Have 100 pounds are more to lose...and not having gastric by



  • TomsGirl86
    Hey everyone, my goal is about 100lb from now. Feel free to add me xx
  • NicVino
    I'm down 86lbs and trying to get these last 25lbs off! I'll add you! :smile:
  • WendyKing1974
    WendyKing1974 Posts: 80 Member
    You CAN do this!! I've lost 141lbs so far. Still have 113lbs to go. It's a long journey, but I didn't get this big overnight.

    I understand what it feels like to have always been big. I weighed 200lbs by the time I was 12yrs old and before I knew what happened I was 35yrs old and 420lbs. That's when I changed my life. I went from eating probably 4K-5K calories a day to eating what MFP said I should (which started out around 2100). I also went from a completely sedetary life to exercising at least 3-4 times a week (My workout of choice is Zumba).

    Weightloss surgery is overrated. I used to work in a pain management clinic. I've seen lives completely destroyed from having gastric bypass. I saw a successful lawyer end up on disability, in chronic pain, addicted to pain meds, and extremely sick from having it. THAT was enough to make me realize I needed to do this the RIGHT way.
  • Jessie_Dawn
    I have 212 pounds to loose... And I refuse to have the surgery, even though my grandmother has begged me to! :grumble:

    But I have faith that I can do it!

    Add me, if you would like!! (and anyone else who would like to add me!! I certainly could use the support!!)

    Have a great day! :flowerforyou:
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    I am at my 1 year anniversary this week. The support here has made all the difference for me. I still have 50+ to lose but I feel like a new person. Best of luck to you. I'll add you as a friend.

    No goal was ever met without a PLAN. What is your plan this week?

    My Plan:
    drink 16 cups of water / day
    exercise at lease 30min / day
    eat less than 1200 cals a day
    try 1 new veggie
    log every bite on MFP
  • BigBagofChit
    anyone can feel free to add me as well. i have lost 73 lbs so far but have much more to go especially if i want to see a big change. i will help push anyone who needs it and motivate and try to give positive advice and reassurance if you want. all i ask is if ya'll help push and motivate me too
  • neffesther
    I'd love to be your friend. I, too, do not have the means for surgery but need to loose an abundance of weight. I turned 28 a month ago and my goal also is to hit my goal weight by my 30th bday. Already lost 45 pounds, but I still have 110 to go.
  • sashatranett
    aaaah! I have 229 lbs to lose. each pound is a drop in the bucket. im just taking it one healthy decision at a time. taking the stairs, parking farther away from the entrance, making the right food choices. i didnt gain this weight overnight, and i wont lose it overnight. my biggest downfall is my lack of patience :(
    but! you all should add me so we can motivate each other! I'm new to the site and need friends. hope to hear from you all soon :)
  • Princess_Sameen
    Princess_Sameen Posts: 290 Member
    Feel free to add me people well over 100lbs to lose! the goal I have set is just my first goal! I have lost 42lb before joining this site and hope with this site i can lose the rest!!
  • x__abbi__x
    x__abbi__x Posts: 97 Member
    I have to lose around 113lb to become 140lbs which I think may be a bit to small for my body frame since im 5`7 but very wide hips and shoulders. So when I get nearer to my goal weight im going to tweak it and see at what weight I look better at, it may be more than 140lbs or it may be less. Either way its over 100lbs haha
    Good luck guys we can all do it!!

    (im only 22 and a mother of two so surgery is wayyy out of my price range but im not sure id want it anyway, id worry something would go wrong) xxx
  • Vegetablearian
    Vegetablearian Posts: 148 Member
    Gastric band sergury doesnt actually cause weight loss to anyone who thinks its cheating, you can still stuff your face with ice cream, chocolate, burgers all day if you want , I know of people who have put on weight after having one by eating this stuff. All it does is limit the amount you can fit in your stomach at any one point thats all. My mother lost 140lbs then spent some money on getting a band as she was still struggling with portion sizing. I think getting a gastric band to help with portion sizing is not cheating.

