just restarted and could really use some support

Evette7 Posts: 156 Member
Hi, I just started my lifestyle change on Friday and Im already struggling. I have about 100lbs to lose and Im ready but no one in my home is in the same shoes so theres junk food everywhere and my willpower sucks. I could really use a helping hand and would gladly return the favor!


  • Looking forward to getting started , just joined 5 minutes ago. Lets team up! We can do this!
  • mgs68pony
    mgs68pony Posts: 306 Member
    You can find lot's of motivation here. It is very hard to stay motivated and on track if no one else at your house is doing this with you. Good Luck!
  • Evette7
    Evette7 Posts: 156 Member
    Looking forward to getting started , just joined 5 minutes ago. Lets team up! We can do this!

    Lets do it!!!
  • redcut
    redcut Posts: 176
    Welcome aboard you are a strong women you can fight all those cravings because you want a better healthier life I wish you luck on your journey and if you need a friend or would like one you may add me I am on every day. I can be tough on you if that is what you need but I can also listen without bringing you down. Have a great journey :)
  • Superstar_81
    Superstar_81 Posts: 88 Member
    Hi Ive sent you a friend request. Im looking to lose around 35-40lbs and not got much in the way of will power!! Its really easy for me to talk myself into eating something I know I'll probabaly regret but with this site and the support you get on here, it makes you feel much more accountable..which is good for me!! There is always junk food lying around my house for the rest of the family so I know how you feel!! Stupid temptation!
    We can definately get this done though! :wink:
  • Evette7
    Evette7 Posts: 156 Member
    You can find lot's of motivation here. It is very hard to stay motivated and on track if no one else at your house is doing this with you. Good Luck!

    Thank you! It is very hard! We have 3 teenagers that eat like crap but are in great shape and my partner is an athlete so it doesnt seem to be much of an issue. I just get overwhelmed and frustraed by it all and find myself giving in quickly. I have never really had a weight loss support system and thing its safe to say that I am not sure how to have one. I start and want support and then get frustraed and give up. This time I want to really dive in and do this and need all the help I can get!
  • optimistic101
    optimistic101 Posts: 10 Member
    hi, i just joined yesterday, havnt got the hang of the site yet, but am looking forward to hopefully makig new friends along the way. would love to find "diet" buddies and share the ups and downs of our journeys,
    good luck all
  • I've sent you a friend request! :D What I really find motivating is the words "Summer is coming whether you're in shape or not!" Those words scare me!! lolz
  • Eliannasmom
    Eliannasmom Posts: 55 Member
    Feel free to add me as well... journey together :) Who controls the grocery shopping in your house? In mine I notice they eat what I buy so if it is healthy healthy we eat!! Good luck tons of support here
  • Think about you, just you. Your will power, will gain speed with each minute, each hour, and each day you are ture to yourself. It takes a lot of talking yourself out of why you don't want the junk food. I started Feb 14, 2012, and I have to talk to myself every time I find my self going for food. Sometimes I don't even know how I ended up in the kitchen. I wish you much luck and add me as a friend you would like.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Honestly? You'll probably be a bit more successful if you allow yourself a treat now and then vs trying to do this with an "all or nothing" mentality. Most people will tell you that trying to severely restrict themselves only leads to binge eating later. Start reading the labels on foods. Learn what a true serving size of something is and follow it. You'll be amazed at how much this will change the way you view foods. Focus on eating healthy 80% of the time and remembering to enjoy your life the other 20% of the time. There's no reason you can't enjoy some of the things you love - just do it in moderation.

    I'm one of those people who would happily eat cookies for dinner, but I've found if I eat a healthy dinner first - then when it comes time for the cookies? I'm far more reasonable about them because I'm feeling full from the meal I ate.

    Make sure you're eating enough. Don't restrict your calories to an unhealthy point - you'll be back here in a month trying to figure out why you're not losing weight, you'll feel awful and you'll be miserable.

    Good Luck!
  • jennyva246
    jennyva246 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey Evette! I hear you - my hubby is eating nachos as I sit here. I just sighed up for the program, and I've just started a cleanse program, which I'm hoping will kick-start me into a better diet once I'm back to solid foods. Will power is everything. I've 40 pounds to take off to get to a healthy weight. Let's keep each other accountable!!!
  • shanel97654
    shanel97654 Posts: 38 Member
    Hi - I have been on here for about three weeks! I can completely relate with you about the junk food around the house. My hubby is constantly buying stuff that I shouldn't eat. I have complained enough that he atleast hides it so it isn't easy for me to find. LOL! Would love some additional support myself and to help motivate others..... I need to lose around 50lbs. Please anyone feel free to add me .... ;0)
  • My advice is to take each day as it comes. I only started a few days ago and so far I've not done too great at all, however today I have stuck to my calories so I am really pleased about that (even though it seems like a small thing!) Just take each day as it comes I guess. It can be so hard when thereis junk food around, a lot of people say bin it but I can't. Sometimes it works to just plan it into your allowence so you can have a bit of what you fancy :)

    Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • x__abbi__x
    x__abbi__x Posts: 97 Member
    Firstly congrats on joining again :)
    Secondly I know how you feel, my partner and daughters are still eating normally. Ive found if I fancy something I will have a small bit, everything in moderation right?
    Add me if you want :) xx
    JEKJEK1 Posts: 2

    i have just started yesterday

    tootsmorgan my daughter in law introduced me to this site

    i am excited

    i know that feeling.worried you are going to fail again

    well dont

    at least you are making an effort

    just do the best you can

    be honest

    try and visualise yourself a stone lighter

    imagine how good that will feel

    you can do it
  • samra2012
    samra2012 Posts: 715
    I just restarted last wednesday, so you can add me!!!! my kids eat lots of crazy food too!
  • Jaidee1979
    Jaidee1979 Posts: 61 Member
    Hi Evette! Feel free to add me on MFP. I have 90 lbs. to lose so let's do this together!
  • Evette7
    Evette7 Posts: 156 Member
    Welcome aboard you are a strong women you can fight all those cravings because you want a better healthier life I wish you luck on your journey and if you need a friend or would like one you may add me I am on every day. I can be tough on you if that is what you need but I can also listen without bringing you down. Have a great journey :)

    I would much rather have someone be tough and honest then give me excuses to mess up!
  • Evette7
    Evette7 Posts: 156 Member
    Hi Ive sent you a friend request. Im looking to lose around 35-40lbs and not got much in the way of will power!! Its really easy for me to talk myself into eating something I know I'll probabaly regret but with this site and the support you get on here, it makes you feel much more accountable..which is good for me!! There is always junk food lying around my house for the rest of the family so I know how you feel!! Stupid temptation!
    We can definately get this done though! :wink:

    It is sooooo easy to give yourself (myself) passes and eat things we shouldnt! I am also queen of "Oh, Ill just start over tomorrow"!