Any Migraineurs Out there?



  • lablovr108
    lablovr108 Posts: 576 Member
    I've had migraines since I was 9 or so. I take Relpax with either Advil or Aleve when I get one. I used to take Imitrex, but even the highest doses of that weren't helping me any longer. My biggest triggers are hormonal, stress and changes in the weather.

    My doctor told me to try taking magnesium as there have been studies that show that may reduce the frequency of migraines. I've read articles to that effect as well. I started taking magnesium daily last August. I have definitely noticed a decrease in the number of headaches I've had. Not sure if it's coincidence, but I'm going to continue to take it.

    I can't exercise when I have a headache. Just moving around makes my head throb worse.
  • tinydancer4
    tinydancer4 Posts: 114 Member
    I didn't start getting them until I was 19 and I'm now 26. Mine really vary - can be anything from one every 3 months to 3 a week.

    The only sure fire trigger I've identified is going too long without eating, that usually brings on a migraine. Makes dieting harder! I always try and eat something every 2-3 hours and never skip breakfast.

    The problem I have is that my migraines always include nausea and sickness, so if I try and take pills after one has started I often end up throwing them up. Not nice!

    Since I started trying to lose weight (only just over a week ago!) I have been exercising a lot more and, without wanting to jinx anything, I haven't had any migraines in that time...
  • malkb27
    malkb27 Posts: 40
    I would call my condition chronic headaches with severe migraines every other month. I've tried a variety of migraine medicine, but I didn't like the side effects. I've been dealing with this for as long as I can remember. I have a million triggers (not enough sleep, too much sleep, out in the sun, stress, etc.)

    I'd like to reiterate what a few other people have said about removing gluten, though. I eliminated gluten about 7 weeks ago and I have gone from having a headache almost every day to having a headache once or twice a week. And I haven't had a single migraine. Now my headaches are less severe and either completely go away with ibuprophen (which they didn't used to) or go away on their own. It's amazing.

    It's hard to get rid of gluten, but for me it has been worth it. And I do plan on eating gluten from time-to-time because I can't imagine never eating pizza again!

    P.S. Rice pasta is really tasty!
  • katiejarr
    katiejarr Posts: 251 Member
    I never had a migraine in my life until I started menopause at 47. Then Pow! I was using Imatrex and it was a miracle until about last year when my body just said NO to it and it literally stopped working and I had a migraine for literally 2 weeks and nothing worked. Went to the ER and they gave me Dilotted. That worked and also made me sick. The next day I went to a Neurologist. He put me on 100 mg of Topamax twice a day and low dose of Pamelor (which worked but makes me too dehydrated so we are working on finding something to replace it). For the most part Topamax is a miracle drug but it took about a month to get used to. You have to work through the loopie stage and after a month you don't feel that any more. About 2 days a month I do get a headache but not a massive migraine...then I can take an Alieve...if I do get a migraine once in a blue moon I take 2 Tramadale and 1 Fiorcet and 2 Alieve and that cocktail will nock it out. Eventually once I am through menopause I should stop the migraines because mine are diagnosed as Menopausal Migraines but they are miserable :explode:
  • katiejarr
    katiejarr Posts: 251 Member
    Oh regarding exercise...I practice Yoga but I do NOT exercise if I have a migraine ...I can't move when Im having a migraine! I also get nausea but no aura. But otherwise I exercise 5 days a week. Ive heard that exercise can help migraine suffers...I also take magnesium every day.