any 30 day shredders out there?



  • Gulzilly
    Gulzilly Posts: 244 Member
    It sounds like a great program, but I am too uncoordinated for it. Knees hurt, feet problems. Any ideas what I could do? I'm 56 with terrrible knees.

    Debbie-there are two women who do the program with her. The lady on the left is the easier(less intense) participant. Follow her when doing the Shred.
  • MammaSki2Boys
    I've done it and I think level 2 is the hardest.
  • blturner1
    blturner1 Posts: 89 Member
    Thank you dej.......Whats it actually called and can I get one from say.. amazon?

    It is called "30 Day Shred" by Jillian Michaels.... You should be able to get it from amazon, you can most definitely get it at Walmart.
  • Microfiber_wechange
    I've ordered it waiting for it to arrive. Can't wait to see what it's all about.

    I've done turbofire 20 weeks and just finished Insanity round 3 (I'm insane but I love it :laugh: )
  • BabeedollB
    BabeedollB Posts: 161 Member
    I am on Day 12 (resting til Monday) L2 and it is TOUGH!!! My knees are really hurting, which is why I am taking a break!!! The plank is the devil, LOL!!!
  • a_new_dawn
    a_new_dawn Posts: 517 Member
    thanks for all your replies lovely ladies!

    well done to all those who have completed or are progressing, and good luck to those who are just starting out!
  • GailEMac
    GailEMac Posts: 90 Member
    I have just completed my first attempt at level 2 tonight. Damn! Sweat was dripping down my face! Some tricky moves in there, but what I love about this workout is that it's over so quickly! Well done to all you who have completed.. go you! To those beginning or starting out... no pain no gain!! Add me if you want x:bigsmile:
  • auntmayble
    auntmayble Posts: 3 Member
    I have just started my first day of the 30 day shred. I am really hoping that with the support from this site, I can really get on track of losing some of this weight! I am so motivated by reading everyone's accomplishments! Hopefully I can continue with this journey with the help of all of you!

    I just signed up so please add me!

    Thanks! :)
  • cathyvice
    cathyvice Posts: 16 Member
    Jillian 30 day shred and yes you can get it on Amazon
  • giggles2giggle
    giggles2giggle Posts: 105 Member
    30ds HURTS. I started it but I have to take days off to get over the muscle aches! Not sure if I should start from day 1 again or just pick up where I left off! But I definitely want to do it again, it's a great workout.

    i did it too and i was sore for the first 3 days but don't stop trust me the pain goes away...i didn't think so but I'm glad i didn't stop :D unfortunately i haven't kept up with it everyday. i'm still doing it but since i don't live alone i don't always get access to the tv but i'll do other workouts so i'm hoping for the best n i have lost a couple of inches and weight :D
  • a_new_dawn
    a_new_dawn Posts: 517 Member
    Hello auntmayble, thanks for the friend request! Im right behind ya on the 30ds, I start on Monday! Everyone here is in the same boat regardless of what day they're on... Motivation is the key!!It's good that we can share journeys to stay focus and motivated to shed those pounds!! Good luck with your shred!

    Level 2 already Gail? Do you not do 10 days on each level then?
  • terry_mtb
    terry_mtb Posts: 45
    I know..I am 57 and my knees hurt so bad...I had both knees replaced in 2009, but my weight is in my leggs and might have to be redone! It is the worst pain, and I have had children and 4 other surgeries, and these were the worst. I am trying to lose weight before the replacements has to be replaced! So walking and any leg exercise is difficult..but I am not quitting.
  • mjd060981
    mjd060981 Posts: 3 Member
    I started on Thursday. I am still so sore! Aleve and Advil have been my best friend. I do ok once I am up and moving, but after driving or sitting too long, I am super stiff! I am excited to see that other people are doing it as well. Definite motivation! My favorite part, aside from when it's over and I finished it, is that in 20 minutes, it burns as many calories (for me) as walking an hour!
  • crivera12398
    I just bought the video at amazon for only $6. Hope it really works...lets kit..:-)
  • sugarbear16
    sugarbear16 Posts: 8 Member
    Does Insanity come in Blue Ray? Last time I ordered a work out it didn't work in my blue ray DVD player.
  • tdbernrd
    tdbernrd Posts: 510 Member
    I've been doing 30ds in between my c25k so it's been like the 90 ds. I love it! Jillian kicks butt. I'm on level 3 day 5. It's tough but has helped my endurance so much. When I feel like I'm dying in the park or on the treadmill, I hear Jillian saying "We don't quit when we get to the end." Feel free to add me.
  • butterflye09
    Hi All,
    I completed level 1 day 5 today and i could use some support and motivation, so please add me. And good luck to everyone.
  • mum32008
    mum32008 Posts: 37 Member
    starting my 30ds today, really looking forward to it, sent you an invite as would be nice to do our 30ds journey together :smile:
  • a_new_dawn
    a_new_dawn Posts: 517 Member
    No pain no gain ladies!!

    I always find that the buzz you get after a workout is great! The aching muscles will decrease as those muscles you've probably never used before get used to it!

    Did you know... Aching muscle pain is due to torn muscles repairing themselves and getting stronger!?!

    Thanks for the add mum32008! I really look forward to seeing your updates!
  • sexy2gether2012
    sexy2gether2012 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm starting it MONDAY (tomorrow) as well! =) Excited to actually STICK WITH IT and see some results...and hopefullly smaller pants too ;) feel free to add me! Good Luck! You can do it!