My Day 1 started today (finally!)

Hello Everyone,

I have finally decided (after many lazy days and plenty of excuses) to start my "project skinny".. I am 31 years old and am looking to lost around 60-65 Lbs....hopefully in time for one of my best friend's wedding. I am in need of support and making new friends on here. I tend to lose motivation quickly, especially working in a bakery....but am hoping I can get some encouraging words from everyone here!
I wish everyone the best of luck with their goals! :)


  • ronkelley2
    ronkelley2 Posts: 66 Member
    good luck we are for you
  • ifitkillsme
    I am on day 2. I read this post and it was as if I could have written it. I have 60 lbs to lose and keep putting it off and making excuses. I want to be slender or at least on my way by the time I go to my Grandmothers' 90th birthday parties this summer. And if I plan to live as long as them I better get into shape. Also my two daughters have never seen me physically fit (like I used to be). Good luck!
  • jmlynch502
    jmlynch502 Posts: 23 Member
    You can do it!!!! Feel free to add me. :-)
  • anonoki
    anonoki Posts: 11
    Project skinny! I like it , I may steal it and pretend it was mine all along:), good luck
  • crystallayne
    crystallayne Posts: 109 Member
    Wow!!! You are gonna have it rough. Baked goods are my biggest weakness. Good luck, I know you can make it. Logging on the first time is the hardest part! After that the MFP addiction kicks in!
  • AKartes11
    AKartes11 Posts: 30
    I totally understand you!!! My husbands family owns restaurants and a bakery that ships pastries all over the united states so I am ALWAYS around sweets and it is soooo difficult to stick with a diet plan! But here I am... Just finished month 1 of insanity and although I have only lost 2 lbs I am toning up nicely, which is what I wanted to do anyways! So good luck to you!! We are here for you!
  • aasshhll33yy
    good Luck! May you be able to stare those baked goods in the face and say "eff you".. They are surely my weakness as well, and I'm glad I only have to worry about rejecting the every other Friday treat days at work... I also have about 60lbs to lose.