help is all I can say

I'm a 47-year-old male who for the first time in his life is lost. I just can't get a grasp on my food intake and weight control, whether it be from depression and stress or just giving up which is really what sets off everything i just mentioned . Over the last year and a half I knew it was going downhill, as much as I try to keep telling myself and try to push myself to diet do a little exercise something for God sake, something always popped up and I put it "me" to the side again. now im to the point it hurts to bend ..walk,pick thing up things and well im getting upset just writing this. man do i need to find a happy place, well at least at times i still have my humorous side. so this is why I fell i needed to post how im feeling. I really want ....I really need to get down to the 190's, now I am 220 right this second. and maybe herring from others might help, get me focused and i can get back on track. sadly I will confess I know it's mostly me, what I mean is always start off great the first day or two, then all hell breaks loose and there you have it I'm back at McDonald's Burger King Kentucky fried chicken Wendy's just to name a couple. I seem to be my own time bomb, and I need to change that habit for starters.

here's the second half to my problem. I'm a mobile entertainer...DJ who personally DJs over 150 wedding events every year, for the last 22 years. This is my full-time job. I work in my office about 50 hours a week daytime and nighttime talking and meeting with potential clients, so not a lot of time to eat healthy I'm always on the run. And on weekends Fridays Saturdays Sundays, I'm always at catering halls and for those of you that have gone to catering halls know what kind of foods are there..... Hugely fattening foods, food you cant scan in and know your calorie intake. So I know I need to stop going to fast foods restaurants during the week. but what the heck am I supposed to do on the weekends, what kind of foods should I be eating when at catering halls while i'm working at events... these are my issues!

The good news, is I walked on my treadmill for 30 min's today, it was not a pretty sight at all but I did it! so there you have it I'm trying. I don't know what else to say I think I've got it all off my chest. I really do welcome any and all comments and suggestions and guidance.

ps.. id love to look like the photo i posted from when i felt good. not the case right now.



  • Stutz77
    Stutz77 Posts: 113
    Wow sounds like you are going through a lot and very busy person. I have gone through some of the similar issues and finally had to take a step back and re-look at where I was going. I just completed my 209th workout today! It hasn't been an easy road and I still have to find the time, but I do find logging and have a great support network helps. Feel free to add me!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,129 Member
    Sorry you're having a hard time. It's good that you let some of that out.

    It helped me a lot to have a journal on my computer to write my thoughts and frustrations - not just about food and weight loss, but whenever some big issue needs to be resolved.

    For the food/weekends. If it is too much trouble for you to pack a healthy lunch, then your options are to eat the healthy parts of the catered events. There is always a meat and a vegetable. Stick to those. Stay away from the sugar, cake, candy, and that kind of stuff.
    You can eat a lot of meat, cheese, and veggies and be okay.

    I think you'll be fine. You just have to take control of your eating. It can be done. You've caught it at 20 pounds overweight, not 100 pounds overweight. Be nice to you.
  • Fairleighfit
    Fairleighfit Posts: 13 Member
    Amen! Be nice to you! All i can say is that if you've got the ability to keep on top of such a busy lifestyle, i'm sure
    you'll be able to focus some of that toward tracking your intake and planning ahead for meals.

    Set an easy goal - plan one meal a day and dont give in. Soon you'll realize you feel better after that
    one and the next may be easier. And keep moving! 5-15 minutes one day will inspire more the next!
    You can do it!
  • rjd137
    rjd137 Posts: 21 Member
    I cannot even begin to say thank you, everyone is so amazing. As you can certainly tell I have so much going on in my life, and only touched on my own personal stuff. As a father of three of the greatest daughters anyone could ever have, and the husband of all I can say is the bomb Diggity of wife's, I have so much to be thankful for. But when it comes to me i'm the last person I think of first. And over the last year or so it's taken its toll my body, so today was the beginning for me I have to do this. I came home from my job tonight only a few minutes ago bent over in excruciating lower back pain, I need to learn how to do some stretches everything in my lower quadrant is ridiculously tight, I do have a reoccurring bulging disk at L4 just above my hips, and that comes and goes. But I had a great day today I drank a lot of water, I ate the right foods, did 30 min. of cardio on a treadmill, and went to work for eight hours and stood on my feet the whole time, had a couple of pieces of cheese, a couple of shrimp, one carrot... I couldn't help it, had dinner at a small slice of steak, and a small slice of chicken, and a decent sized salad......... I did not eat, and pastas and I beat down my worst enemy..... The wedding cake. So all in all I have everyone here to thank for my success today and helping me to believe that I can get through today.

    I like to add one last question, I am a huge snacker when I'm home, I know I have to cut a lot of it out but there has to be some good snacks I can eat, other than celery what other snacks can I keep in the house.

