Is having surgery to lose weight hard work?



  • jadashute08
    jadashute08 Posts: 56 Member
    My opinion; it's a cop-out, an easier way out. No different than someone taking steroids to gain muscle. Not to mention the potential life altering complications of surgery even death.

    It is not an easier way out!
  • mendez2011
    People who have bypass or lap band surgery have to work just as hard to lose weight. Especially with the lap band. It's a tool. It will help you lose weight, but if the person doesn't change their eating and exercising habits, it won't do anything. Like someone mentioned, it is possible to eat around the restrictions of the lap band. Going through surgery and overhauling your entire lifestyle isn't "the easy way out". If someone took the steps to lose weight, get themselves healthy and change their life for the better, does it really matter which tools they used to do it? Applaud their effort and hard work, don't belittle them because you don't agree with their method.

    Amen Sister!
  • kissinitallgdbye
    Yes it is hard and you have to be motivated to do what you need to do and not everything works the same even with the band. I researched for 5 years before having it done. You do the research and really ask lots of questions. Its not a quick fix by any means and with either surgery you can still can it all back. Most importantly you have to eat right and still exercise. Good luck to you and your goals to get control of your life. Nancy:happy:
  • yesthistime
    yesthistime Posts: 2,051 Member
  • tammyopolin
    tammyopolin Posts: 98 Member
    I am sorry I didn't mean to offend anyone, I am not trying to belittle their efforts. I am just trying to learn more.

    Don't worry, nothing you said was offensive. :)
  • BrittanieGo
    BrittanieGo Posts: 60 Member
    its absolutely not a cure for being overweight, but it gives lots of people the HOPE they need to take the next steps if they are obese, going to the gym probably isnt something they are comfortable with. Diet does NOT work for everyone, epecially if they have been dieting their entire lives and have screwed up their metabolism. I think its great that it really can give people a second chance to learn their bodies and what it will take to stay thinner. Of course they still have to workout and learn the rules of eating for their bodies but if they don't sure it will come back.
    And yes there are a TON of pre-op appointments, requirements and work. That sometimes 20 pounds people have to lose is usually in the 2 weeks up to surgery through no carb liquid diet. I think most people make it through that 2 weeks and whatever weight they lose ONLY because its the very last step before they get their chance.
  • kyt1206
    kyt1206 Posts: 101
    My friend had surgery to reduce his weight, but in order to stay alive, he followed the strict regiment of post-op care. *That* was more effective for maintaining his health than the surgery was. He wanted to lose weight for his newborn son, so that he would can chase after his son when he's old enough to run. Physical changes isn't enough, it can be a start, such as reducing the inner thigh fat to help you get less friction therefore running/walking exercises wouldn't be such a painful thing with rashes and stuff. But the battle is mostly mental for sure.
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    I've never done it, but from watching documentaries, it looks harder to me. Much more painful and complicated, especially because you still have to battle all of the emotions associated with weight loss and such a drastic change.
  • abberbabber
    abberbabber Posts: 972 Member
    It's still hard. I'd been thinking about it for awhile, and finally went ahead with it when I was doing Weight Watchers and just felt like I was starving all the time (not a problem I'd had doing WW before). Like others have said, there's a lot of prep work and time that goes into it. I lost about 60 pounds in the first 8 months or so and then sort of plateaued, because I wasn't being as careful about tracking my eating habits and such. Yes, you still have to work and you still have to count calories and whatnot, but for me it's just easier to stay within my calorie range when I can't physically eat as much. Anyone who says it's a cop out has no idea what they're talking about, IMO.
  • pinkpelican
    Many of the pre-surgery requirements are to insure that the patient can survive surgery, is mentally stable & won't transfer addictive behaviors expressed by overeating to other substances after surgery (ie alcohol, tobacco, drugs). Additionally, the pre-surgery requirements are designed to help patients start getting into a mindset that will help them make life-long lifestyle changes. Finally, they are also designed to assess whether the patients are willing and able to follow those changes. Most of these requirements are instituted by the insurance companies ... because they don't want to pay for an expensive surgery for no reason.

