Been here a week and I think I have seen the light

My name is Jeff and as of today, I have been here a week and have actually lost a couple of pounds. I need to finally lose the 40-50 lbs that I have been trying to lose for the past 20 years.

After years of not being able to lose the weight, I have finally come to the realization that my weight may (repeat may) have something to do with how much I eat and how little I exercise. This is still a theory, but I am going to go with it. That being said, I think I have this thing pretty well figured out.

1. Go to the gym everyday and work my behind off (and never skip a day)
2. Log everything that I eat and stick to my plan (and never cheat)
3. Repeat step 1 and 2 (and never stop)
4. Support others who have also seen the light

I'm thinking I may need a little help/motivation/encouragemnt with steps 1 and 2. I have a couple of great friends already, but more maybe needed. Anyone who can help?


  • UpdatedMike
    That sounds like a good plan except maybe for not skipping a day. I did the exact thing as you are planning, though so I can't say much. I started almost three months ago and do exactly what you are intending. I went to the gym every day in March except two and on of those days I biked seven miles. I log everything I eat from even a handful of jelly beans. It does work and you will see results. I think most will tell you, however that you'll need a day off to relax your muscles. You'll also most likely need a day to cheat on food (even if just a little)

    Welcome aboard, friend.
  • TheAncientMariner
    TheAncientMariner Posts: 444 Member
    MRATACHIC is absolutely right. Your plan is certainly a good one. Realize that rest is just as important as working out is. 80% of your weight loss and gains will be made in the kitchen. Good luck and keep up the fantastic attitude!
  • WhiteCoc0
    WhiteCoc0 Posts: 192 Member
    Allow yourself to enjoy small portions. Eat your excersise calories. I am usally starved when I work out and burn alot of calrories. Rest days are great!!!
  • Batchoy
    Batchoy Posts: 19 Member
    To each his own but I have come to a slightly different a slightly different view point: My basic philosophy is: 'Don't do anything I can't sustain permanently.' ie.

    I will not:
    • use food substitutes - waste of money and teaches nothing about diet
    • use diet supplements or drugs - ditto
    • adhere to a 'special' diet plans - ditto
    • exercise for the sake of exercise - I've tried it I view it as a waste of my time and no matter how great my resolve there are other things that I view as more important and worthwhile and thus it falls rapidly by the wayside. Additionally when I have tried exercising at a gym I've always ended up hungry and consuming more calories than I have used.

    I will:
    • eat the same as everybody else but moderate my intake suit my body's calorie requirements.
    • walk rather than using the car whenever practical to do so.
    • use the stairs rather lifts or escalators whenever practical to do so.
    • whilst at work stand and walk rather than sitting my chair when ever practical to do so.

    Nearly four months in with no additional exercise I'm 35lb down and still loosing, and I have not departed from my philosophy in anyway and I haven't had the urge to do so nor have I had a single hunger pang. Plus I've learnt a significant amount more about the food I consume than I have over the preceding 30years of yo-yo dieting.
  • doggiesnot
    doggiesnot Posts: 334 Member
    Congratulations on your decision! The right attitude will take you there. I was going to post the same thing about resting 1-2 days per week. Most important is to have a schedule and make it a habit, even with the 2 days off per week.

    Below is my schedule that I followed when I lost 35 pounds, as directed by my personal trainer. Now, I know everyone's different and what works for some may not for others, and I'm admittedly far from an expert, but here it is:

    Sun - 30 min ST* + 30 min Cardio
    Mon - 60 min Cardio
    Tues - 30 Min ST + 30 min Cardio
    Wed - OFF
    Thur - 30 Min ST + 30 min Cardio
    Fri - 60 min Cardio
    Sat - OFF

    *ST = Strength training

    Each ST day, I also did 10 mins of abs workouts.

    Now, what I did for cardio was generally an elliptical machine (so I could read on my kindle at the same time!), but anything would work. For ST, I recommend starting with a nice 10-15 rep count on 5-6 different muscle workouts, doing 3 sets and gradually increase the weight each new week, and work up to 4 sets at 8-10 reps by the end of the month. Then each month, I pick some new workouts and do it again.

    I hope this helps get you motivated, and maybe find a training schedule. This is of course not the best or only way to do it, but it worked for me, and since you're just starting out, maybe it will be the tool that will help you, too!

    Couple all this with logging everything that goes into your mouth, and I mean everything. It's then simple math keeping a caloric deficit to lose weight!
  • bigsizemo
    bigsizemo Posts: 21 Member
    Hey the light turned on for me too, I just started also and it is so exciting to really track what you eat instead of just shoveling stuff in, I always wanted to be one of those who counted calories and was AWARE of what I ate and now I am, stick to it and lets get it done!
  • BaconMD
    BaconMD Posts: 1,165 Member
    It's good in theory. But in practice, I know myself, and I could never stick to something so hardcore as that. I decided to work out every-other-day-ish, meaning sometimes I may exercise two days in a row, sometimes I may have a few days off in a row.. It's what I can live with.

    And I try to get as close to my calorie goal as possible. I still enjoy anything I choose to eat, just the key is to actually weigh it all and make sure I am aware of what I am doing to myself. And I eat back my exercise calories, so that makes it easier to "spend" calories on the higher-calorie foods on my workout days.