    Eating 1000 calorie a day or getting a gastric bypass is cheating IMHO . Anyone can lose weight with starving themself and the same is true with a bypass as you cant eat.
  • mamabear272
    mamabear272 Posts: 268 Member
    Don't be jealous of those who have had surgery or those who can. There are too many times I've seen it not work. I mean it works to help lose weight quickly but not necessarily to keep it off. Look at Carny Wilson. We also have a radio personality here who's had lap band several years ago and he still hasn't lost any significant weight. And one of my bffs had GBS and did quickly lose 200 lbs but she's definitely putting it back on. You have to change your eating habits too. I feel like if you're changing your habits then you will lose and won't need surgery. I just see too many using it as a quick fix but again if you don't change the behavior that got you that big then it's not going to stick.
  • Jessie_Dawn
    Jessie_Dawn Posts: 169
    Don't be jealous of those who have had surgery or those who can. There are too many times I've seen it not work. I mean it works to help lose weight quickly but not necessarily to keep it off. Look at Carny Wilson. We also have a radio personality here who's had lap band several years ago and he still hasn't lost any significant weight. And one of my bffs had GBS and did quickly lose 200 lbs but she's definitely putting it back on. You have to change your eating habits too. I feel like if you're changing your habits then you will lose and won't need surgery. I just see too many using it as a quick fix but again if you don't change the behavior that got you that big then it's not going to stick.


    I have known several people that had the surgery and just ended up putting it back on... You have to be willing to work at it and make the changes (eating healtier, exercise, etc) for it to work... I could have the surgery, but before my insurance will pay for it, I have to go through a 2 year long doctor monitored weight loss program. I figure if I have to do that anyway, why even go through the surgery!! :laugh: And anyway, I just don't WANT to have the surgery... I want to learn to be healthy and keep the weight off the old fashioned way!!

    Again, Good luck!!! :smile:
  • TheUnwritten
    TheUnwritten Posts: 158 Member
    I've done it without surgery. From 383 to now 187 lbs. It was one of the hardest things I've ever done in my life. Lots of trial and error starting out but I got the hang of it and stuck to it.
  • cbeutler
    cbeutler Posts: 667 Member
    162 pounds to go. Feel free to add.
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    Welcome to each of you. Let's get onto the topic we're really here for - - - weight loss! It can actually be fun. I've been in maintenance mode for a couple of months and I'm gearing up to really hit it hard this summer. Good weather has arrived and we can venture outside once again. Living in the northeast can be tough for about 6-7 months so feeling that warm sun today really makes me smile.

    I am really working hard this week to eat clean since we will be at WDW next week. But I still plan to make healthy choices as much as possible. I don't want to feel aweful when I get home. I lost most of my weight through clean eating and walking. I worked up to jogging and really enjoy it now. I don't always jog when I'm on the treadmill, but find I love it when I'm outside.

    What is everyones favorite exercise routine like? Maybe we can try something new this week if you share your ideas?
    I like to do 2miles each morning on my treadmill and then at noon I go to my gym - do 20 minutes of cardio on the elipticle and 30 minutes of upper or lower body weights for strength training. I'm building muscle slowly and started to see results fairly soon after starting last Nov. Shorts might not be as big of a nightmare this summer - yaaaa!

    Happy Monday
  • nwg74
    nwg74 Posts: 360 Member
    It is possible, just need to stay positive and motivated.

    Start with mini goals that are easier to reach rather than focus on the big goal. As time goes by, you will see the big goal is getting closer and closer.

    I have lost 154 pounds in a year and never got unfocused to what I wanted to achieve and still have around 30 to go. No surgery was needed.
  • inammorata
    Well good for you for doing this the right way and not resorting to surgery.
    One crazy bint I knew used Duromine (fen-phen) she loses a few, but always gains back soo much more shortly after.
  • 10KEyes
    10KEyes Posts: 250 Member
    I am looking to find fellow 100 + goal setters. I envy those that can have surgery to help but that is not within my budget. So if you are in the same boat as I am, I would like to be friends to see what you are doing to be successfull.

    This is my time!! I have been big all my life. And I am TIRED of it!!!! I was wearing a womens size 16-18 in 7th grade and blew up from there. I am 2 months from my 28th birthday and weigh 245, I am hoping praying and working my butt off to be at my goal weight of 130 by my 30th birthday (if not sooner)! So if you would like to join me in my long journey and help me out ADD ME!!

    I have almost 200 lbs to lose. I wouldn't consider gastric bypass as I know for a fact that my body responds to eating clean and exercising.

    You can do it!
  • TamaraGraceS
    TamaraGraceS Posts: 273 Member
    Work hard and don't give up. Really hard work and DEDICATION will do it . Doing it the natural way here!