Only 930 calories?? Really??



  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    I consume 900 calories at breakfast every single morning... I am eating 3200-3400 calories a day... Can you eat Nuts... I eat 1 cup of Pistachios a day that alone is 320 calories.... At bedtime every night I go to bed with a glass (2 cups) of 1% chocolate milk (300 calories) 24 almonds (120 calories) and 1 cup of Kelloggs Crave Double Chocolate cereal (130 calories) I eat the almonds with the crave cereal, its like a chocolate/nut candy treat. This bedtime snack is 550 calories alone... 2 Tbps. of All Natural Peanut butter (I use Jiff) is 190 calories.... There is quite a few things you can have to make up enough calories to get to 1200/1300 calories.... Best of Luck...

    I want your calories . . . .

    Lol Thanks and the best part is I am still losing on avg. a pound a week after dropping 305 lbs. to date.... So I agree 110% you must fuel your workouts!!! I don't bust my butt in the Gym to leave those exercise calories sitting at the dinner table.... lol
  • Clarisse0304
    Clarisse0304 Posts: 77 Member
    I'm sure you are fine eating less. I eat a lot during the day and im sometimes under than 1200. Sometimes im about 800ish. Its difficult to meet your goal sometimes.

    You need to read this:

    Here's one of my old posts from a similar topic:

    OK. I'm gonna give this a shot. I am an avid lifelong athlete. I have never been overweight, however, I used to eat too few calories (without knowing it), and a couple years ago, I actually GAINED weight bc of having slowed my metabolism to the point that every little extra treat I ate caused a weight gain, even though overall my calories were too low. THIS DOES HAPPEN.

    It is also the reason so many fat people stay fat. They restrict their calories so low, slow their metabolisms, binge (even a little), gain weight, restrict more . . . . and so on and so on. But they are still fat.

    It is also the reason most people can't lose that last 10-20 lbs. For real.

    1. MFP has a deficit built in. Let's say you're trying to lose 1 lb/ week. That is a 500/day deficit from your BMR (the amount of calories your body needs to complete basic functions.

    2. You exercise and burn 500 calories. Now you are at a 1000 deficit. If you eat back those 500 exercise calories, you refuel your body and you still have a 500 deficit for that 1 lb loss. If you DON'T eat back those calories, you have too little fuel. This is bad. This is too much of a deficit for basic functions. If you do this for a long time, you will STOP LOSING WEIGHT. Why? bc your metabolism will slow down -- it's like a brownout--not quite enough electricity to make the whole city (your body) run, so it has to slow down some things. You will probably start being tired a lot, your skin and hair might start to look worse, and you might even gain weight. But you might NOT be hungry -- your body is getting used to fewer calories. That's bad.

    That's when you start to gain weight. Let's say you're running along, eating 1200 calories a day, and exercising 400 calories a day, so net is 800. You're losing, you think this is great. You keep doing it, but after a while you stop losing. hmmmmm. One weekend you go out to a special event and have a slice of pizza and a beer. 1 slice of pizza and 1 beer. So you ate maybe 2000 calories that day and exercised off 400, so net 1600. BOOM! You gain 3 lbs! What?!

    Next, you freak out and restrict yourself down to 1000 calories a day and work out extra hard, burning 500 calories. Great, netting 500 now. You don't lose any weight, but you sure feel tired. Better get some red bull.

    Are you getting the picture?

    EDIT: When you work out, you need fuel. Food is fuel. If you don't eat back those exercise calories, you will not only have a big calorie deficit, you will have an ENERGY deficit. Remember, the calorie deficit for weight loss is built in when you use MFP. Exercising basically earns you more calories because you must refuel.

    There are many people who will tell you not to eat exercise calories. Before you take their advice, you might want to see whether they are at goal, have EVER been at goal, or have ever been able to maintain at goal. If anyone says to you 'THE LAST TIME I LOST WEIGHT", just stop listening right there.

    Ask some athletes whether or not they replenish their bodies with food equal to the calories they burn. Ask people who are fit and have achieved and maintained a healthy weight for some years. Don't ask people who count walking across a parking lot as exercise.

    Here's an interesting case study about how to stay fat while consuming only 700 calories a day. Take a moment, you'll be glad you did:


    Awesome feedback,
    Thank you
  • kazzari
    kazzari Posts: 473 Member
    Hmm I never seem to have much of a problem reaching my calorie goals, guess I'm not eating healthily enough, ah well, I'm happy and healthier, so I don't care :smile:

    Most days I eat very healthy (except maybe today because bf was buying) and I still don't have trouble meeting my calories. it doesn't take a lot of delicious avocadoes and butter to bridge any gaps at the end of the day.
  • trinoc
    trinoc Posts: 73
    Nut butter helps keep your blood sugar stable overnight. It's a good choice in the evening.
  • giggitygoo
    giggitygoo Posts: 1,978 Member

    You need to read this:

    Next, you freak out and restrict yourself down to 1000 calories a day and work out extra hard, burning 500 calories. Great, netting 500 now. You don't lose any weight, but you sure feel tired. Better get some red bull.

