Cheat Day?



  • dry61ed
    dry61ed Posts: 34 Member
    Oh, I like that idea. Keep calories the same or less, but eat what you want in those guidelines. I will try that for my cheat days. Thanks for the idea.
  • I used to have " bad food Friday" BUT its one of those things like depending how dicipline you are you may just get rid of all the good you did!
    My " cheat days" are more like " cheat meals". If I'm going to or if i DO eat something bad that I've been craving or wanting I make sure that same day OR the next I work extra hard. Food is food and despite certain things tasting delicious it shouldn't control us like we should be in control of ourselves!
    Yeah i have to tell myself that every time I want french fries and a cherry coke. :)
  • pogojr
    pogojr Posts: 83 Member
    I have a cheat day/naughty day every so often. I still log every thing, but I eat and drink things that aren't normally in my new lifestyle. I normally aim for those days when I know we are going away or going out, but most of the time, the only reason I am over is because of alchohol. The "naughty" foods don't even interest me as much. I guess that means I'm adjusting!
  • torizia
    torizia Posts: 140 Member
    I think today is my first 'cheat day'. I've had loads of chocolate but smaller meals (so about 250 calories over my target) but gave blood so decided I deserved a treat! Back to normal tomorrow..
  • I don't have cheat days.I made up my mind that I was going to eat clean(er) and so thats what Im doing. I will allow for certain allowances on special occasions ONLY (ie a piece of cake on my BFF's birthday or something like that). For me that's the way to go - This way I don't feel guilty.
  • hkesh
    hkesh Posts: 1
    I try to normally stick to 1200cals, ive worked out my bmr to be 1600 (or thereabouts!) if i have a cheat day i will still log EVERYTHING (stops a day of easing the reins becoming a binge which is much much harder to come back from) but allow myself to eat the extra cals. It's incredible how much extra food you can have for 400 cals!

    That being said though, if you really feel like eating something then just do it, thinking of it as a lifestyle change rather then a "diet" makes all the difference :)