Anyone following Rosemary Conley

Hi i'm Nichola,

I've been going to Rosemary Conley classes once a week for a year have lost just under 2 stone most of which came off in the first 6 months. I have been struggling to move past this point and wondered if anyone else following this diet had found this.
Would love any tips and encouragement that can get me passed this block and moving forward.

I look forward to hearing from any of you and wish you all luck in your weight loss


  • WalkWoman
    WalkWoman Posts: 34 Member
    Hi Nicola
    I started last Thursday after being on MFP properly since 1st Jan. I've worked out real hard and religiously logged food & drunk water but got stuck after losing 8lb. Have now lost 2lb since starting Rosemary Conley (less than a week so far) and am excited. However, I have had flu so been on sofa since. Don't know if when start moving & exercising weight will bounce back up though (noooooooo!) Going to stick to RC and log it on MFP (which tells me I am not eating enough - I'm 5ft 1 and the 1200 cals set by MFP is maintenance for me). Really impressed by your loss. How has it been on the journey for you?
  • Hi Nicola,

    I have been attending RC classes on and off since November last year, havent been for a month but going back this week as I have slipped back a bit, in total have only lost 7lb so far but its not the diet its me! If I keep to it I know I can shift the weight and I do need someone to weigh me every week otherwise I go off the rails a bit, also I enjoy the exercise classes. Perhaps have a word with person who runs your club, I am sure she/he will be able to advise you, I know sometimes they say when you have been on the diet for sometime you dont always measure your food and perhaps you are having more calories than you realise, also if you pop the odd bit of food in your mouth without counting the calories, these all add up.

    Have set myself a target now from my first class this Thursday of 19th April to 19th December (8 months) to lose 3 stone before I fly off to Tenerife for Christmas!

    Good luck Nicola,

    Mandy x
  • lahlah82
    lahlah82 Posts: 8
    Hi WalkWoman

    I have tried to add you as a friend but it won't work if you would like to be friends pls add me.

    The journey has been an eye opener to be honest from how much crap there is in food to how much i am my own worst enemy at times
    The one thing about RC is the support and the exercise, no matter what happens all week i always come out of class feeling positive due to the support and exercise and as they don't judge you if you have a bad week you can keep going and eventually come out of the rut and start losing again. (currently in a low rut but i no it will pass) I have now lost a total of 2 stone with RC Feb11-April12 but overall since i had my lil boy in 09 i have lost 3 stone (lost a stone with slimming world portions too big thou)
    Anyhow i've rambled enough if there is anything you would like to talk about RC or anything else let me know hope we can be friends