    IF you keep the lofty goals you have set for yourself, I think the key to your success will be to NOT beat yourself up the moment you fall off the wagon, so to speak. Family or friends from out-of-town visit for a weekend? Going on a trip somewhere? Down and out with an illness? You're probably going to eat differently or miss a workout or two - don't let it be the end of you. Just get back on the horse and keep on going.
  • tamerkins2
    tamerkins2 Posts: 212
    I like the motivation and attitude, but don't set yourself up for failure. If you go too much - too many days in the gym with no rest, never eating what you want - it is easy to quit after a few weeks. Aim for a rest day from the gym, it is needed for your body. Also, don't beat yourself up over a cheat day!! I have learned from this site that a cheat day can help you. I still eat pizza and burgers, just in moderation. Good luck on your journey!!!:smile:
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    Once you get used to logging everything you eat, you will see there is room for anything you want to eat. You just have to budget your calories, just like your bank account. Good luck!:happy:
  • kenny_johnson
    kenny_johnson Posts: 108 Member
    I guess I'll throw in my 2 cents. And -- I think whatever works (permanently!) for you, do it!

    Here's my plan/philosophy:

    1) Eat the foods I like, but eat the calorie dense/less nutritious things in infrequently and in moderation (calories in/calories out)
    2) Exercise is VITAL, but it doesn't have to be in a gym. Cardio, Stretching, and strength exercises will make you healtier and actually help you get to your goals and stay there.

    So essentially, all I've done to change my lifestyle is to make better food choices on a daily basis while watching my calories/portions and added exercise that I wasn't doing it before.

    And I don't have cheat days or cheat meals. I just look at the big picture. On Saturday, I ate 4 tacos and 3 slices of pizza.. And guess what? I was still under my calorie goal for the day. I also probably burned about 1000 calories that day doing Power 90, a walk in the park, and helping my bro and sister inlaw move.

    So far, it's working. Nearly 27 pounds so far.
  • boggsmeister
    boggsmeister Posts: 292 Member
    I come from the philosophy that I eat to lose weight, and I exercise to get in shape. If you are exercising to get into shape, you don't build muscle while you exercise, you build it while you rest. So don't beat yourself up too much at the gym.
  • Angie_Fritts
    Angie_Fritts Posts: 263 Member
    The only thing I would say, because there has already been alot of great advice, don't be too rigid. If you are too rigid then you will set yourself up to fail. Good Luck with your journey!!!
  • BeyondApril
    BeyondApril Posts: 133 Member
    Good for you! Great start! agree with all the others posting - be sure to take a "rest" day - but nothing says you can't do some sort of a physical activity instead of the gym. (I take a lot of "rest" days where I do yard work, etc.)

    You CAN have the treats you love, but they should now be in a "treat" sized portion! I LOVE Swedish Fish - so my treat is 2 of them, and not the whole box like I would have done a couple of years ago.

    Keep that winning attitude and you will succeed! Good luck, and add me as a friend if you'd like to be cheered on :-)

  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I sent you a friend request :flowerforyou:.

    What has helped me to be fairly successful is the following:

    * I work out 6 days a week, with one rest day.
    * I eat food I like, but as dense and nutritionally complete as possible. I work in a treat at least once a day, even if only a couple of dark chocolate kisses.
    * I don't cheat, although I do sometimes eat at maintenance, for special occasions.
    * I take one week every three months to eat at maintenance. Still logging and working out, but I can have the things I really like, such as ice cream, beer, altoid mints, cookies, etc. But it is controlled and logged. Helps keep me sane and keep my hormone levels topped up (leptin, specifically).
    * Take measurements and photos once a month and keep a record of that vs ONLY the scale. My scale is not my friend. My tape measure is.
    * I eat most of my exercise calories, leaving a small cushion against calculation errors.
    * Have lots of great friends to cheer me on :heart:
  • nick3478
    nick3478 Posts: 18 Member
    Hi, I was wondering if somebody could help. A frozen bag of fish weighs 700g when I can the bag barcode and it tells me that 100g serving is 153cal. Is the 100g defrosted weight? Or is it 100g of the frozen 700g bag weight? PLEASE HELP :)
  • jpinge
    jpinge Posts: 71 Member
    Yep....I think you figured it out. It isn't a diet, it is a life change which means you eat the amount of calories you are suppose to, you exercise because it makes you feel so much better and you learn a whole lot about what your body needs. I do agree with the others that you need a rest day....but I absolutely hate my rest days....I love working out so on those days I will usually just walk (alot :smile: )

    My husband and I have both been very successful....we don't deny ourselves any food...just the amounts. So we never feel deprived and seriously if I really want to eat something and it doesn't fit in my calorie count for the day then I get off my butt and work up some exercise calories:) We also have a "metabolism booster" day every week and that seems to help as well. As of late though we don't really feel the need to eat everything in sight lol because like I said before we don't ever deny ourselves any food...just the amounts.

    Good luck on your journey to a healthier happier can do this!!
  • elfo
    elfo Posts: 353 Member
    When you can't do1 - get outside and walk! Great for the mind and body :D
  • Chagama
    Chagama Posts: 543 Member
    I think it's good to plan on working out everyday and to never cheat. Life will occasionally interfere, and you will miss a day, or wind up going over on calories, but as long as you don't build in other days for those you will recover nicely.
  • Zumbagurl64
    Zumbagurl64 Posts: 155 Member
    welcome Jeff! good for you for taking charge of your life! It's great you have a plan, but don't be too hard on yourself, it's ok to take a day off and it's ok to eat what you want every now and moderation of course.... it's a give and take relationship. Good luck in this journey, we are all here for you! :-)
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    Hi, I was wondering if somebody could help. A frozen bag of fish weighs 700g when I can the bag barcode and it tells me that 100g serving is 153cal. Is the 100g defrosted weight? Or is it 100g of the frozen 700g bag weight? PLEASE HELP :)

    Is it plain, raw fish? Or prepared fish?

    Regardless, usually the weight is the defrosted, unpackaged product. So, I'd say that refers to the defrosted weight. Still quite a bit of calories for the 100g.