Getting back on the horse.

So I got sick recently at the beggining of the year, and have had a hard time getting back into being healthy.
I was going to yoga class twice a week, and counting my cals. (1200... it's really low for me right now so im at 1350) I had an occasional cheat day about once a week.

Right now, I haven't really excersized in about 2-3 months, and haven't been counting my calories. I've reverted back to going to fast food places a lot too :( I find excuses to not excersise, usually because I feel like I don't have the energy.

So, has anyone fallen off the horse and had trouble getting back on? I need some tips with food shopping (Healthy yet easy...I don't usually cook big meals), finding motivation to excersise when I feel I have none, and resisting temptation.


  • I feel like you are talking through me... I got sick in February, bad sinus infection, flu, etc.. I have had a heck of a time getting back on that darn horse. I am finally getting back to it this weekend though. I am sick of the excuses, I feel terrible. I have been able to maintain my weight loss for the most pt. I gained bk 2 lbs.. But found that I was enabling myself, I would justify going through fast food places, and eating pizza during the week, not working out, etc.... So I decided that since it is almost summer and I had a goal set for summer that I had better get back to it and work out... I finally ate "clean" today, making healthy choices and not giving into the easter candy calling my name (LOL). I am heading out for a run in a few, once my lunch digests a bit....

    I have found the key for me, is to stock my fridge with lots of fresh fruits, veggies, yogurt, and healthy snacks. Not only is it easier for me to just grab and go, I find that my kids and husband eat better too..

    Also and this is the key for me. I feel mentally better when I eat healthy and work out.. That is the big motivator....

    Best of luck. I will check back here, if you need a buddy, just let me know and I will give you my email and we can buddy up and give support!
  • SammaBread
    SammaBread Posts: 37 Member
    Well I'm glad I'm not the only one :D yeah, a big thing would be having healthy foods in the fridge. I just stocked up on some veggies for baking, fruit, eggs...

    I think another factor with my motivation is that I have been kind of depressed since everything fell apart. I know the best medicine for depression is Exercise, yet I don't do it! I suppose I just need to hold myself accountable and do it.
    I'll friend you, we can support each other :)
  • wolf5090
    wolf5090 Posts: 20 Member
    You've done way better than I have so far, Sam, so don't feel too bad! :O
  • AngelAura777
    AngelAura777 Posts: 225 Member
    If you are really struggling to get to the gym because you feel tired maybe you could try eating more whole carbs or if you want a quick energy boost to motivate you maybe try a pre workout supplement I have a pre workout sometimes if im feeling super tired after a long day at work
  • SammaBread
    SammaBread Posts: 37 Member
    If you are really struggling to get to the gym because you feel tired maybe you could try eating more whole carbs or if you want a quick energy boost to motivate you maybe try a pre workout supplement I have a pre workout sometimes if im feeling super tired after a long day at work

    What supplements/ carbs do you use? :)
  • SammaBread
    SammaBread Posts: 37 Member
    You've done way better than I have so far, Sam, so don't feel too bad! :O

    Thanks cam :D I just need some support is all. When you're doing it by yourself sometimes it's hard to do. We can help eachother :D
  • I always feel better when I up my protein. I try to use complex carbs in my diet and really limit simple carbs. Easier said then done though.. I ran yesterday, and really watched my weight, and the scales finally moved down. I know it is mainly water weight loss, and am fine with that. As Nike says "Just Do It"!!! And remember even baby steps are progression in the right direction!!!

    I accepted your friend request. Let me know if you need anything!!!