appealing but it tastes yummy! My kitchen counter looks like a science experiment when I am making them. LOL

    This recipe usually would make 2 days worth.

    I like these also since I have a long commute to work. Keeps me occupied.
  • vinrute
    vinrute Posts: 1
    Steel cut / pinhead oats. They're a lot healthier than rolled oats and because they take longer for our bodies to digest, they release energy really slowly and keep you full a long time. DH golfs and it's the only breakfast he's found that keeps him full over all 18 holes. :P They take about 20 minutes to cook compared to rolled oats, which take about 5 minutes, but you can make extra then refrigerate them for up to a few days, so reheating a portion each morning takes minutes. Plus, here's a great recipe for cooking it overnight in a slow cooker, so they're ready when you wake up!

    http://www.theyummylife.com/blog/2011/03/159/Overnight, Slow Cooker, Apple Cinnamon Steel-Cut Oatmeal
  • missprincessjenny
    missprincessjenny Posts: 104 Member
    Steel cut oats. It takes 30 minutes to cook but I get ready while I wait for it. Or surf the net. LOL.
    And I have a snack a few hours later.
    I eat 5-6 smaller meals a day.
  • aliciamerritt
    aliciamerritt Posts: 6 Member
    Im addicted to berry smoothies in the morning! I just made one for my fiancé this morning and he was surprised at how filling it was!

    Blend together 3/4 cup skim milk, 2 tablespoons plain (non-fat if you want) yogurt, 2/3 cup frozen mixed berries, and vanilla protein powder (I use enough to give me 28g of protein in a serving...low sugar & low carb).

    It is surprisingly filling (not to mention delicious) and I often times find myself not hungry at lunch!
  • dreamer1003
    dreamer1003 Posts: 30 Member
    The morning I leave for work (I leave at 5 AM so it has to be fast) - I toast some bread, make a scrambled egg add cheese and some deli meat and have a sandwich or I do 2 eggs and skip the meat. On days I am home - but still want it fast - I saute some spinach add diced fresh tomato - throw in two eggs and scramble it up. then I add a little feta and top with salsa. This option is pretty low in calories so you could add toast or some fruit. In the past I have also done hard boiled eggs and turkey sausage or an english muffin with laughing cow cheese, avocado and tomato.
  • jesska812
    jesska812 Posts: 102 Member
    I have steel cut oats (rolled oats are still pretty good if that's all you can get your hands on) made with water topped with skinny soy milk. Then I top it with 50 calories worth of blueberries and a teaspoon of organic honey. All up around 200 calories and it keeps me full from 7am till my mid-morning snack of not lunch.

    Good on you for getting back on the wagon!
  • Some of my faves are--
    Eggs, toast, turkey bacon
    Vans waffles, sliced fruit, bacon
    Toast with peanut butter and sliced banana
    Kashi go lean cereal with almond milk and bananas
    Oatmeal or hot cereal
    English muffin. Cream cheese and fruit
  • faithstephenson
    faithstephenson Posts: 280 Member
    One of my faves used to be 1 scrambled egg, 1 slice cheese, on 2 toaster waffles, as a sandwich. It worked fine for me in my goals (about 400 cals). I have gotten away from it, but think I will be going back. I have started putting most of my calories at the end of the day, and I think that may be part of what is keeping me in this mini plateau. So, changing it up! I may also start buying some wraps that I can make sort of a breakfast burrito with.
  • EchoOfYourPast
    EchoOfYourPast Posts: 459 Member
    Scrambled eggs with spinach/mushrooms ....or any veggies....love tomatoes and onions in my egg too!
    San :)