Does this diet plan seem workable?



  • prettytothinkso
    Meow Meow Meow
  • Nikiki
    Nikiki Posts: 993
    I think you're over thinking this, all the calculators in the world won't give you an answer that will work perfectly you'll need to tweak it to suit your body's individual metabolism (and then keep tweaking it because your metabolism will change the more fit you become and also the older you get) several people have given you suggestions, pick one and try it out for a week. At that level of calories are you able to get through your workouts feeling energized? Do you feel satisfied or hungry throughout the day? If it works for you keep it up, if it's not working then try upping your calories by 150-300 per day. It's going to take some experimenting to find your perfect formula but you'll get there!
  • MomOfJoey
    MomOfJoey Posts: 58

    ha hopefully she listens to you, i said this like 5 times already.

    Is it really necessary to be unpleasant about it? Honestly, look around at these forums. There are people eating 1200 calories, not eating back exercise calories. They swear that is the right way. You have people saying eat 2000 calories. They say you will wreck your metabolism if you don't do it their way. You have people everywhere in between. I guess the point is, if one thing doesn't work, try something different. I get that. You have to understand that going from eating 1200 to 2000 is a big leap to take, and it's a little scary. I have never taken control of my eating and exercise like this because until now, I have never had to. If watching me trying to figure it out it aggravates you, don't read the thread. Problem solved.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    My calculations using a dietary calculator.

    BMR 1305
    TDEE 2022

    Set MFP to 1618 daily.
    Dont worry about eating back cals unless you overtrain.
    Protein and Fat 30% each.

    Enjoy your fat loss!
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Heya PU!
  • MomOfJoey
    MomOfJoey Posts: 58
    My calculations using a dietary calculator.

    BMR 1305
    TDEE 2022

    Set MFP to 1618 daily.
    Dont worry about eating back cals unless you overtrain.
    Protein and Fat 30% each.

    Enjoy your fat loss!

    Now that is easy advice to follow. I can totally do 1600 calories a day. Is working out for 60 minutes 6 times a week overtraining, is the next question. I could roll it back to 5 days a week. And, is it 1600 calories every day, even non-workout days?

    The other question is, why is it when I put my info into MFP, say I want to lose a pound a week, and set my activity to "active" it tells me I should only be eating 1300 calories a day? I guess on workout days I would still be eating 1600, but the calculations mystify me.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    My calculations using a dietary calculator.

    BMR 1305
    TDEE 2022

    Set MFP to 1618 daily.
    Dont worry about eating back cals unless you overtrain.
    Protein and Fat 30% each.

    Enjoy your fat loss!

    following my original formula her bodyweight times 10 gives about the same number, take away 20%... you end up with 1618 calories. as i recommended, looks good dan.

    You know me bud!
    Always looking out!

    I liked that experiment we did with the HRM.
    Your numbers were almost in synch with my calculator.
    Just goes to show....
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    My calculations using a dietary calculator.

    BMR 1305
    TDEE 2022

    Set MFP to 1618 daily.
    Dont worry about eating back cals unless you overtrain.
    Protein and Fat 30% each.

    Enjoy your fat loss!

    following my original formula her bodyweight times 10 gives about the same number, take away 20%... you end up with 1618 calories. as i recommended, looks good dan.

    You know me bud!
    Always looking out!

    I liked that experiment we did with the HRM.
    Your numbers were almost in synch with my calculator.
    Just goes to show....

    You mean the bodybugg right?

  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member

    Now that is easy advice to follow. I can totally do 1600 calories a day. Is working out for 60 minutes 6 times a week overtraining, is the next question. I could roll it back to 5 days a week. And, is it 1600 calories every day, even non-workout days?

    The other question is, why is it when I put my info into MFP, say I want to lose a pound a week, and set my activity to "active" it tells me I should only be eating 1300 calories a day? I guess on workout days I would still be eating 1600, but the calculations mystify me.

    oh and this is assuming your TDEE is correct, and you lose weight at that level. -cough-

    MFP wants you to work out 3 times a week burning about 200 cals each session.
    It sets you up that way.
    It's also got this convoluted thinking that if you workout you can eat more.
    My view is from the nutrition point of view.
    You should already be eating better regardless of how often you work out.
    Proper diets are 70% nutrition, 20% rest and 10% training or working out.
    You can lose tons of weight doing the first 2.
    The last 10% while on a deficit is basically the "Use it or Lose it."
    While on a deficit, anytime you eat below TDEE, you will have a chance of losing lean mass along with fat.
    How deep of a deficit and how much stress you put on your central nervous system is up to you.
    I wall say this, I have seen how improper diets work and in the long run youll end up dieting even longer than if you did it right in the first place.
    So diet down hard! Hit that BMR every day.
    Dont eat back calories since the scale is moving down.
    Workout 6 days a week for more than an hour.
    When the machine breaks down....


    Slow down.

    Take a week off and get your nutrition in line.
    Set up a good lifting program and Lift weights 3 times a week burning around 200 cals a session.
    Walk after dinner for 15-20 mins and burn another 100 cals if you need to.

    Eating higher cals while taking it easy while dieting down is a proven way to lose weight than shooting too low not eating enough and working out wayyyyy too much.

    If I knew last May what I know now about dieting, id be at my goal last november.
    I missed that bus.

    In the immortal words of Michael Scott "Future hindsight....I need that!"
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    My advice? Get a heart rate monitor. That'll tell you all you need to know about how much you're burning doing daily activities.

    Apart from that? Experiment! Try eating 1,600? Not losing any weight? Eat less! Do more cardio, start lifting weights. It's not all about the numbers on the scale; use the mirror as your friend

    HRM cannot tell you any calorie estimates with any kind of useful accuracy outside of aerobic zones. That's what the studies and formula's are based on, only your 90-160 perhaps HR levels. Anything anaerobic above it is incorrect, anything resting or daily activity is below that and is incorrect.

    That's where the BodyBugg/BodyMedia Fit come into play, if you just must know best estimate of TDEE. But those devices sadly are just as inaccurate in the heavy exercise zone, except for walking.