
So, I was hoping to reach my goal weight by the end of the summer.

Did that happen?


I'm pretty angry at myself that I turned so un-motivated this summer. I did well at first, but finally fell into the trap of eating ice cream daily (I work at an ice cream place) and not exercising as hardcore as I should have. At one point I was down to 159, but right now I'm back up around 163. Not too bad... but NOT where I wanted to be. Now it's hard for me to find the motivation to begin again because I feel like I've failed myself, especially since I gained some weight back! I wanted SO BADLY to go back to school and be down to 155.

So right now I'm trying to accept that I messed up this summer and realize that while, yes, it sucks, I can still turn things around and still reach my goal! It's just been really hard working up that motivation again. I guess I'm sick of being sick of my body and I JUST WANT TO BE AT MY GOAL!!!! Gah!!!!!

So RIGHT NOW I am promising myself to be recommitted. I CAN get down to 155 (eventually 150...?!?!) but I HAVE to suck it up and get back on the wagon. I guess I'm hoping that by posting I'll be held to it!!

So it's time to stop feeling sorry for myself and time to go do it!!!!!


  • xeniasimms
    First of all, losing 22 pounds in one summer is a great accomplishment and you should be extremely proud. Second, expecting to lose 34 pounds in one summer might have been an unrealistic goal. Either way, there is no use crying over spilt milk. Be happy that you got to enjoy ice cream and some breaks from strenuous workouts. :tongue: Stick with your diet and eventually you will reach your goal! Think of it like this, 2 months from now you can be 155 or 150 pounds and might not have reached that goal as quick as you wanted, but still reached it none the less, OR you could still be 163 or heavier and be feeling sorry for yourself! If you think of it like this, it will be easy to feel proud of your accomplishments thus far and get motivated to get back on track! :flowerforyou:
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    Dear TrueDecember,

    I am writing this as much for myself as I am for you. Here is the pep talk I give myself all the time!

    It doesn't matter what is in the past only what you decide today will make a difference in the future.

    Tamtastic said it best when she wrote (paraphrased...sorry Tami)...time will pass anyway but where you will be is up to you.

    Maybe for you, if school is starting this week or next week you won't be at 155 but maybe you could be at 150 by Christmas.

    Here is the deal...December 25th will come no matter what. Where do we want to be when it comes??

    Best of Luck!!!:flowerforyou:

    Read my quote below, it helps me.

  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    First of all, losing 22 pounds in one summer is a great accomplishment and you should be extremely proud. Second, expecting to lose 34 pounds in one summer might have been an unrealistic goal. Either way, there is no use crying over spilt milk. Be happy that you got to enjoy ice cream and some breaks from strenuous workouts. :tongue: Stick with your diet and eventually you will reach your goal! Think of it like this, 2 months from now you can be 155 or 150 pounds and might not have reached that goal as quick as you wanted, but still reached it none the less, OR you could still be 163 or heavier and be feeling sorry for yourself! If you think of it like this, it will be easy to feel proud of your accomplishments thus far and get motivated to get back on track! :flowerforyou:

    Love this!!!
  • Sherry79
    Sherry79 Posts: 74
    I agree with all the previous posts but I know where you're coming from. I made up my mind in Feb. that I was going to lose this weight once and for all and went into it knowing it would take me quite some time to do it. I ate healthy and exercised and by May I had lost 28 lbs. (of course it came off faster those first few weeks that's the reason for the high number I know) But anyways one little slip up in May and I told myself I had "failed" and I got so off track of my goals. Now I have gained back 12 of those pounds and I am having to lose them again. So I know exactly what you mean and thank you for posting this because all the responses have motivated me as well :smile:

    My motto this time around is "I will not GIVE UP when I SLIP UP":heart:

    And by the way CONGRATULATIONS on losing 22 lbs.!!!! That's awesome!:flowerforyou:
  • jnicolebuckler
    Recommittment is a great word for my situation as well!

    I started trying to lose weight September 1st of last year and from September to April of this year I lost nearly 70lbs! Come May all it took was one picnic and eating all the typical picnic foods and it led to a downward spiral. The entire summer I didn't eat well and managed to gain back 20lbs! I'm really upset with myself but now I'm ready to begin again. I just telling myself that I can do it this time and I will try not to get distracted again! I think now is a good time to begin again as well, got a couple of months before the holidays. So I'm on day two, so far so day at a time.

    Good luck and here is to our recommittment!!! :drinker:
  • truedecember
    truedecember Posts: 151 Member
    Thanks for the responses!! Everyone here is always so awesome! I love the quote about not accepting excuses. After reading this I literally got right on the treadmill and did a six-mile run. We can do this you guys!!! And when December 25th is here we'll be looking good!! :laugh:
  • jnicolebuckler
    Same here, I was still feeling bad about my little "mess up" but especially after reading this post I'm ready to do it! We can do it!

    Oh and by the way great job on the six mile run! :smile:
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member

    We should all be encouraged! :bigsmile:

    This is why I love this site!!! :heart: :heart:

    I went through a 3 month plateau even though I was still doing everything right. :grumble: I played with the same few pounds that whole time. :noway: It was the friendly and knowledgable people here at MFP that got me through!!! That is when I found the quote! Glad to hear it helped someone else!

    Hurray about the 6 mile run!!! Amazing!!!:drinker:

  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I think of it this way:

    For 15 years I steadily gained weight. Each year I would loath myself more. Call myself a lazy fat *kitten* that was incapable of controlling what I put into my body-my temple.

    I lay on the bed, watching TV, flipping channels,saying "Oh I wish I had time to work out"

    Well, I have lost 2 pounds in 6 months. I no longer think of this as a diet, but a REAL lifestyle change!

    Instead of 5 pounds heavier..........I am 2 pounds lighter and a full size smaller! I fell healthy and ALIVE!!

    I am proud of who I am now. Go to the gym and show others how to work the machines.

    I bet you have done all of these things also.

    Puff up your chest and say WOW I AM GREAT!!!!!

    Then eat a salad and jump on the treadmill!!

    :flowerforyou: Jeannie
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member

    We should all be encouraged! :bigsmile:

    This is why I love this site!!! :heart: :heart:

    I went through a 3 month plateau even though I was still doing everything right. :grumble: I played with the same few pounds that whole time. :noway: It was the friendly and knowledgable people here at MFP that got me through!!! That is when I found the quote! Glad to hear it helped someone else!

    Hurray about the 6 mile run!!! Amazing!!!:drinker:


    Your right there with me Deedee! Except I have been working on it since 06/08!! Anyway we look at it we are healthier today than the same time last year!! WOOT!:drinker: