EC Stack!!!

I've heard great reviews as far as "EC Stack" for energy or a boost start / help to weight loss.. where can I purchase EC stack and to those have tried it here on MFP, what is your review?


  • jonski1968
    jonski1968 Posts: 4,498 Member
    I think you referring to a ECA stack, ie ephidrine, caffeine and aspirin
  • Toddrific
    Toddrific Posts: 1,114 Member
    I pretty sure it's not terribly legal over the counter.
    There are ways to bypass it via looking for products used to treat other things.

    Last I knew this stuff kills healthy athletes.
  • missprincessgina
    missprincessgina Posts: 446 Member
    Those types of pills, and concoctions make me feel nervous, high strung, and anxious. Even a pack of vitamins that I purchased at a health store made me feel that way. I threw them away.
  • hazelsmrf
    hazelsmrf Posts: 96 Member
    A lot of people drop the asprin hence the name EC stack, but you can call it an EC stack or an ECA stack. The aspirin hasn't been shown in studies to help except in very obese females I believe, I remember reading that somewhere...

    Anyways there's nothing illegal about an EC stack, it's just ephedrine and caffeine (or aspirin too if you prefer). The stack part refers to the fact that they are taken together and work together, in a specific ratio... 1:10 ephedrine/caffeine. The recommended dosage is 20mg ephedrine and 200mg caffeine 3 times a day. I take 24mg ephedrine since my ephedrine comes in 8mg pills, that's fine. I know bronk-aid in the US comes in 25mg pills, that's fine too.

    Ephedrine is controlled in some states, in that you need to show your drivers license to buy it and can only buy so much per month. That's because ephedrine is used to make meth, not that ephedrine itself is somehow "bad" or illegal.

    If you do decide to try the EC stack then go SLOW, don't start with a full dose, you will hate it and be jittery and bouncing off the walls. Start slow.

    This site has a recommended dosage and plan for ramping up your doses:

    This site explains how the EC stack works and quotes studies: (highly highly recommend reading through this one!)

    Basically what it's saying is that most obese people don't produce enough noradrenaline, and the EC stack corrects this. It goes much more in depth than that, but studies show that groups using the EC stack lost lost a statistically significant amount of weight (over the placebo group) and that it helps retain lean muscle mass during dieting.

    Do not use if you have any heart problems or use asthma inhalers, there are other contraindications too, best to read up on it and find out everything you can before using.
  • Toddrific
    Toddrific Posts: 1,114 Member
    Of course you are going to lose more weight on uppers.

    Ephedrine if I recall correctly is the precursor to Adrenaline.

    Taking medications for other than intended use can be fatal.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    If you're in the US, you can't. Not legal since like 8 people died from using it improperly. One bad apple ruins the whole bunch.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    If you're in the US, you can't. Not legal since like 8 people died from using it improperly. One bad apple ruins the whole bunch.

    Ephedra is banned but ephedrine is not in the US, you can find ephedrine pretty easily actually
  • AeolianHarp
    AeolianHarp Posts: 463 Member
    I pretty sure it's not terribly legal over the counter.
    There are ways to bypass it via looking for products used to treat other things.

    Last I knew this stuff kills healthy athletes.

    Because they're dumb and misused it? EC stack has been studied extensively and has been shown to be safe.
  • hazelsmrf
    hazelsmrf Posts: 96 Member
    If you actually read the links that I posted you'll see that it's actually quite safe, safer in fact than acetominophen, something people take without even a twinge of worry about side effects. In Denmark they prescribe the EC stack for weight loss and after millions of doses they've only had a very small number of adverse reactions.
  • Toddrific
    Toddrific Posts: 1,114 Member
    If it were shown to be safe it wouldn't be banned in most western countries.
    Since you aren't going to get it under medical supervision or from a prescription your point is moot. The studies showed controlled dosage under supervision was safe.
  • hazelsmrf
    hazelsmrf Posts: 96 Member
    Again, it's not banned... ephedrINE is not ephedRA. Ephedrine is sold over the counter in many places. I think it's banned in Australia though? Not in Canada, not in the US... not sure elsewhere.

    And there are plenty of things that are shown to be safe that are banned for whatever reason. Cyclamates for instance. No reason for it to be banned in the US yet it is.
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    It's pretty easy to get Ephedrine. But the question is, why do you want to do an EC stack? Can't you just do a normal diet with a calorie deficit?

