Body by Vi - does it work long term?



  • Well I am going to give it a try bc I need a jump start and I love the taste....
  • absimon
    absimon Posts: 3 Member
    The question is if this works long term. Absolutely. I started this April 2010 and wanted to lose 30 lbs. The only exercise I did was walk every day from 3-7 miles daily. I replaced two meals a day--mostly b/c I hate making breakfast and this shake gives me what I needed to start the day. Lunch I did pretty regularly in the beginning as I had already done the "eating right" routine worked with a personal trainer but could never budge below 178...I know what I need to eat for snacks what to make for dinner and know portion control For me it's about being able to enjoy the foods I want to enjoy in moderation. I can honestly say that here I am almost a year later weight is still off, working with a personal trainer for strength training and conditioning and feel great. Lost also about
    12 inches off my body in addition. I started promoting this as well and my neighbor was eating healthy and running daily and had same problem could not budge. His health and energy has improved as well as the weight has come off.

    I am not religiously doing 2 shakes a day but definitely doing 1. I would like to lose 5 more lbs but it is not critical at this point. I suppose when the warmer weather comes around I will kick it back up a notch.
  • Rgrasshopper
    Rgrasshopper Posts: 4 Member
    I'm just starting with this product. I've been using spec k pro shakes to replace one meal a's calories in v calories out bottom line...the shakes are quick and tasty...rather than eat I use my lunch to get cardio in... :) oh! And these turned out to be a bit cheaper than spec k ...(month supply...)
  • Rgrasshopper
    Rgrasshopper Posts: 4 Member
    It's not so much if the shakes's more how much are we! No quick fixes...
  • KayteeBear
    KayteeBear Posts: 1,040 Member
    Personally, I like shakes like these just for on the run meals and such. Like for me my body hates food for like the first hour or so after waking up and if I have to leave for work in 30 minutes, then i don't have time to eat but a shake that I DRINK is much easier to force down then say eggs and toast.

    But otherwise I don't believe in using shakes JUST to lose weight.
  • Djwright66
    Djwright66 Posts: 1 Member
    A gimmick is a gimmick. Weight loss is best to come from life style changes. If you don't make the changes, the weight will come back regardless. Change your mindset, change your eating habits and keep a eye on how much you are eating and you'll lose the weight and keep it off.
  • I have been doing the body by vi for 3 weeks now and I have only lost 3 pounds. Which is actually a healthy weight loss. I have a shake for breakfast and then for lunch I like to add some instant sugar-free pudding mix to it and make it pudding:) It doesn't add many calories and I get to actually "eat" something on my lunch:) It's really not that bad having two meals replaced, since I never ate breakfast regularly before anyways.
  • lorraine311
    lorraine311 Posts: 127 Member
    It started the shakes two years ago. Lost ten pounds and have kept it off. I continue to drink a shake every day for all the nutrition. Wonderful!!
  • NadiaAK
    NadiaAK Posts: 13 Member
    I've lost 46 lbs in 3 months simply through diet and exercise. While the shakes may be convenient and you may feel like you're healthier, I find them unnecessary. It's possible to lose weight without them...just my 2 cents.
  • I've been on Body by Vi challenge for two months now and have lost 12 lbs. which is for me a good result given the fact that I eat food and combine the program with My fitness pal app staying as close to 1700 calories a day and "cheating" a little on weekends. There's no doubt it works--if you replace one meal a day with a shake with as much nutrients as the Vi Shake has, you will lose weight. The thing about it is, you can play around with it (2 shakes one day, one shake the next day and so on.) This is how I continue to lose weight without getting bored with it.
  • Waszo
    Waszo Posts: 41
    I joined a lifestyle & weight loss program at the medical clinic I go to.I attend lectures go to support group see a dietitian , a Dr. & exercise trainer. In seven weeks I have lost 22 lbs. We are working on changing my eating habits.I eat a lot of protein & plant oils . I try to keep my carbs. down to 150 grams a day or less. I walk 1-1/2 miles a day & do a little resistance weight training. If you eat a wide variety of fruits & veggies you do not need supplements. I like to eat my calories not drink them. So for me shakes are out.
  • I would like to see how this works long term also. You are not teaching yourself permanent eating habits. My sister sells body by vi, has lost 25 lbs and still does 2 shakes a day. She lost 13 lbs in 90 days, but I lost 15 in 90 days just by changing my eating and exercise habits. I personally have not tried the shakes. My feeling is it is better to change your eating habits than drink shakes.
  • lorraine311
    lorraine311 Posts: 127 Member
    I post lots of before and after pics on Facebook. Friend me! Lorraine Cassano Maenza
  • pg1girl
    pg1girl Posts: 268 Member
    FAD.... Just like isagenix. I have known so many people that have done them both and gained back all the weight they lost plus more! I know from experience! Calorie deficit by eating real food and exercise and you will lose the weight....unless you have some kind of medical issue that affects weight loss. I would not recommend this all.
  • lambertj
    lambertj Posts: 675 Member
    My concern with these shakes relates not to long term weight loss but long term health risks due to the soy protein. I have been told by numerous sources that soy protein is not safe for the body and can cause a range of long term health issues so although you may lose the weight, at what cost to your health. Scary but I also see people giving these to their kids and taking during pregnancy. Soy is a big no-no. A personal trainer friend just attended a health seminar and was told that Body by Vi is one of the worse supplements there is out there and anyone using a soy-based product is headed for a lot of sickness
  • caegem
    caegem Posts: 79 Member
    Hi Lambrtj, I am a nurse and I love their products. Yes there is soy in the product,but there is also whey protein, and the soy non GMO "not geneticlly modified" and the estrogens that cause people problems have also been removed. The blend of protein they use in the shakes is 99% absorbable and proven to be very helpful in building and maintaining lean muscle. I do hear your concern though and i tend to steer people away from using soy milk with the shakes, I agree that too much is not good! However the nutrition is sound, and I would rather have a Kid having a vi shake with fruit, or a VI Nutri cookie, than a burger at mcdonalds or a bag of doughnuts! Good nutrition is good nutrition, and i think alot of people are fat and undernourished! The fact that body by VI challenges people to make some healthy life changes I think is awesome! Battleing obesity and all the illness that comes with that is comendable! I also LOVE this website, super inspirational!!
  • lambertj
    lambertj Posts: 675 Member
    LOL why is it that Body by Vi reps always compare the shakes to McDonalds and junk food but never to just good clean eating. My FB page is full of reps who use the same exact line you just did. Is that part of the training?

