College group?



  • loren
    loren Posts: 111
    Great everyone! They say support helps so we'll see!
  • karissastephens
    karissastephens Posts: 324 Member
    Love the Name!

    My name is Karissa. I am 127 and want to get to 120. It sounds ridiculous but I have been trying to get my last few pounds off for a REALLY long time. Im going to be a sophemore @ EWU and im majoring in Dental Hygiene and minoring in Nutrition. :)
  • elysetoplin
    Awesome name!

    I'm Elyse, and I'm a sophomore at Tulane in New Orleans, majoring in Political Science and International Development. I weighed in this morning (I weigh myself nearly every day, too) at 154 but would like to get down to somewhere around 125-135.
  • pasclaur

    I'm Lauren and I'm in my last semester of Nursing at ISU. My weight today was 136 and my goal weight is 115-120.
  • sibetsimo
    Hi, I'm going into my second year. As of today I am 121 and my goal is 110.
  • truedecember
    truedecember Posts: 151 Member
    Hey this is awesome! Love the name lol. I hope I'm not too late to join... I'll be a junior at UW-Madison this year, majoring in dietetics (so, yeah, it would be AWESOME to lose my last pounds so I LOOK like a dietitian lol). I'm 5'10", and right now I'm at 163 or so, and trying to get down to 150.
  • margaretthedevil
    I wanna join! There totally needs to be a group for college students. Love the name btw.

    Hi, I'm Margaret from New York. I'm a rising junior at NYU majoring in Environmental Studies and minoring in Philosophy and East Asian Studies. :smile:
    SW: 125
    CW: 120
    GW: 110

    I probably won't be losing every week as I'm on a 1/2 per week plan and don't have a lot to lose. But I'll still do the weigh in every week.
    Going back to college is going to be so harddddd and a drastic change from my summer routine! :sad:
  • jacqueline0821
    jacqueline0821 Posts: 667 Member
    I would love to join. I am starting my 5th and final year at Marygrove College in Michigan. I am earning my elementary teaching certification with a concentarion in Mathematics.

    I currently weigh 139.2 and would love to get to 115. I have struggled with my weight a majority of my life. A little over 4 years ago I weighed 110 lbs when I started dating my now fiance. We are getting married in less than 9 months and I would love to have my dress taken in quite a bit - when I bought it I weighed over 150 lbs.

    I love the name...weigh ins on Monday sounds good. I weigh myself everyday also hehe. I think it would be great if we post what exercises we have done, what we have eatten, and how much water we are drinking.

  • jacqueline0821
    jacqueline0821 Posts: 667 Member
    So I did the 20 minute Turbo Jam workout and 30 minutes on the elliptical. I burned over 300 calories. I am going to shower, eat breakfast - 2 eggo waffles, and go to work.
  • kroger7
    kroger7 Posts: 124 Member
    I'm Kaleigh, I'm 20 and entering my third year at UWO (in London, Ontario, Canada) majoring in an honours specialization in English. My starting weight was 120, I'm now down to 116.5 and would like to get down to 110 and STAY THERE (<--the hardest part hehe). Good luck to everyone! Looking forward to helping each other stay on track! :flowerforyou:
  • loren
    loren Posts: 111
    I would love to join. I am starting my 5th and final year at Marygrove College in Michigan. I am earning my elementary teaching certification with a concentarion in Mathematics.

    I currently weigh 139.2 and would love to get to 115. I have struggled with my weight a majority of my life. A little over 4 years ago I weighed 110 lbs when I started dating my now fiance. We are getting married in less than 9 months and I would love to have my dress taken in quite a bit - when I bought it I weighed over 150 lbs.

    I love the name...weigh ins on Monday sounds good. I weigh myself everyday also hehe. I think it would be great if we post what exercises we have done, what we have eatten, and how much water we are drinking.


    This is a good idea to keep up with what we're doing so we can stay active so we can be supportive for others, and get support.