    Thanks again everyone!

  • Mnata
    Mnata Posts: 35 Member
    Great job today! As for snacks, fruits/vegetables are always a good choice. Also, try to mentally keep track of what you're eating/don't mindlessly eat. Instead of holding a handful of grapes or orange slices, for instance, pick up and eat them one at a time.

    Also, have you tried involving your family? Talk to your wife about making healthier choices for meals. See if your daughters want to stretch with you. In addition to helping with your health, it may help move your family to a better lifestyle as well.
  • mici0427
    mici0427 Posts: 54
    I would say definitely include your family. I have a son 12, and 2 daughters 10&7 and they all help me stay on track. They're also watching serving sizes and calories as much as I do. We never use the words fat and skinny but we do talk about serving sizes and whether or not what we want to eat fits into our goals for the day. Kids are extremely observant. They're the first to get on to you if you eat the wrong thing but they're also the first to compliment you when they notice a change, ie. activity level, muscle, toning. Being a busy mom I sometimes can't eat the healthiest of foods because it's in between kids activities but I try to keep what I eat within my caloric goals. I've also included my kids in my workouts. If they can do 20minutes of Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30 DVD I definitely should be able to too!! It sounds like you really want to make this change for your health and that is the first big step to overcoming all the negative. When I get bummed I try to remember why I wanted to get fit in the first place and how I'll feel when I accomplish that goal! Not to mention the lesson you give to your kids by working at your goal and showing them what can be gained with a little hard work and determination! Good luck to you and I KNOW you'll be able to meet your goals!!! Feel free to add me if you'd like extra encouragement!!!!!
  • mccarol1956
    mccarol1956 Posts: 422 Member
    I'm a 47-year-old male who for the first time in his life is lost. I just can't get a grasp on my food intake and weight control, whether it be from depression and stress or just giving up which is really what sets off everything i just mentioned . Over the last year and a half I knew it was going downhill, as much as I try to keep telling myself and try to push myself to diet do a little exercise something for God sake, something always popped up and I put it "me" to the side again. now im to the point it hurts to bend ..walk,pick thing up things and well im getting upset just writing this. man do i need to find a happy place, well at least at times i still have my humorous side. so this is why I fell i needed to post how im feeling. I really want ....I really need to get down to the 190's, now I am 220 right this second. and maybe herring from others might help, get me focused and i can get back on track. sadly I will confess I know it's mostly me, what I mean is always start off great the first day or two, then all hell breaks loose and there you have it I'm back at McDonald's Burger King Kentucky fried chicken Wendy's just to name a couple. I seem to be my own time bomb, and I need to change that habit for starters.

    here's the second half to my problem. I'm a mobile entertainer...DJ who personally DJs over 150 wedding events every year, for the last 22 years. This is my full-time job. I work in my office about 50 hours a week daytime and nighttime talking and meeting with potential clients, so not a lot of time to eat healthy I'm always on the run. And on weekends Fridays Saturdays Sundays, I'm always at catering halls and for those of you that have gone to catering halls know what kind of foods are there..... Hugely fattening foods, food you cant scan in and know your calorie intake. So I know I need to stop going to fast foods restaurants during the week. but what the heck am I supposed to do on the weekends, what kind of foods should I be eating when at catering halls while i'm working at events... these are my issues!

    The good news, is I walked on my treadmill for 30 min's today, it was not a pretty sight at all but I did it! so there you have it I'm trying. I don't know what else to say I think I've got it all off my chest. I really do welcome any and all comments and suggestions and guidance.

    ps.. id love to look like the photo i posted from when i felt good. not the case right now.


    Hi Ralph,

    I am sorry to hear the desperation in your post. Depression and pain make it really hard to let you put yourself first and to get motivated. Since you have that drive to do things for others and put yourself last it might benefit you to get on track for your wife and children. They love and need you and want you healthy and happy while you are in their lives. Start doing this weight loss effort for you because they need this from you.

    Pack lunches and dinners to take with you at work. A nice salad with tons of different fresh veggies makes a nice start to a meal. Take along a hard boiled egg and a lean meat like a chicken breast or piece of ham something like that. Also take along a greek yogurt and some fruit for snacks! I like to take a great soup like split pea or lentil to have later if I am still hungry. Log what you take with you before you go, plan your meals in advance, I try to plan out a week at a time. It usually keeps me on track.

    Walking is great exercise and actually can help relieve back pain. Take a 20 minute break a few times a day and walk for 15 minutes each time. Schedule your exercise time if you have to. Put it on your work calendar, try not to schedule things during that time.

    Oh and if its possible for you I beat the Burger King/ food places by never taking money or credit cards with me. I make it a point to fill up with fuel in advance and even take my cash/credit cards home. Just a suggestion.

    Wishing you success.