    What happens down the road if you find out that by giving your kid soy all those years you have caused him irreversible health issues. I'm sorry but that is not a risk I'm willing to take. I would rather give children good healthy organic foods. People aren't obese because of food, they are obese because of eating the wrong foods and not exercising. Why not teach your kids from early on how to eat well and move
  • cchardt
    cchardt Posts: 21 Member
    I use them, but kind of in moderation. At work during the workweek. I can have some days where we have plenty of time for me to eat a real meal and other times we get so busy that I had to skip lunches and then was ravenous come dinner time and I would overeat. On weekends I generally eat "real" food. Its more of a time management issue for me and where I work there is no way of predicting so I like having the shakes here to make sure I get the proper filling nutrition. I don't take the supplements, I don't follow their meal plan, I basically use them as a protein/fiber supplement. I like the versatility they provide and well thats it. :)

    I just started today and that is what I am going to do as well. I am not a big breakfast eater at all and it is easy to have the shake. I will also have one for lunch some days as well because it is quick and easy!! As far as the weekends I will be eating food. I decided to do this to be able to get the nutrients and such. I did not purchase anything else other than the shakes because I will have regular snacks and such.

    I started this because I was stagnant. I lost 47 pounds and I am stuck. So hopefully this will give me the boost that I need.
  • Nucky719
    Nucky719 Posts: 143
    I bought some to support a friend that is selling it, but I don't use it religiously. I actually use more like a nutritious snack. I mix packet of hot chocolate with it and ice to make a milkshake, or bananas for banana shake.
  • jclark21
    jclark21 Posts: 23 Member
    I use them as well, but just as a quick breakfast or on days at work when I don't get a lunch break but I need a drinkable meal. They're tasty with fresh strawberris and bananas, which increases my fruit, fiber, and protein intake while on the run. Two shakes a day is too much for me, but it's a great starting point for healthier eating all day. It seriously curbs my appetite much better than Special K or Slim Fast, and I actually enjoy the taste.