    So far today, I have eaten 1 cup of raisin bran and 1/2 cup of skim milk and had 1 bottle of water. I'm trying to start running so I'm doing the Couch 2 5K program. This evening I'm doing day 2 of week 2.
  • truedecember
    truedecember Posts: 151 Member
    Good morning everyone! For breakfast I had a cup of Kashi cereal with 1/2 cup of milk and a few blueberries. I'm going to go out for a run in a little bit. Today I'm meeting a friend at Stir Crazy for lunch... has anyone else ever been there? The make-your-own stir-fry is really good.... I'm going to load up on the veggies!! Then it's off to work.

    I hope everyone has a great day!!
  • loren
    loren Posts: 111
    Good morning everyone! For breakfast I had a cup of Kashi cereal with 1/2 cup of milk and a few blueberries. I'm going to go out for a run in a little bit. Today I'm meeting a friend at Stir Crazy for lunch... has anyone else ever been there? The make-your-own stir-fry is really good.... I'm going to load up on the veggies!! Then it's off to work.

    I hope everyone has a great day!!

    That place sounds so cool!!! I wish we had one!
  • wks7777
    wks7777 Posts: 230
    Hey guys! Had a good day so far! Woke up at 6 and power walked 25 minutes (about 2 miles). Had a bowl of oatmeal with soy milk walnuts and raisens and cinnimon before that. Had egg whites with spinach, 3 slices of turkey bacon and a half a bagel at 9. Lunch was at 12 and i had a whole wheat wrap with turkey and provolone and honey mustard. I will be having a very early dinner tonite 3:30... i am going to the gym at 4 to do 40 min on the elliptical and 20 min of strength training before i have class at 6-9. The last thing i will eat for the day is a granola bar, post workout at around 5:45...then water for the rest of the night....ive had 4 or 5 bottles of water today. HOpe everyone is having a great day!
  • loren
    loren Posts: 111
    so I definitely cheated yesterday :(

    I didn't work out AND I ate Mexican. UGH! I was doing so good!! Today I get on the scale and I gained 1.6 lbs toay. I know that it's mostly water weight but I'm so pissed.
  • kroger7
    kroger7 Posts: 124 Member
    What will everyone have their activity level set to once we return to school? Sitting in class for most of the day has me leaning towards downgrading to sedentary...though i do walk to class. hmmm what do you guys think? :glasses:
  • wks7777
    wks7777 Posts: 230
    so I definitely cheated yesterday :(

    I didn't work out AND I ate Mexican. UGH! I was doing so good!! Today I get on the scale and I gained 1.6 lbs toay. I know that it's mostly water weight but I'm so pissed.

    We all will do it sooner or later! Dont let it get u down! TOday is a new day! Today is gonna be really tough for me cuz i had class this morning and tonite with only 3 hrs left to get some cardio in, unfortunatly i cant get to the gym today so im gonna have to do something at home which is hard for me cuz its hard to motivate at home and to occupy the kids while i do it!
  • pasclaur
    It happens, trust me this first week of school has been pretty terrible all week. You'll find a happy medium..keep it up :)
  • laughingfox
    Hey everybody! Can I join? :)

    I just turned 21, and am on a year-long break from University, but I still consider myself a college student! I guess I would be a sophomore or junior; it's confusing since I've switched majors a few times! I am majoring in elementary ed with a math concentration, and am so excited to someday be a teacher.

    Heighest Weight: 206lbs
    MFP Starting Weight: 199lbs
    Current Weight: 199lbs
    Goal Weight: 125lbs
  • loren
    loren Posts: 111
    Sure you can laughing fox!

    So this week I cheated with Mexican, Thurs I ate a french bread pizza and then school had a "BBQ" and had burgers catered by Back Yard Burgers so I ate one of those and a small bag of chips :(, and today I ate a lean pocket and french green beans and tonight I will be eating something not so great for me since we are going to eat seafood tonight and I'm sure I'll get something fried :/, tomorrow hubby and I are going to the beach so I'm sure I'll drink..... I am back to 144.2 today so oh well. At least I'm not cheating on all my meals! Hopefully I can get back into things Sunday. Hope everyone has a great weekend!! <3