    Are you getting the picture?

    EDIT: When you work out, you need fuel. Food is fuel. If you don't eat back those exercise calories, you will not only have a big calorie deficit, you will have an ENERGY deficit. Remember, the calorie deficit for weight loss is built in when you use MFP. Exercising basically earns you more calories because you must refuel.


    Holy crap. This is my situation exactly. Bless you. I really needed to read this.
  • JennetteMac
    JennetteMac Posts: 763 Member
    I have the same problem! Since I eat mostly healthy things now I hardly ever get enough calories. I eat all thoughout the day and never feel hungry, but at the end of the day I am always short - and when I go to they gym forget it I am not even close! The only time I come close is if I am going out and have cocktails or choose to eat something fried :) It gets very frustrating when you read how you are not eating enough every time you hit the complete button. I think it is important to pay attention to your body and what it is telling you! I lost 10 pounds in 7 weeks so everyone is different! it takes time to figure it out, but I would not eat the junk food just to be close to the total calories!

    eat brown rice, eat wholemeal bread, eat chicken, beef, tuna etc. they are loaded in goodness and pretty high in calories at a reasonable level.

    Vegetables and salads should be eaten for VITAMIN and NUTRITION values. NOT TO FILL your calories. It just wont cut it.

    Is this right?
    I eat hardly any processed food and having been vegetarian for 30 years am only just starting to add tuna and chicken. This is because I have been having trouble getting enough protein, and I need more calories and more muscle built up. (I lost 40lb through eating hardly anything for over a year after an emotional struggle).
    I am happy (ish) with my weight at the moment, but need to keep it down where it is now, yet still be healthy. If I stay at 1200/1300 I think I should be ok, but I hardly ever eat rice, bread is a bagel for breakfast only, and rest is veg and salad. I thought that would be ok but I haven't managed to lose my last 6lb (I put them on just after Christmas).
    I do treat myself to chocolate sometimes.
    Have I got it all wrong?

  • buckeye86
    buckeye86 Posts: 128 Member
    I eat hardly any processed food and having been vegetarian for 30 years am only just starting to add tuna and chicken. This is because I have been having trouble getting enough protein, and I need more calories and more muscle built up. (I lost 40lb through eating hardly anything for over a year after an emotional struggle).

    You can easily get the protein your body needs (and extra if you think you need it to build more muscle) without eating meat. I just wanted to point that out. I'm a lacto-ovo vegetarian, so I don't have any issues getting any of my nutrients at all, but even vegans don't have any trouble getting protein as long as they study up on what to eat. I gained weight because I didn't learn what I was supposed to eat with my change of diet. I ate everything I ate before only without the meat- it ended up being carb/sugar heaven and less exercise. But as several people pointed out, even something as simple as peanut butter can add calories and protein and it's absolutely yummy.
  • jcan1588
    jcan1588 Posts: 26 Member

    You can easily get the protein your body needs (and extra if you think you need it to build more muscle) without eating meat. I just wanted to point that out. I'm a lacto-ovo vegetarian, so I don't have any issues getting any of my nutrients at all, but even vegans don't have any trouble getting protein as long as they study up on what to eat. I gained weight because I didn't learn what I was supposed to eat with my change of diet. I ate everything I ate before only without the meat- it ended up being carb/sugar heaven and less exercise. But as several people pointed out, even something as simple as peanut butter can add calories and protein and it's absolutely yummy.

    i'm not a vegetarian but only eat meat a handle full of times (5-6 meals a day and maybe one will have meat) any way i make quinoa with beans and veggies, it is sooo good and high in protein. you could even dice up some tofu or edamame and toss it in there
  • aquasw16
    aquasw16 Posts: 342 Member
    Shouldnt have anything that will spike your insulin unless u plan on being up for atleast 3 hours. ( sugar or fast digesting carbs)

  • I have a question. I live in the UK and have started using MFP. I've recently read some blogs on BMR /TDEE as I'd not heard if these before. I've been exercising like crazy the last fortnight as I've been on holiday (17 high intensity cardio classes) and I've been counting calories around 1200 mark. I've gained weight.:-( Friends have said it'll be muscle!?

    I've now worked out my BMR and with a 500 cal deficit I'm looking at 1660 cals per day. My question to you is: in the Harris benedict formula it takes into account activity and it's put into the equation - so do I just track calories eaten on MFP now and forget about my exercise?

    I'm confused. Please help.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    I'm sure you are fine eating less. I eat a lot during the day and im sometimes under than 1200. Sometimes im about 800ish. Its difficult to meet your goal sometimes.

    1. MFP has a deficit built in. Let's say you're trying to lose 1 lb/ week. That is a 500/day deficit from your BMR (the amount of calories your body needs to complete basic functions.

    Don't want to sound nit-picky, so please don't take it that way, but it's not a deficit from your BMR, it's a deficit from your TDEE. It's not recommended to go below your BMR - it's the minumum your body needs to keep vital organs running. It's a deficit from your total daily expenditure - the amount you burn off doing your normal daily routine.

