Struggling to stay on track with calories


Would be interested to hear if anyone encounted any problems with staying on track with calories? I am finding it so hard to stick to. Perhaps its cause I've just started? Also its been my birthday so my house is full of cakes and treats :( think I need to wipe the slate clean and start again tomorrow! ARGH!

I feel like a need a boot-camp style fella with an angry face shouting and me and telling me to put my cakes in the bin! I have NO willpower at all...

Any help/advice would be welcomed!


  • nafajo
    nafajo Posts: 5
    Hi there!

    I really cannot stand to calorie count. I know it's a must to some degree to get to my goal. What I did was to keep a log here in my fitness pal of the things I eat and like. Then what I did was download Jillian Michaels Meal plan from her Ripped in 30 DVD. It has 30 days of meals already planned out.
    I looked over it and found the things that I like and have in the house... of course there are things on there that I would NEVER take the time to prepare.

    From there I just eat those things. Knowing they are very low in calories. If I want to know exactly the calorie content... I just look it up on here or on the package or container.

    Then.. just to be sure I walk on the treadmill for 25 minutes at night. My regular exercise is all Jillian DVD's. Which I really love and see major results from.
    Hang in there... Find what works for you! Be diligent and you will succeed! I Promise!

    Have a super day!
  • xoxMandyxox
    xoxMandyxox Posts: 104 Member
    Put them in the bin :laugh: You know it's something you should do, especially with the lack of willpower. <b>If it's not in the house, you can't eat it. </b> Something I truly live by. I don't buy any sweets or treats unless it's one of those low calorie ones (like Skinny Cow Ice Cream or 100 Calorie Snack Packs or something), and stock up on healthy nonperishables and get a ton of fruits and veggies each week. Fruits and veggies are low in calories, but high in vital nutrients and vitamins, so they're always a good pick.

    Try to limit your beverages and drink mostly just water. You'd be surprised how many calories are in a single cup of coffee (with milk and sugar).
  • munchlax65
    Thanks guys. I don't normally keep unhealthy food in the house. I do my shopping online so only pick healthy foods, but the problem is if I fancy something I will just go to the shop round the corner :( I need to get motivated and keep thinking about how much healthier I will feel when I lose weight. To make matters worse I'm off out for a curry this evening with my family! Going to have what I want and enjoy it I think, then start fresh tomorrow. I still have easter eggs though and I can't bear to give them away so perhaps I will just ration them and fit them in with my daily calories.

    Losing weight is one of the hardest things to do. We all know what we need to do, but actually doing it is another matter. Someone once said to me losing weight is just eating less and moving more, and yes, its that simple - but we all eat for different reasons. I have a really bad relationship with food and will comfort eat when I feel down/stressed or even just out of boredom.

    Perhaps I need a new hobby to take my mind of it. I think I am obsessed with food lol!

  • sarahdee2007
    Put them in the bin :laugh: You know it's something you should do, especially with the lack of willpower. <b>If it's not in the house, you can't eat it. </b> Something I truly live by. I don't buy any sweets or treats unless it's one of those low calorie ones (like Skinny Cow Ice Cream or 100 Calorie Snack Packs or something), and stock up on healthy nonperishables and get a ton of fruits and veggies each week. Fruits and veggies are low in calories, but high in vital nutrients and vitamins, so they're always a good pick.

    Try to limit your beverages and drink mostly just water. You'd be surprised how many calories are in a single cup of coffee (with milk and sugar).

    I just threw out Easter cupcakes the other day. They still looked and smelled amazing, but I had already had TWO cheat days instead of my usual one cheat day. It really helps me to enter my foods on here before I eat them. It kept me from eating a small blizzard the other day (thank god, because it was 700calories!) I drink mostly water, some coffee (with skim milk, NO sugar), low sodium v8-once a day, and skim milk for calcium. It helps me to keep thinspiration in the snack cabinet too (IE: picture of bikini bod, lbs to go vs lbs lost, etc)
  • munchlax65
    I can't throw food away, just can't do it. I'll have to ration out what I have and palm as much as I can off onto my fella (who is one of those lucky, lucky people who eat whatever they want and stay slim!)

    I drink a lot of coffee/tea with skimmed milk. I try and work it in with my daily calories because the calcium is good. I dont drink enough water, I know I should though. I drink alcohol most days as well (wine, beer, or vodka). This has to stop. Calories in wine and beer are shocking! Vodka and a diet mixer not so bad though. Think I'm going to quit drinking in the week and only have a FEW at the weekends.

    I am so unhealthy :sick:
  • sarahdee2007
    I can't throw food away, just can't do it. I'll have to ration out what I have and palm as much as I can off onto my fella (who is one of those lucky, lucky people who eat whatever they want and stay slim!)

    I drink a lot of coffee/tea with skimmed milk. I try and work it in with my daily calories because the calcium is good. I dont drink enough water, I know I should though. I drink alcohol most days as well (wine, beer, or vodka). This has to stop. Calories in wine and beer are shocking! Vodka and a diet mixer not so bad though. Think I'm going to quit drinking in the week and only have a FEW at the weekends.

    I am so unhealthy :sick:
    I hate throwing food away too. I am an amateur cake decorator, so when I make a cake to get some practice, I always have to give it to someone else. I have some friends that can eat all day and not gain an ounce.. I hate them (not really)
    Alcohol has EMPTY calories. I enjoy a glass of wine occasionally, but if I'm goingnto a party, I make sure to burn the calories I plan to drink, since they have no nutrients! I gave up soda cold turkey. I know if I drank diet soda, it would lead to me having regular soda.. Also, I found put that caffiene dehydrated you, so if you aren't drinking enough water, you are probably retaining excess water. After the first week, I have adjusted to not having sweet drinks and I don't miss them anymore! You can do this, it's all in your head. You will feel so much better once you have a handle on your health (not that I'm the epitome of health yet-but I'm trying!)
  • chachita7
    chachita7 Posts: 996 Member
    It takes time... it is a matter of changing habits...
  • munchlax65
    I need to make some severe changes to my lifestyle. I had my big birthday meal out with my family last night, enjoyed myself a little too much (feel dreadful today!) but feeling so bad after over-indulging is kind of motivating me to do something about it.

    As far as I'm concerned today is day one! I'm going to stick my calories and get some exercise!

    Thanks guys and good luck everyone!