What keeps you motivated?



  • Donnacoach
    Donnacoach Posts: 540 Member
    I don't like what I see when I look in the mirror, so that keeps me going.
  • leslieleet
    leslieleet Posts: 41 Member
    old ladies who out do my workout at the gym
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I just want to be fit and healthy...I'm not terribly concerned with weight loss...
    This is honestly my motivation. I couldn't care less about what I weigh on the scale. I only care about being fit and healthy, and I base that on the fit of my clothes, and how I feel when being active. If I fit into the clothes I have (as a guy, I wear a large t-shirt, and 34 waist pants) and I can keep up with my day to day activities without being constantly tired or out of breath, then I'm where I want to be.
  • Mikaylarae27
    Mikaylarae27 Posts: 175 Member
    I can really get off track on my diet too. I've found that sticking with unprocessed food like vegetables and meat (not chips crackers bread) helps because as soon as I have those other things I want MORE of them. I've identified things in my diet that are "trigger" foods that make me want to binge and I avoid bringing those in the house. (peanut butter, sweets, chocolate milk, chocolate etc) find yours and stick to natural food for the most part and you will maintain.
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    Well you are here! Step one! I've been at this for 5 years. It is a process and a journey. Where I started from mentally I have moved way past and beyond. I am at my goal. I have achieved a lifestyle change. Starting at day one is the hardest. But zigs and zags along the way all considered I have learned a lot. A lot about myself and a lot about what it takes. What it takes for me to stay focused is knowledge.

    The first key for me was not quitting. What if I made the commitment to lose weight? I'd never done that before. Sure I tried to lose weight until I got bored with it because it was going to slow and i was starving! What if I really made the commitment? I already knew what happened when I quit. I just got fatter and fatter. But what if I stuck with it and could actually get to 135 pounds from 205? What if? That is what really happened to motivate me on day 1.

    The second thing was what if I got rid of white flour and sugar? I'd never know if it worked until I tried it and followed through. I realized that eliminating those 2 things from my diet DOES WORK! IT TOTALLY DOES! Say good bye to those two things (including refined grains) and you will open the door to your own self control. I was completely addicted (still am) to both. When you stop pouring them into your body in about 2 weeks a simple calm comes over you. You don't feel the need to eat them any more. Sure, I'd still like to have them, and I do occasionally from time to time, but when I do, I remember the control they had over my appetite and I don't ever want to go back there again. I'd say that was the key that opened up the possibility for me to lose 70 pounds and finally reach my goal.

    The 3rd thing was exercise. I hate to exercise. So what if I just walked 30 minutes a day EVERY DAY? I'd never done that before. What if it actually worked? Then I added strength training and now I walk twice a day!

    So I did three brand new things in my life that I have never ever done before to see if they worked. They did. I lost 70 pounds. And the real secret is which is no secret now is it is much easier to stay on track than to allow myself to get sidetracked and find my way back. Over 5 years ago I started out to lose 70 pounds. I lost 53 and then decided I didn't' need to track calories any more. Big mistake. Old habits came back to some extent and I put on almost 20 pounds in 2 years and I spent one solid year "Trying" to get back on track. I knew what to do, I knew exactly what to do and I just couldn't make myself do it!

    Luckily I found www.fatloser.com to give me a motivational kick in the butt and that helped me for some reason. So finding that and MFP in the same week was a killer combo for me. I got my motivation back and I began serious tracking of calories in & out.

    So today I reached my goal of 135 pounds and what motivates me today is knowing what happens to me when I don't stay focused. Okay sure I had a handful of peanut M&Ms last night. But it was a handful, not the entire bag or half the bag or a quarter of the bag. I can handle sugar in that quantity every once in a while. Not every day, or every week.

    So knowing my own personal limitations and weaknesses also motivates me to stay on track.

