Insanity and Hal Higdon's Half Marathon Training

Today I'm starting Insanity and I just started the Hal Higdon's Half Marathon Training Program. I'm wondering how can I incorporate both without burning myself out. I'm just getting into running and I'm not fast.

Any suggestions.


  • ranae32
    ranae32 Posts: 59 Member
    I just started the exact same thing. i have my first half marathon on the 4th of july. im 1 week into Insanity and starting the half marathon training this week. i am doing the runs on mon, wed, and long runs on saturday. if you notice on the plan it will say 3 miles or cross train. which im pretty sure Insanity is cross training :)

    Best of luck!
  • Pickles11
    Pickles11 Posts: 310 Member
    You can do almost anything for crosstraining, but what I would worry about would be feeling sore from insanity and it affecting your run the next day.

    When I was doing insanity, I was often sore, especially in my legs. I don't think I could have run long distances at the same time. Maybe you could just do it a few days a week, but make sure you take the day before a long run off?
  • Iluvchopsticks
    Iluvchopsticks Posts: 130 Member
    To be honest, I would consider a different program to pair with the half training. Insanity + running is a lot of cardio (and impact)!! If you insist on doing both just make sure you are eating enough so you can fuel your workouts. I wouldn't want to do all that on a big calorie deficit. I think a program like P90X (if you prefer home workouts) would be a better alternative because it is weight training plus the plyo is only one day a week.
  • donrdon
    donrdon Posts: 216 Member
    I think that during the first few weeks of your 1/2 marathon program this might work but as your weekly mileage increases you might find it a lot to handle. If I'm not mistaken Higdon's program also works in only 1 or 2 days of cross training depending on which level you are using (usually recommending low impact) If your serious about the 1/2 marathon that's what i would focus on rather than the Insanity program.
  • tenunderfour
    tenunderfour Posts: 429 Member
    I agree with those who say it's not a good match. I'm an experienced distance runner and I don't think I could start serious training now. I'm on the 3rd week of Insanity. I have been running some miles here and there.... but nothing too long and strenuous. You don't want to end up injured from over-training esp since you are a relative novice to running.
  • workout_junkee
    workout_junkee Posts: 473 Member
    I have to agree there are much better matches out there. I have done Insanity and I run. I would not do half training and Insanity together. The hybrid is going to put a lot of strain on your muscles and leave you prone to injury. I know a few people that have tried it and ended up injured. I would maybe hybrid with P90X or Challene Extreme.