Going to the gym really early



  • plumnbagel
    plumnbagel Posts: 184 Member
    I've been going to the gym at 5 a.m. when it opens, just to make sure I can get one of the elliptical machines I like using before the morning crowd comes, and I've been doing well keeping a little bag of almonds or something in the car for after I work out (another friend said she drinks a bit of chocolate milk just to provide protein after a workout). But I've been reading up on weight training, and it seems like you should wait an hour after waking up before you do any serious lifting or stretching (your spinal discs fill with fluid overnight, according to Stuart McGill in Ultimate Back Fitness and Performance).
  • M1chelles5
    M1chelles5 Posts: 107
    But I've been reading up on weight training, and it seems like you should wait an hour after waking up before you do any serious lifting or stretching (your spinal discs fill with fluid overnight, according to Stuart McGill in Ultimate Back Fitness and Performance).

    That makes me feel better about hitting the snooze button!:tongue:
  • jrmav
    jrmav Posts: 15
    What type of workout are you doing? Cardio or weights. If just doing cardio, an empty stomach is fine and some people actually swear by fasted cardio. If hitting the weights on the other hand, you should have a high quality meal with protein and carbs about an hour beforehand. I have egg whites and oatmeal which helps fuel a strenuous workout.
  • DenverKos
    DenverKos Posts: 182
    I'm another one who doesn't eat if I work out first thing in the morning. I take medication that has to be taken on an empty stomach first thing, too, so if I ate, I would have to get up early to eat and go back to bed, or not work out until later which I can't do. When it's early, my workouts are usually only an hour long, though. On weekend when I have long rides or hard workouts, I do eat about 2 hours beforehand.
  • GroupXZ
    GroupXZ Posts: 196 Member
    I usually wake up early enough to eat and allow my food to digest before I go to the gym.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I make a smoothie with a scoop of protein, drink some of it on my drive in so I have something in my stomach before I work out and then save the rest for afterwards. It works well for me!
    This. I get something protein-y and eat/drink half on my way there, and half on my way home, and then the "rest" of my breakfast after my morning shower.
  • myak623
    myak623 Posts: 616 Member
    This is a matter of personal preference. Some people feel nauseous if they don't eat, others are just fine. Many people who follow an Intermittent Fasting protocol do not eat before an early workout.

    I workout at 5:30 AM and I don't eat before. It is really up to you. Either way is just fine.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I usually eat a very small something (just a snack really) about an hour before whenever possible. I then come home and shower and eat a full breakfast before heading out.
  • kludgood
    kludgood Posts: 172
    I go at 4am so I don't eat before I go. I wait until I get back home before work
  • BazAbroad
    BazAbroad Posts: 248
    Protein drink and 1Mr pre-training supplement.
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    do what works for you. you don't necessarily have to eat breakfast, and this is coming from a person who never ever sets foot out the house without eating breakfast, except very rarely.

    but at 5 in the morning, you can skip on breakfast if you like

    i usually eat banana/cereal/milk/tea/(and take my fish oil) or waffle/eggs/banana or oatmeal/banana

    but fasted cardio is good if it doesn't make you feel sick/weak.
  • AKSmothers
    I find that if I don't eat something I tend to run out of gas before I complete my workout. I generally wait about 45 minutes after eating before I go to the gym. My breakfast is generally 250-300 calories, and I don't feel weak or tired when I do that.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I often work out without eating first.
  • cassblue21
    cassblue21 Posts: 207
    I go to the gym at 6am and I do not eat beforehand. For me, it's alot easier to work out on an empty stomach. I drink protein at night before bed and I'm good to go. I drink protein when I'm done working out, and then I eat breakfast sometime later on..........

    This is exactly what I do. :) Except I go at 5 am. I can't eat before hand because I get up about 10 min before I go! :p
  • Amberetta82
    Amberetta82 Posts: 153 Member
    I do cardio at 6am. I usually eat a very light snack before. Its usually a mix of both carbs and protein. I have noticed that it always makes me feel better through my workouts. After, I eat another light snack that is mostly protein. Later on I will eat breakfast. It works for me.
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    You don't need to eat before you go to the gym in the morning. You can use the energy from food you ate the day before.

    Sometimes I will go 24 hours without eating and go to the gym at the end of that 24 hours.
  • caroline_g
    caroline_g Posts: 201 Member
    I'm starting at a new school at the end of the month for my teaching placement and I KNOW that if I leave it until the end of the day to workout, I'll be too tired and have too much to do. My gym is just a few minutes from the school, I chose it for that very reason, so I plan to get there 3 times a week for when it opens at 7am, workout for 45 minutes, quick shower and be at school for as soon after 8 as possible. Like you I've had to try and think about food and how to do it so I've had some earlyish sessions this morning to test it out.

    Like others have said, you really do need to eat before the gym. Not eating for 24 hours isn't healthy anyway but then going to the gym at the end of that is even worse, so ignore that advice!

    Here's what I've found works personally. Wake up, have a glass of water (stops my post gym headache) and grab a banana and then get ready. That gives my body at least 40 minutes to deal with the banana before I get to the gym and then I'll do my workout, drink plenty of water and eat breakfast after. The breakfast bit I'm still working on as I'll be at the school so can't have just anything. People have suggested things like egg sandwich, protein shakes, muffin in a cup type things if you have to eat after whilst on the move. I usually do carbs before to fuel the workout and then high protein after to refuel my muscles and help them recover, works well for me.
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    Like others have said, you really do need to eat before the gym. Not eating for 24 hours isn't healthy anyway but then going to the gym at the end of that is even worse, so ignore that advice!

    Evidence that not eating for 24 hours isn't healthy, please?
  • margeauxhunt
    Regardless of what time I go to the gym, if I don't eat something, even if it's one piece of toast, I get really dizzy.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I normally don't. I ate one time and about 1 hr later went walking and I puked it up. it was pretty :sick:
    If I do, I wait 2hrs now or just don't and go on a empty stomach.