30 Day Wedding Workout

AwMyLoLo Posts: 1,571 Member
OK, I know I have been talking a lot about my wedding, which was my original motivation for finding this website back in March. Well, with only 31 days until my wedding, I am not satisfied! I have lost about 8 pounds so far... great. But I am still lacking the slim tone look that I was hoping for. So, I am asking advice from all you workout pros on any routine I should get in to to bust my butt into shape!

Right now my typical hour workout at the gym consists of: Half mile warm up jog (6.5 mph), stretch, weights focusing more on arms, shoulders, and back, with lunges or leg press and calf raises in between. Lifting for about 30-40 minutes. Then jogging one mile (6mph) and stretching again.

So, I guess my question is, is there anything else I should or could be doing to really blast the fat and tone up in the next 30 days? I'm not concerned with my food intake because I consider it to be pretty good. If there are any really great DVDs, or weight lifting routines that I am not aware of, please share! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :ohwell:


  • music_freak505
    I would say maybe try to fit in more cardio. Whether it's a half hour on the elliptical or a kickboxing or cardio dance DVD, that will help to blast more fat and give you that lean, toned look. Just a suggestion! Good luck, and congrats on your big day!
  • amyalwaysonline6
    I have a dvd called the wedding workout, it's from women's health magazine. I've never tried it, but my friend used it for a few weeks until her wedding, and she looked toned and awesome.
  • alepublicity
    alepublicity Posts: 11 Member
    Hi! Im getting married too and I started on P90X about 90 days ago!

    I loved the Results! I must be honest even though I saw results right away in the 1st 30 days, the changes in my body are way more dramatic now after 90 days!

    I lost around 16 ponds in 3 months. I lost inches all over! back, butt, boobs(sadly) legs, arms etc...
    It is a great work out! I loved it!

    I feel healthier and in the best shape of my life!! it is hard to keep up but just do your best!

    PS I had my dress fixed 3 times
  • bellastella86
    bellastella86 Posts: 25 Member
    I was married back in June and I lost about 25 lbs before my wedding. My trick was calorie tracking, running (3-4 miles 2-3x a week and 5-6 miles 1x week) and yoga. The running blasts calories and the yoga really helps to tone and lengthen your muscles. It might not work for everyone, but it did great for me. Only 6 more pounds to goal until my goal! Congrats on your wedding. I hope it will be as beautiful and wonderful as mine was!
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    I've found that any of Jari Love's DVDs are really good for building muscle and burning calories. Her dvds are focused on very high reps with lower weight, but they really get your heart rate up at the same time so you burn a ton of calories all the while building muscle. I love them! I still have a lot of weight to lose and despite the fact that I have a lot of fat, I can still see and feel my muscles - from her workouts. Those DVDs are the only form of strength training I do, so I know they work. Congrats on your upcoming wedding by the way. I am getting married September 25 of next year :happy:.
  • mragels
    mragels Posts: 5 Member
    Try a kickboxing class! That will tone ya right up!