Probably way of topic to other posts on this site =/

jazzy020106 Posts: 485 Member
So today about 20 min ago i saw the scariest commercial of my life! It was about 2012. =[ I have been afraid of this day since i first learned about it in 7th grade. I have done so much research trying to find comfort about it. anyways. the commercial was basically about this company (cant remember the name) putting places together for most people to survive. first of all its scary they are making place for people. then its scary that they said most people! my mom says i am obsessed with this. but how can i not be? im scared to DEATH. =[ does anyone know any kind of facts about this? i know of pole shifts and things like that. but i would like some real facts that some people might know. and i also find it scary that most people think the scientists are keeping us from knowing the whole truth that they know =[ i need some comfort. as crazy as this topic is.


  • slimmingmom
    What's sopose to happen in 2012? Same kind of thing as Y2K was sopose to be???
    JMAMA Posts: 298 Member
  • kattiek
    kattiek Posts: 83
    I took a geological hazards class last year and we briefly touched on this topic. From what I understand the north and south poles will switch, like you said. This is a natural thing and has happened before in the history of the Earth, but I am unsure of how long ago so I don't know if life was on the planet yet. I doubt that it will bring the end of the world or anything, but it will probably be a huge headache. Since everything is pretty much electronic and uses magnets of some sort, we are probably going to have big problems with how things like transportation and computers function. I do believe that there are many highly intelligent scientists who are working on this and doing massive amounts of research on changing the function of things once the poles switch. It will take some adjusting in our immensely industrialized society but I doubt that it will be like the apocalypse. There's nothing that we can really do about it so for now just try to relax a bit and if it makes you feel better think of ways to prepare yourself for the trouble that may lie ahead. Get a bicycle in case cars don't work, learn to plant a vegetable garden so you won't have to travel very far or spend money on it. If it's hard to get to, the prices may go up. Hope this eases your mind a bit.
  • pattitricia85
    are you talking about the mayan calender thing? There are some people at my work who freak out about that. i looked some stuff up online a few months ago and can't find anyrthing the mayans predicted specifically. Maybe someone knows something different. From what i read December 2012 (or whatever month it is) just stops and then that means a "phase" of the world starts. So far there have already been like 3 "phases". I personally don't read too much into this stuff. Since the beginning of time there have been people saying the end is near. My thought is... nothing we can do about it. I'm saved, so I'm not too worried! lol!

    I'm sure there are people who know waaaay more about this than me... so sorry if i sound like an idiot
  • 9726172000
    9726172000 Posts: 428
    12-21-2012 refers to the Mayan calender(the most acurate that sceintific community has ever seen. It refers to a date in the near future of what sceintists think will happen to the earth when all of the planets line up into a single straight line on both sides of the earth.
    Here is a link that I think you might find very interesting.
  • leighoconnell
    There is no need to fear it. Its pretty much the same as the Y2K thing. Scientists and companies did the same thing then. They are trying to scare people into purchasing things and investing in these projects. All of this is based off some ancient Mayan Calender. There is no proof or reason to believe it. This whole thing is a bunch of paranoid people trying to predict the future. The world will be fine. The only thing in fact predicted to happen by scientists say there will be a slight increase in sun spots and flares...which is natural! Read this article..... I think it will greatly help with your fears and show you how wrong everyone is about that calender and how many people are making a profit from it.
  • leighoconnell
    There is no need to fear it. Its pretty much the same as the Y2K thing. Scientists and companies did the same thing then. They are trying to scare people into purchasing things and investing in these projects. All of this is based off some ancient Mayan Calender. There is no proof or reason to believe it. This whole thing is a bunch of paranoid people trying to predict the future. The world will be fine. The only thing in fact predicted to happen by scientists say there will be a slight increase in sun spots and flares...which is natural! Read this article..... I think it will greatly help with your fears and show you how wrong everyone is about that calender and how many people are making a profit from it.

    Also the poles are predicted to switch which as mentioned will only brifely affect technology and our scientist are sure to make the change over fairly painless. This has happened many many times including while life was on earth and life made it though
  • jazzy020106
    jazzy020106 Posts: 485 Member
    There is no need to fear it. Its pretty much the same as the Y2K thing. Scientists and companies did the same thing then. They are trying to scare people into purchasing things and investing in these projects. All of this is based off some ancient Mayan Calender. There is no proof or reason to believe it. This whole thing is a bunch of paranoid people trying to predict the future. The world will be fine. The only thing in fact predicted to happen by scientists say there will be a slight increase in sun spots and flares...which is natural! Read this article..... I think it will greatly help with your fears and show you how wrong everyone is about that calender and how many people are making a profit from it.

    Also the poles are predicted to switch which as mentioned will only brifely affect technology and our scientist are sure to make the change over fairly painless. This has happened many many times including while life was on earth and life made it though

    The only thing is that i read that its a rapid pole shift. where it happens so fast it causes catastrophic disasters. (earthquakes,tsunamis,hurricanes)beyond what we have ever experienced. they say only few will survive and even afterwards there might be a minor blackout. and what of the food? i have stopped researching. i was looking for comfort and scared myself more lol. so im finally relaxed but i just wanted to share what i read. because it did say what you are saying also.
  • heather0mc
    heather0mc Posts: 4,656 Member
    well, now i know what that new john cusack movie is about! i bet that is why it has even come up. i think the movie comes out sometimes soon, keep seeing the previews when i go to the movies.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Watch the Penn & Teller Bullsh*t episode about this. It's another cult-conspiracy based on shoddy science. Guess what--we have HUGE solar flares ALL the time.

    Here's my guess on why the Mayan calendar ends-- Would YOU want to make a calendar that friggin far into the future?? My calendar ends Dec. 31st.