    For me, the surgery (gastric sleeve bypass) is a tool. I am 47, I have lost significant weight on Atkins, Weight Watchers, & other programs, but have had trouble maintaining that weight loss & have gained it back time and again. The reduced volume of my stomach is one way to help me focus on portion size. I had the surgery in July 2011 so I'm still in the first year of losing weight. Because, at this point, the weight loss is fairly quick & not as difficult, I'm able to work on the "head" stuff ... the emotional cravings, correcting bad habits and learning new coping skills. I worry about the potential for gaining the weight back in the future, so I'm working really hard now to instill good habits, good thinking, and correcting emotional issues.

    Some people have problems after surgery, some people don't. I had an excellent experience ... I healed quickly, the early pain that is expected after any surgery was manageable & resolved in a reasonable time frame.

    It's not a "magic bullet" cure, but for people with co-morbidities, with a declining quality of life, with a history of problems losing weight & maintaining weight loss through "traditional" routes, it is a very viable option and often a necessary one.

    It's not a cop-out; I still have to make significant changes in my diet and my activity level. But it helps get the weight off during the first year so you can make significant progress in your physical & mental health. I have come down from a high of 381 pounds to my current weight, 239 pounds. The changes I've experienced have been profound in ways I can't even begin to describe, & they cover all aspects of my lifestyle. I'm eating better, I'm exercising more, my mental attitude towards food is shifting in healthier directions, and I am motivated to continue making those changes.

    The hard part of weight loss surgery is not in the first year, but in the years that come later when you have to maintain your success.

    It's different from 'traditional' weight loss, and you have to be committed to making substantial changes, just like you do with 'traditional' weight loss.

    For those thinking about it, there are different surgeries -- talk with your doctor extensively about what will work best for you. There are also a wide range of programs; some require long runs of liquid diets before & after surgery, some do not. Pre-op requirements (length of time, amount of weight loss, psychological & group support meetings, etc.) vary both with the program you go through & with your insurance. Most programs have free informational seminars ... check out several if you aren't sure what you want.

    And best of luck to everybody who is working on getting healthier, no matter what route you take.
  • abberbabber
    abberbabber Posts: 972 Member
    ...Because, at this point, the weight loss is fairly quick & not as difficult, I'm able to work on the "head" stuff ... the emotional cravings, correcting bad habits and learning new coping skills. I worry about the potential for gaining the weight back in the future, so I'm working really hard now to instill good habits, good thinking, and correcting emotional issues.

    ^^^ This. Because I'm not constantly focusing on how much I'm eating for meals and such, it's easier for me to focus on *why* I'm eating, especially if I want to snack in the evenings. And honestly, I've worked on a lot of emotional issues, and issues with my marriage and other relationships that I think I was previously hiding behind food.
  • runs4zen
    runs4zen Posts: 769 Member
    My opinion; it's a cop-out, an easier way out. No different than someone taking steroids to gain muscle. Not to mention the potential life altering complications of surgery even death.

    Thanks for the uneducated, judgemental opinion. Those of us who have used surgery did not cop out of anything. I exercise and eat well and chose surgery to help with that journey. People--educated and smart people-- choose surgery to lose weight for reasons you clearly have put zero thought into.

    As for me, I saved my life, lost 125 pounds, have kept it off for over a year and a half and am training for a half marathon. I have no regrets and would do it all over again. Why I needed to lose 125 pounds is a whole other story and I've taken care of that situation too.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    To do it without surgery you have to watch what you eat and exercise.

    Or you can have invasive, often problematic surgery, after which you will still have to watch what you eat and exercise.

