curbing hunger?

Renae_Nae Posts: 935 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I've dealt with bulimia so I've always been a binge/starve girl but in the last couple of years I've learned to really control it!

There are nights every once in a while (with pizza and wings usually) that I lose control but it's only for one meal. Well, I was put on Zoloft (a low dose) 2 months ago and gained 10 pounds even with eating around 1,700 calories a day and some exercise. I stopped my meds Friday because I felt the anxiety and depression I had before the meds was not near as bad as the anxiety and depression I was getting from gaining weight.

Since then I can't stop eating!!!!! In two days I polished off a meal from panera (soup, sandwich, bread) a large pizza, 10 wings, a whole package of mac and cheese, more soup and about 4 apples!!! I actually feel hungry, not board, not just "oh that will taste good" just hungry. My stomach is actually growling and cramping like I haven't eaten.

Surprising I've actually lost 1.2 pounds since Friday! But I know there is NO way I'll keep losing weight eating like this.

Today my goal is 1,500 calories plus what I earn working out...I've been awake for 20 mins, have had a slimfast (because I don't like a heavy breakfast) and I'm already wanting to rave the fridge for anything and everything.

So what do you do to curb hunger? Not regular bored eating...I can be out shopping with friends and all I can think about is food!!!


  • maurierose
    maurierose Posts: 574 Member
    My suggestions would be:

    - Start off with a healthy breakfast that will stick with you for a few hours; breakfast is more important than you think it is

    - Eat small meals, every 3 hours or so

    - Plan your meals ahead of time, and stick to your plans

    - If you want to go over your allotted calories, EARN IT FIRST. Want pizza? Fine. Just work out first, and burn the calories BEFORE you eat it.

    - If there's a trigger food you know you will start to eat and not be able to stop, keep it out of your house and do NOT order it while you're out.

    - Drink your water - at LEAST 8 glasses per day. That's going to help you with not feeling so hungry.

    - If you need to snack constantly, snack on carrot sticks, baby carrots, celery, cucumbers.... they're low in cals and sometimes you just need something crunchy in your mouth!

    - Eat more protein and healthy carbs throughout the day - it helps keep you feeling full and you won't feel like you need to gorge yourself because you're starving.

    - You CAN train your stomach to eat reasonably... stick with this, eat properly, and you are not going to have that growling, cramping stomach much longer. It WILL go away as you learn to eat better and more frequently.

    - Keep in mind that little voice in the back of your head that feels ashamed, upset, disappointed in yourself every time you binge/purge/starve - LISTEN TO IT.

    - The more you choose the right path - A HEALTHY YOU, eating properly, exercising, sticking to your plan, the more you are going to hear a voice in your head that says "I AM PROUD, I AM DOING THIS THE RIGHT WAY, THIS IS GOING TO BE A PERMANENT CHANGE, I AM HEALTHY, I AM WORTH THIS, I CAN DO THIS".... and you know what? Before you start hearing and believing those things, TELL YOURSELF those things.... it helps.

    You can do this. THE RIGHT WAY. :smile:

    Congratulations on the 1.2 lbs :flowerforyou:
  • For one, you may want to consider changing meds. Paxil and Zoloft are known to cause weight gain, you may want to consult with your doctor and see if Wellbutrin or Effexor will work for ou. They have less side effects and Wellbutrin has been perscribed for bulimia in the past.

    As far as being hungry, try to up your fiber. So if you have pizza get a bunch of veggies on it. If you have eggs for breakfast throw some veggies in there. I also finf that the Progresso soups (light Veg Noodle) are low in calories and fill me up.
  • mhubley
    mhubley Posts: 3

    How much water are you drinking? Real water, not the flavored stuff or energy drinks. 99% of hunger pains are due to dehydration. Start there and then get a little more will power, you won't die from hunger pain. :^)
  • bettersusan
    bettersusan Posts: 240 Member
    Lemons. I start with a guzzler with crushed ice in it. I pour 4 packets of spenda over the ice (any sugar substitute works) and then I squeeze the juice from 1-2 lemons over that, (depending on the size). Fill to the top with water and sip on it when you are hungry. You can add more water throughout the day if you want, too. You will be AMAZED at how well it curbs your appetite. It helps me with my water intake also, and it totally takes away my desire for any soda.

    Best Wishes,


    P.S. By the way, I struggled with the same thing you have struggled with. I overcame it nearly 19 years ago. I removed myself from people or situations thay caused me excess pain. I looked to God and His written word for help. I went to counseling and I WROTE about everything I felt instead of throwing up. For me, it was theraputic. I wish you well. I am married, happy, and feeling healthy in every way at this point. I have a GREAT life and that old girl and her old ways are just a distant memory. I'm a new person. I wish you well.
    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member
    eat 6x a day balancing your calories

    eat your simple carbs early in the day...this will give you energy throughout the day and you will burn it faster by being more active

    eat more complex carbs later on in the day/night....get in a lot of protein and healthy fats

    have a protein shake with a little natural pb mixed in with it for a late night snack

    protein and fat curbs your appetite
  • jlefton1212
    jlefton1212 Posts: 171 Member
    Did you talk to your doctor about going off the medication and the potential side effects? It sounds like your medication might have effected your appetite and/or metabolism while you were on it, so going off of it is probably throwing your body another curve ball. I have known folks in the past that stopped taking antidepressants because of weight gain (without telling their doctor), and had major's really something that should be done with a doctor's supervision. I don't know what Zoloft does (I don't know if it is an antidepressant, blood pressure medication, etc.) but hopefully your doctor knows that you are no longer taking the medication.

    Other than that, I say that if you are very hungry and losing weight, then you should definitely eat. Just try to eat the healthiest option available at any given time. Fortify your diet with servings of protein, whole grains, produce, and low-fat dairy, and at least if you know that you will be eating for nutrition.

    Good luck to you on your journey to be healthy! :smile:
  • Demetria
    Demetria Posts: 178
    you should not go off of Zoloft cold turkey! call your doctor and let him know what is going on right away!

    Then follow the other posters' advice on how to deal with the hunger.

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