Soon to be College Grad--need motivators!

Hello! I've been on this website off and on, but never got into the forums or anything. I thought maybe getting some support would help me finally reach my goals. I'm pretty athletic and have a larger frame, size 12, 5'11" 190lbs, I'm trying to get down into my healthy BMI range which would be around 175lbs. My biggest problem is that I eat too much processed food. I have a busy schedule with classes, internship, and working and the winter blues never helps either. I am a single female and cooking a full meal for one is hard, a lot of times I end up eating granola and yogurt for dinner. I also am moving to San Diego in July, from Cleveland, Ohio, and I am looking forward to living in a more active healthy environment, but I want to work on getting my beach body, to have year round! I tried WW and lost about ten pounds but I think it's dumb to spend money to lose weight so I figured I would try to get more involved in this website and see if the support will help me a little more! I will kindly accept friends! :)


  • amurph25
    amurph25 Posts: 41 Member
    Hi! I'm about to graduate college soon too! :) I completely understand the whole hectic life/ eating junk situation. I'll agree, it's pretty tough some days. As for cooking for one, something I used to do was cook up some chicken or something in a fairly basic way. That way I could just add it into a few dishes throughout the next few days.

    You can feel free to add me :)
  • ShawnDMuth
    ShawnDMuth Posts: 270 Member
    Would be happy to support you and give you guidance.
  • jaysonhijinx
    jaysonhijinx Posts: 663 Member
    <3 basketball!

    Feel free to add me :)