    So personally, I've never understood the choice. But I guess that's just me.
  • holly1283
    holly1283 Posts: 741 Member
    I know a few people who have had it done and about half have been successful at keeping it off. However, the amount of food eaten at a time is very limited plus they take mega doses of vitamins. My one friend has to spread her vitamins because her new "pouch" isn't big enough to handle all of them at a time. One of the unsuccessful ones did not gain her weight back by poor eating habits, she just could not stay away from the booze. She was so sick at first and now it is all back because of the drinking. How sad. It is also a big lifestyle change.
  • mSquared77
    mSquared77 Posts: 47 Member
    One of the best decisions I have ever made!

    7 years and 150 lbs post op and I'm here counting my calories, exercising 4-5 days a week, benefiting from the MFP community and and training to run a marathon relay this June.

    That said, is what you're doing hard work? I wouldn't say that I'm working harder or less harder than you.....we may be working equally as hard. It's not for everyone! That's the fantastic thing about personal choice. It was certainly the right choice for me.
  • mSquared77
    mSquared77 Posts: 47 Member
    I know a few people who have had it done and about half have been successful at keeping it off. However, the amount of food eaten at a time is very limited plus they take mega doses of vitamins. My one friend has to spread her vitamins because her new "pouch" isn't big enough to handle all of them at a time. One of the unsuccessful ones did not gain her weight back by poor eating habits, she just could not stay away from the booze. She was so sick at first and now it is all back because of the drinking. How sad. It is also a big lifestyle change.

    Your 50% statistic is about right. The "mega doses of vitamins" not as accurate. I take a daily multivitamin (something most ppl could realize benefit) and a tiny pink B12. Just had my annual visit to my physician and my labs are 100% perfect! I also enjoy a glass (or two) of wine occasionally. With everything, moderation is key.
  • mSquared77
    mSquared77 Posts: 47 Member
    My opinion; it's a cop-out, an easier way out. No different than someone taking steroids to gain muscle. Not to mention the potential life altering complications of surgery even death.

    Thanks for the uneducated, judgemental opinion. Those of us who have used surgery did not cop out of anything. I exercise and eat well and chose surgery to help with that journey. People--educated and smart people-- choose surgery to lose weight for reasons you clearly have put zero thought into.

    As for me, I saved my life, lost 125 pounds, have kept it off for over a year and a half and am training for a half marathon. I have no regrets and would do it all over again. Why I needed to lose 125 pounds is a whole other story and I've taken care of that situation too.

  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    I dont think anyone has really answered the OP.........I have read through it all and I guess I still want to know......It seems like with surgery and non-surgery you have to monitor what you eat and work out........Then I ask again.......What is the added benefit of the surgery. For all of the people in here that have had it done what did the surgery do for you that you could not have physically done without the surgery. Not trying to offend just really trying to understand the reasons for taking this risk.
  • CRSE1214
    CRSE1214 Posts: 196 Member
    All the surgery does is change your digestive system. It doesn't change your head or how the body works. They still have to maintain a calorie deficit (and exercise) in order to lose weight.

    At one point gastric bypass was the hot new thing. Now that some time has passed, we are getting a better picture of the results. Yes, people can and will lose a lot of weight fast. However, we are also seeing people gain back 100 or 200 lbs because they haven't resolved their food issues.

    100% this ^^^^ I've had two friends have it done and neither has changed their eating habits. They eat what they've always eaten and just deal with the dumping syndrome.
  • plarcade
    plarcade Posts: 125 Member
    Friend of mine had a gastric band fitted. She lost a ton of weight very quickly. At first. It was very hard for her to keep solid food down, and she had an essentially liquid diet, sooo she started to eat icecream, etc, etc... the band eventually expands and she gained a lot. She also didn't learn a THING about discipline or self-control. On the NHS you have to prove that you really want to change your life by losing a certain amount of weight before the band is fitted. My friend had it done privately and is still struggling 4 years later. It certainly wasn't easy, but neither was it effective in the long term.