Going to start Couch to 5K.

So I've seen a few people mention this Cto5K thing so I googled it and I was amazed by how simple yet great it sounds
Just wondering if anyone else does it??
Going to go doctors first to make sure I can take part but I'm doing 30DS at the moment so not sure whether it wait until i've finished that or to do them together
Thoughts and advice would be much appreciated guys :)


  • steph1278
    steph1278 Posts: 483 Member
    I just finished week 5. When I first started, I had serious doubts about being able to run, but I did it. Friday was day 3 of week 5 for me and it was a straight 20 minute run and I was able to do it. I am slow, but I get it done. My advice would be to start slow and keep at it. Don't be ashamed to repeat days or weeks if you feel you need to. Good luck to you. I love how I feel when I'm done.
  • I'm on week 1 day 3! I've gotten to week 3 before but stopped because of injuries!
  • wally1uk
    wally1uk Posts: 120
    Yeah!! Alot of my friends on here do it!! I'm starting week 7 tomorrow...I've never ran more than 3 minutes in my life before. Now I'm doing 25 mins and loving it!! Feel free to add me and also join the C25K group on here too for tips :)
  • bizzymom1968
    bizzymom1968 Posts: 1 Member
    I just finished week one and like it. My husband on week 4.
  • bedinky1207
    bedinky1207 Posts: 53 Member
    C25k is what I started my weightloss journey doing. The intervals you run in the beginning are awesome for burning fat!!
  • Mera_Mera
    Mera_Mera Posts: 153
    Last week was my first time. I loved it. I start week 2 tomorrow. I thought that it was going to be difficult, but I am glad that I did it. Best of luck!
  • jiigglybutt
    jiigglybutt Posts: 345 Member
    I am on day 15 today! I honestly underestimated it at first. I mean look at the first day! walk 5 minutes, jog 2 minutes, walk 5 minutes. I thought to myself "pfft, jog 2 minutes?! that's a joke!" But for someone who hasn't run in almost a year, 2 minutes of jogging is a lot! I pushed myself through it though and I've completed each day successfully so far :)
  • leemarie324
    leemarie324 Posts: 63 Member
    im starting it tomorrow, and im pretty excited to do it! im tryin to lose these damn thunder thighs lol!
  • Bunnehface
    Bunnehface Posts: 129 Member
    I've been doing a little reading-up on the C25K as well, sounds like a really good idea. The only problem is, I've only just started out on the treadmill and I'm still really nervous - I have a total phobia of falling off it and hurting myself - so the idea of running on it scares me! Running outside isn't really possible as I don't have childcare for my baby girl until the evenings when my fiancé gets home from work, and running outside by myself at night would NOT be a good idea where I live! :/
  • I too, just finished week one. I NEVER imagined that I'd be running--but by starting out slow and sticking with it, I really think I can do this! I hope your experience will be as good as it seems the rest of ours have been!
  • Jenjaz1910
    Jenjaz1910 Posts: 433 Member
    I'm thinking of starting it too! It will all depend in my knees and ankle (I have Achilles tendinitis) up until the age of about 15 I ran my town and county at cross country, 800 & 1,500 metres. Wonder if I can get back that there again?!?! Good luck everybody x
  • dbevisjr
    dbevisjr Posts: 183
    I started week 8 yesterday and will complete the 9 week program next week. I recommend it very strongly. I have kept a blog concerning my progress and included a few other activities I do besides the running. I wanted other people who may read to know that you can still have energy to do other things that you enjoy. If you would like to see the blog the URL is below. If you want to see previous weeks posts there are links to the history near the bottom of the page. Let us know how you do.

  • Scott_P
    Scott_P Posts: 95 Member
    I finished this program about a year ago. It was a gateway into something I thought I would never do. Its an amazing program and I recommend it to anyone that wants to start running.
  • darkenedfalling
    darkenedfalling Posts: 26 Member
    just started today as well although I started on week 3 as I do roughly that at the moment. Went pretty well. I also use the zombies run app as it's so freaking awesome :D escaped a zombie mob yay.!
  • I did C25K and 30DS at the same time. It worked out because the first couple of weeks of the C25K aren't that tough, so I managed to do both on the same day just fine :-)
    I definitely recommend doing the C25K! Just do it at your own pace - don't worry about speed or repeating some weeks. You'll start seeing your fitness level improve in no time!
  • nermal6873
    nermal6873 Posts: 344 Member
    C25K rocks! And there's a great group here on MFP for it too. Join us!
  • spearfox
    spearfox Posts: 276 Member
    I just completed week 4.
    Do it! Try It!
    I have heard of people doing shred and c25k at the same time.
    That was too much for me.
    I am just concentrating on anything that will help me accomplish a 5k race.......WITHOUT walking ANY part of it.
  • fionat29
    fionat29 Posts: 717 Member
    I did this program last summer, it really does work!! I went from non running too being able to run for 30 minutes at a time in a few months. It felt so great to think I could actually do this thing!! Good luck with it, I'm hoping to restart B210K in the next couple of weeks.
  • jcarnes66
    jcarnes66 Posts: 40 Member
    I am also doing C25k (actually 5k Runner) and am on Week 5, Day 2. I've gone from 42:00 to 37:00 in the time I've been doing this. I have never run in my life other than sports as a kid (and I wouldn't necessarily have called it 'running' then). If you had told me that I could run for 6 minutes straight - my last run was 5 min run/3 walk/6 run/3 walk/5 run - I'd have laughed like there was no tomorrow! It's an absolute RUSH to be able to complete some of these the way that I have.

    I keep telling myself "there's no way you're going to be able run 20 minutes straight"....but I'm starting to believe!!! :)
  • I'm on Week 1. Ive made it to week 6 before and have always gotten sidetracked. This time around I'm doing some of the days on the treadmill. Not sure just yet if I'm going to like that as opposed to being outside.