    People don't normally start an EC stack for "energy". They look for a faster way to diet and burn fat.
  • hazelsmrf
    hazelsmrf Posts: 96 Member
    I personally do it because every little bit helps. I do an EC stack along with intermittent fasting, if it helps me lose 1 or 2 pounds extra a month then that's great, if it helps me lose an extra 0.5 pounds a month then that's fine too. If many obese people are shown to have a noradrenaline deficiency and the EC stack helps correct this, why NOT take it?
  • bionicrooster
    bionicrooster Posts: 353 Member
    Completely incorrect, ephendrine is absolutely legal in the US. I stopped using EC stack cause it was too expensive for minimal gains, especially once I got my deficit right and started working out. But alot of body builder types I know use it was a step in trimming down.
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    I personally do it because every little bit helps. I do an EC stack along with intermittent fasting, if it helps me lose 1 or 2 pounds extra a month then that's great, if it helps me lose an extra 0.5 pounds a month then that's fine too. If many obese people are shown to have a noradrenaline deficiency and the EC stack helps correct this, why NOT take it?

    Because most people are unable to follow directions correctly, and they end up doing more harm than good. Also people realize that they lose a little more weight than not using it, so they try to up their dosage to lose more weight.
  • AeolianHarp
    AeolianHarp Posts: 463 Member
    If it were shown to be safe it wouldn't be banned in most western countries.
    Since you aren't going to get it under medical supervision or from a prescription your point is moot. The studies showed controlled dosage under supervision was safe.

    Just because it's banned doesn't mean it isn't safe. Foie Gras was banned in Chicago at one point. Steroids are safe but because people are too dumb to use it properly, it has been labeled as dangerous. It really is dependent on how the individual handles it and how they dose it as well as the rest of their lifestyle. There are several precautions one should take when taking anything. Why blame the supplement and not the user?
  • Toddrific
    Toddrific Posts: 1,114 Member
    A. It's being recommended to a novice.
    B. It IS dangerous if you used incorrectly, which relates to point A.
    C. EC Stacks are banned in the US as marketed for weight loss and performance enhancing.
    D. Ephedrine has legitimate uses. It is safe when taken as recommended for recommended usage.
    E. Stacking I would think has a synergistic effect thereby enhancing the effects of both ingredients.

    Meh, whatever. I know the crap messed up my heart pretty damn good. If losing a pound or two is worth risking your life, go for it.
  • hazelsmrf
    hazelsmrf Posts: 96 Member
    Again, I'll point you back up to the studies that show it is safe. There is a recommended dosage, you are not supposed to do more than that, that's why there are instructions. Why does it matter if they're a "novice?" Does that mean that they can't read up on it and take it responsibly? Is a novice cook unable to follow a recipe or something, you need to be a master cook? :P Stacking does have a synergistic effect.

    There are valid contraindications, if you have a heart issue you should not be taking the EC stack. If you use inhalers you should not be taking the EC stack etc etc, everyone should research it before they use it but I will still say that it's pretty SIMPLE to follow instructions and use it as indicated in the dosages indicated, it's not difficult. Tylenol has a dosage on the bottle, of course if you eat the whole bottle you'll run into problems, but don't you think most people are able to take the correct dose? Should we ban Tylenol because some people might take too much?
  • isazzzz
    isazzzz Posts: 95
    I've been taking the GNC Burn 60 pills for about a week. They're kinda like EC stacks. There's caffeine in it and some other natural ingredients that boost energy. I can definitely feel the difference. I can do twice as more in the gym than I what I used to do without the pill. It doesn't suppress appetite though, I feel hungrier! (which is good because I'm trying to build muscle = increasing cal intake). I sweat more, do more, and have loads of energy.
  • xelhaspixiestix
    I am a novice, and I am trying (cautiously, and monitoring myself) the EC stack. Now, I am also 150+lbs overweight. I diet and end up yo-yoing. The EC stack helps suppress my appetite, and leaves me less emotionally invested in food. Sometimes it makes me nauseated enough I don't want to eat even as much as I need to. It gives me a little more pep, but what helps (for me) is that this a) offers me results I can see/feel, and b) the appetite suppression/nausea. I work out some -- about 20 minutes every three days of weight lifting (I am weak and puny, I know), and I no longer take the elevator at work. But I also monitor myself and drink lots of water, and oranges (for potassium, low potassium can be an issue), and I am being very very careful-- if you had a lot of weight to lose and needed help with motivation, this might be something to try. Otherwise, if you can follow a calorie deficit, and you're exercising, you'll probably be okay.