Birth Control Question - Sorry Guys :)

So i started Seasonale birth control about 6 weeks ago. Until then i was losing weight pretty consistantly. I eat well and exercise min 5 days per week approx 1-1 1/2 hrs per day (cardio and weights). Since starting this new birth control i have lost and gained the same 2 pounds over and over and over again. I did some research and found that weight gain is pretty common on this BC. Wondering if any ladies out there have expierence that could share. I am considering going off it for a while to see if it makes a difference.


  • cjmas
    cjmas Posts: 63
    I have experience with Seasonale, but I use Nuva Ring. I don't think I gained when I started it. You might want to ask your ob-gyn about weight gain and what other birth control you can try.
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    The problem with most BCs, pills, ring, implant, etc, is that they nearly all have the side effect of weight gain. Some more strongly than others. It just means you have to work that much harder to get the weight off. It won't be impossible, but a little harder. Until your body adjusts to the new hormones, you'll probably stay stalled. It takes a few weeks to a couple of months! You can talk to your doctor about trying a type that has less frequency of weight gain for most women.
  • xosmsox
    xosmsox Posts: 119
    I'm on seasonale and I haven't had an issues. Maybe it's a coincidence and have just naturally plateaued? And as another poster suggested you may just need a little time to adjust to the new hormone levels? Btw this pill made my skin beautiful! I get compliments on it daily, so there will be that perk heading your way too!
  • shoeluver67
    shoeluver67 Posts: 56 Member
    I stopped taking Seasonique at the end of the year and had the IUD Merida inserted...dropped 10 lbs in a couple of weeks (without even trying), it just fell off. LOVE it by the way...its so nice to not have to THINK about it anymore.
  • shandirae
    shandirae Posts: 15
    I would talk to your doctor before stopping! Stopping in the middle of a pill pack can cause lots of spotting which is no fun! If you are worried about weight gain talk to your doctor about different forms of birthcontrol that have a lower incident of weight gain as a side effect.
  • TheChocolatePrincess
    TheChocolatePrincess Posts: 137 Member
    Well, you my understanding Seasonale is a similar concept to Depo Provera. I am coming off of Depo because of the weight gain (approx 70lbs over 9 years). The hormones that keep your body from menstrating for 3 months also contribute to water retention and weight gain. Even when you come off, the hormone will be in your system for a while after your last pill.

    Its a tough decision to make. My doctor is switching me to Ortho-TriCyclene.
  • MadalynnsMomma
    I am on Implanon. It is the little rod that goes into your arm and lasts for 3 years. I absolutely love mine. When I first had it put in I lost about 15 quickly. Yes, I was working out but the weight just dropped off once I had it put it. If you are concerned with weight gain, talk to your doctor about changing your BC. Have a great day!
  • fionawilliamson
    fionawilliamson Posts: 110 Member
    thanks for all the great feedback, we work so hard to lose weight, its a drag when something is counterproductive.
  • lolamariem
    So i started Seasonale birth control about 6 weeks ago. Until then i was losing weight pretty consistantly. I eat well and exercise min 5 days per week approx 1-1 1/2 hrs per day (cardio and weights). Since starting this new birth control i have lost and gained the same 2 pounds over and over and over again. I did some research and found that weight gain is pretty common on this BC. Wondering if any ladies out there have expierence that could share. I am considering going off it for a while to see if it makes a difference.

    It took MONTHS before I noticed any weight gain, but when I did-I noticed. I stopped taking the pill because of all the bloating and water retention and have noticed a huge difference!
  • fragilegift
    fragilegift Posts: 347 Member
    On the 11th April I started taking the Pill (Levlen - levonorgestrel with ethinyloestradiol). I weighed 82 kilos when I started.

    I took four days worth, and 'gained' 3 kilos. I was far more peckish, and I could not run because of the 'stiff' legs and general BLAH factor.

    I didn't take another pill on Sunday, and spent the night basically on the loo. Overnight I 'lost' 2 kilos.

    Nothing changed in my routine/diet EXCEPT for taking those tablets.

    I am still not back at what I was this time last week, but ttotm is due anyway.

    (Yes there was a reason I started taking the pill before it was due. Being a life model with your period could get..messy. I know about cups etc. )

    I'm hoping like mad that the system sorts itself out really fast. O.o
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    i know with the shot it will make you keep water weight and gain weight

    i have been on ortho tri cyclen lo for almost 2 years now. i did weigh less when i first got on it but i also had some lifestyle changes, i would not say that was the reason.

    i have now had an easy time losing or maintaining weight on it. don't know much about the pill you are on, but i would not be surprised if it is messing with your weight
  • Quasita
    Quasita Posts: 1,530 Member
    I had to stop taking my BC for lots of reasons, and plan on switching to a copper IUD in September. It just makes more sense to me... Plus, stopping periods makes me nervous and I'd rather have regular monthlies than deal with the hormonal side effects.
  • MelissaAnn1983
    MelissaAnn1983 Posts: 149 Member
    I was on Lo Estrin and I did have some weight gain. IT took a year for me to gain about 10 to 15 pounds. I controlled that with trying not to drink cokes, no whites and no pasta. If any I always did whole wheat. I tried to cut my sugar down and I ate the healthiest I could. I lost that weight in about a month. I just recently changed to depo. It has been a month now since I have been on it. I actually feel better now. I use to always feel bloated but I don't anymore with this one. It is easier to loose the weight you gain with BC for some reason. When I switched the Dr even said some weight loss happens but it is easier to control.
  • KimmyEB
    KimmyEB Posts: 1,208 Member
    The pill affects every woman differently. Some experience no side effects, others (like me) experience just about every negative one. People call tell you "Well THIS happened to me, so it's gonna happen to you!" means absolutely jack ****.

    That said, I personally did gain a lot of weight--30+lbs. After I got off the pill the first time, I lost all that weight and then some very fast--within 3 months, if that. Second time of being on the pill, not so much...much harder for me to lose the weight this time, but I am, at least, not GAINING since being off of it. Then again, I know women who didn't gain a thing, or who easily lost weight when they tried. It's all relative to the person.

    If you're determined to stick with the pills, just wait a bit to see if you're still finding it even harder to lose weight, or if you're gaining weight, then talk to your doctor (or 2, or 3...each one seems to say something different, in my experience) about alternatives. Best of luck!!