Anyone trying to loose weight after baby?

So I had my second child 13 weeks ago. I gained forty pounds (131lbs to 171lbs) I lost 30 so far (including baby lol) so I'm working on those last 10 pounds, which are the hardest! I would love to meet some fellow mommy's out there to help motivate each other :)


  • Hi! I just had our 4th child 8 weeks ago and I'm definitely struggling to lose the weight this time! I had gestational diabetes so I was very good at counting carbs, but now I need to watch my cholesterol too.
  • Amygrl559
    Amygrl559 Posts: 62 Member
    My son is now 2, but I'm desperately trying to lose the "baby weight" - if you can call it that, anymore! Feel free to add me as a friend, if you'd like.
  • mamisantos
    mamisantos Posts: 1 Member
    Hello! I am 7 weeks pp today. I gained 50 lbs during pregnancy YIKES! Ive lost 25 lbs so far fairly easily just from breastfeeding and most likely less time to eat haha. But the last half is going to take some work! Would love the motivation as well!
  • nroisland
    nroisland Posts: 254 Member
    Hello, I have a 14 month old and a 30 month old. I have about 8lbs more to go to hit my goal weight. I'll send you a friend request!