    Also, can we really blame everything on metabolism? I don't think it's the case for everyone. I was fat because I ate whole trifles and drank drinks over 1000 calories at work, not because of metabolism and yo-yo dieting.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    I consume 900 calories at breakfast every single morning... I am eating 3200-3400 calories a day... Can you eat Nuts... I eat 1 cup of Pistachios a day that alone is 320 calories.... At bedtime every night I go to bed with a glass (2 cups) of 1% chocolate milk (300 calories) 24 almonds (120 calories) and 1 cup of Kelloggs Crave Double Chocolate cereal (130 calories) I eat the almonds with the crave cereal, its like a chocolate/nut candy treat. This bedtime snack is 550 calories alone... 2 Tbps. of All Natural Peanut butter (I use Jiff) is 190 calories.... There is quite a few things you can have to make up enough calories to get to 1200/1300 calories.... Best of Luck...

    WOW! Well done for losing 300+ lbs! You're an inspiration!
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    I have a question. I live in the UK and have started using MFP. I've recently read some blogs on BMR /TDEE as I'd not heard if these before. I've been exercising like crazy the last fortnight as I've been on holiday (17 high intensity cardio classes) and I've been counting calories around 1200 mark. I've gained weight.:-( Friends have said it'll be muscle!?

    I've now worked out my BMR and with a 500 cal deficit I'm looking at 1660 cals per day. My question to you is: in the Harris benedict formula it takes into account activity and it's put into the equation - so do I just track calories eaten on MFP now and forget about my exercise?

    I'm confused. Please help.

    MFP does it for you. What calorie goal has MFP given you?
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    I eat hardly any processed food and having been vegetarian for 30 years am only just starting to add tuna and chicken. This is because I have been having trouble getting enough protein, and I need more calories and more muscle built up. (I lost 40lb through eating hardly anything for over a year after an emotional struggle).

    You can easily get the protein your body needs (and extra if you think you need it to build more muscle) without eating meat. I just wanted to point that out. I'm a lacto-ovo vegetarian, so I don't have any issues getting any of my nutrients at all, but even vegans don't have any trouble getting protein as long as they study up on what to eat. I gained weight because I didn't learn what I was supposed to eat with my change of diet. I ate everything I ate before only without the meat- it ended up being carb/sugar heaven and less exercise. But as several people pointed out, even something as simple as peanut butter can add calories and protein and it's absolutely yummy.

    ^this. I'm sick of the protein myths surrounding vegetarianism and veganism. People use it against us, as if meat is the only source of protein.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    I consume 900 calories at breakfast every single morning... I am eating 3200-3400 calories a day... Can you eat Nuts... I eat 1 cup of Pistachios a day that alone is 320 calories.... At bedtime every night I go to bed with a glass (2 cups) of 1% chocolate milk (300 calories) 24 almonds (120 calories) and 1 cup of Kelloggs Crave Double Chocolate cereal (130 calories) I eat the almonds with the crave cereal, its like a chocolate/nut candy treat. This bedtime snack is 550 calories alone... 2 Tbps. of All Natural Peanut butter (I use Jiff) is 190 calories.... There is quite a few things you can have to make up enough calories to get to 1200/1300 calories.... Best of Luck...

    I want your calories . . . .

    HAHA me too :laugh:
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    My grandmother died this week so I slacked off on healthy eating.

    So sorry for your loss. I lost my g-ma last year. It's heartbreaking :( x
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,247 Member
    I have a question. I live in the UK and have started using MFP. I've recently read some blogs on BMR /TDEE as I'd not heard if these before. I've been exercising like crazy the last fortnight as I've been on holiday (17 high intensity cardio classes) and I've been counting calories around 1200 mark. I've gained weight.:-( Friends have said it'll be muscle!?

    I've now worked out my BMR and with a 500 cal deficit I'm looking at 1660 cals per day. My question to you is: in the Harris benedict formula it takes into account activity and it's put into the equation - so do I just track calories eaten on MFP now and forget about my exercise?

    I'm confused. Please help.

    Be careful you are not underestimating the food calories, because to this day I fail to see how anybody can gain weight on a true 1200 calories per day.

    To everybody else: the OP no longer appears to have an account, I suspect it was a troll.
  • MFP has given me 1200. If I use this should I then eat my exercise calories. I'm really motivated at the moment so just want to give myself the best chance!
  • papastu
    papastu Posts: 737 Member
    so many topics started like this then the OP dissapears :

    Page not found

    Sorry, but the page you requested was not found. Please check the URL and try again.

    then we do it all again, lol
  • Schnuddelbuddel
    Schnuddelbuddel Posts: 402 Member
    MFP has given me 1200. If I use this should I then eat my exercise calories. I'm really motivated at the moment so just want to give myself the best chance!
    Yes. Eat your 1200 (that's already the deficit) and then your exercise cals back. :) Freaked me out at the start, and I mean REALLY freaked me out, because it meant some days I eat more than 2000 calories and I found it really hard to get my head around the 'eating less does not equal weight loss'.

    It's brilliant once you get to grips with 'food is not your enemy' ;D