    The 4th key for me was finding Eat To Live by Dr. Joel Fuhrman. I was wide awake in the middle of the night and saw his PBS presentation and it intrigued me. I simply LOVE that eating program. I am aiming towards vegan but you don't have to go there. The changes I've felt in my body since I first even attempted to try to start the program in October are just incredible. And feeling so incredible is what keeps me on track. No more dragging myself out of bed. No more slapping myself around in the morning to get my day started, No more puffy face in the morning, no more stiff & painful fingers in the morning, no more pots of coffee or wake me up, no afternoon slumps, no watching the clock to see if it is time to eat yet. Sometimes I forget to eat "on schedule". You focus on the abundance of food to eat instead of the junk food that is missing from your diet. I am stuffed after every meal! When you get such nutrition into your body it operates on an entirely different level.

    This is what motivates me today. I wouldn't trade my diet for the world! I have achieved the new healthy lifestyle that I was aiming for. It takes time and it takes growth and awareness on your part.

    Best of luck to you. Keep searching for what works for you!
  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    My dad and brothers are so healthy, it really is just great to see them live a very healthy lifestyle. I fell off the wagon ever since I stopped playing sports. So, now I am even more motivated more so since I met my wonderful friends on MFP. They all have different stories and experiences and I am so happy to be able to witness them reach their weightloss goal. Yesterday, I took a picture of myself and was looking back at all the pictures of myself at 135lbs (the good days) and pictures of myself when I was in the 190s. So the picture I took of myself yesterday (profile picture) is me at 179lbs. I am making progress but the overwhelming support of my friends that I got yesterday is just making me even more motivated to lose the rest of this weight and get back in shape. I feel very good about losing this weight, this time around. :)
  • mtcHavingItAll
    mtcHavingItAll Posts: 69 Member
  • SexyCook
    SexyCook Posts: 2,249 Member
    Man it is so much..But to reflect back to where I came from...Looking at that Steph makes me sad..the energy I feel now I can describe compared...and so much I can and will do with this new lifestyle...PLUS MY PALS...OMG Inspiring and SO motivated.. Some we have traveled this journey together since the beginning and the change is WOW...but all my friends keep me motivated day in day out...
  • nafajo
    nafajo Posts: 5
    I totally agree.. you have to want it.. and want it BAD! I do it for my my husband, myself and my kids! I've been married 20 years, we have 4 kids. We had 2 right out of the gate... 15 mo. apart... then 5 years later we had another one and THEN... 7 years later another one! My oldest is 20 this year, then 18, 12 and 5!!! LOL
    My Motto is...

    FIT Moms R FUN Moms!

    And having a baby at 40 was tough on the bod! This is a weird and kind of terrible thought.. but I think it often.... If something ever happened to to one of my kids and it was up to me to save them.... Would I be able too? Would I be healthy enough and strong enough??? THAT right there is MY motivation! Crazy thought I know.. I wonder why I think like that myself! But I do. I want to be able to do the same things with my 5 year old as I did with my oldest 15 years ago! My 12 year old thinks it's great that his mom works out and is healthy.
    Moderation is key.... I used to use the "workout card" too. But I don't anymore. I just try to be consistent and diligent in my efforts.

    It will pay off! I promise!
  • SueStubbs
    SueStubbs Posts: 17
    Well most of my family is over weight. And I know that i don't want that for me. Plus I have back problems and know that taking the weight off will make that better. But most important for me is teaching my children the healthy lifestyle.
  • My Son was diagnosed with a disablity last year and it devasted me. I gave up on trying to take care of myself and ballooned up to 235lbs. The only other time I've been heavier was at the end of my pregnancy when I was 250lbs. I couldn't go up the stairs without feeling winded. He getting older and more busy so I have to lose weight to keep up with him. I also don't want to end up dying young because of something I could prevent (ie heart attack) and leave him without his #1 advocate and supporter.

    Less noble reason....I'm too cheap to buy larger pants when I have perfectly good ones I bought a year ago and outgrew in the closet ;)

    You are a wonderful mother, and that is the highest kind of motivation.
  • WOW!!! I wish I could respond to each and every post individually. Thank you all so much for sharing your stories and giving me advice.

    I apologize it took me until today to read this...food poisoning is the DEVIL!!! I've been sickly this week, but slowly starting to feel like myself again. I've had nothing to ea but bananas and dry, plain cereal. Gross, but I'm scared of being as sick as I was again by eating something heavy.

    I have been taking a Turbo Kick class for 3 weeks and sadly, tonight I cannot go. I am so weak from whatever it was that made me sickly. My biggest fear is taking the time off to rest up...will my motivation disappear? I really hope not. I don't want to let the instructor down...she is awesome and so motivating. Plus, she's my facebook friend now. I also have a coworker who is going with me. It's accountability that I need and this is working. The class makes me feel so strong and empowered. I feel so good after it's over...it's hard as crap during!!! No pain- no gain, right?

    My diet is up and down. I'll do really well one day and then gorge the next. I know some days I'm just naturally hungrier than others. I've got to learn to be honest in my food journal and count everything.

    Again, thank you all so much!!!
  • When you have a bigger "YES" burning inside you, it is easier to say "NO". Your 'YES' is not big enough yet. Right now your 'YES' is part time. Make it FULL TIME and see your goals realized.
  • Bigdfranz
    Bigdfranz Posts: 1 Member
    I totally agree.. you have to want it.. and want it BAD! I do it for my my husband, myself and my kids! I've been married 20 years, we have 4 kids. We had 2 right out of the gate... 15 mo. apart... then 5 years later we had another one and THEN... 7 years later another one! My oldest is 20 this year, then 18, 12 and 5!!! LOL
    My Motto is...

    FIT Moms R FUN Moms!

    And having a baby at 40 was tough on the bod! This is a weird and kind of terrible thought.. but I think it often.... If something ever happened to to one of my kids and it was up to me to save them.... Would I be able too? Would I be healthy enough and strong enough??? THAT right there is MY motivation! Crazy thought I know.. I wonder why I think like that myself! But I do. I want to be able to do the same things with my 5 year old as I did with my oldest 15 years ago! My 12 year old thinks it's great that his mom works out and is healthy.
    Moderation is key.... I used to use the "workout card" too. But I don't anymore. I just try to be consistent and diligent in my efforts.

    It will pay off! I promise!

    My Kids are my motivation as well. I have never been in really good shape but last summer I was at my worst. Began to notice that I wasn't able to play ball or ride bikes or anything active with my boys for very long, if at all. Knew I had to change my ways if I was to be active in their lives, and I want that more than anything.

    Switched to diet pop and saw instant results. But then I hit a wall. Came across MFP and began tracking my calories. Not losing a whole lot at once, but seeing steady results now. When I have a rough day I check the weight chart to remember how far I've came so far,,,

    Still have a long way to go, but am feeling much better about myself. Noticed that I have more energy again. and best of all my boys are asking me for a break before me ;)
  • kylesmommy89
    kylesmommy89 Posts: 356 Member
    Feeling better about myself keeps me motivated...I don't want to go back to the place where I was at hating my body.

    Also, clothes fitting normally keeps me motivated. I'm an apple shape naturally and it was hard to find clothes that looked good on me when I was a stick figure with a pot belly and back fat.

    My husband keeps me motivated because he just looks at me differently now and I like it. :) He had no problem with how I looked before and was still sweet as can be, but I can tell that my body turns him on more now and that turns ME on.
  • LovingLisa2012
    LovingLisa2012 Posts: 775 Member
    i have tried so many times but turns out i simply wasn't ready ..this time something just clicked

    i have logged 45 days (b4 i would track for a few days then taper off)

    i workout now b/c i want to .. a couple weeks back, i fell and hurt my knee, well i cried cuz it hurt, then i cried cuz i thought i couldn't workout the next day :noway: .. but the next day i did a 1 mile walk instead of 2 or 3 .. i felt better that i did something

    i have goals for my life now, they aren't just pipe dreams, i KNOW i can do it .. i got my ged and now im about to go to college at 32 (something i never really thought i would accomplish) also never really thought i would lose weight but NOW i know i will

    with all that said, i am not on a diet, this is a life style change.. i simply choose to eat smaller portions and not so much fast food and im trying to move more :bigsmile:

    <sorry for ramblin>