SAHM 8/24-8/30



  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    angl--thank you. i expected the high energy but she's also emotionally needy. and i just can't give it now. she's at the vet today and WOW do I like having her gone! i am so ready to re-home her and can see how so much of the new stress in my life will just vanish.

    as for non-food soothing--write here, read, take a bath or shower, polish your nails, do a scrapbook page, set a goal for x # days and once reached buy yrself something small (cool pen, bookmark, etc), call a friend, clean the house

    those are just the ideas off the top of my head. :flowerforyou:
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    and all this advice from the person who wolfed down 6 cooked mini tollhouse cookies and 2 raw.

    nice lunch! (sealed up the rest and put up high for the kids for later)

    signing off and leaving kitchen!!! :laugh:
  • angl421
    angl421 Posts: 47
    stacey - i like the read idea. i can even carry a book with me. i always consider reading a weekend/b4 bedtime thing but why not try it to relieve tension. it's one of my favorite pastimes and it definitely absorbs and relaxs me. instead of marching myself to the kitchen , curl up into a book for 15 minutes.

    side note - reading my way through sue grafton's alphabet series(a is for alibi, b is for...) i am up to p is for peril. it is a great series about a female p.i. what i think of as light saturday reads. absorbong enough to take you away light enough to be able to put down to tend to something/someone.

    i feel the same way about giving advice. pot giving the kettle advice. i am in a constant struggle to find balance in many areas not just this one.

    i also listen to books on tape while i am doing my chores relieves the boredom/brain atrophy. i have many recommendations if anyone is interested.
  • yellowhouse
    I just joined the 30 day shred group starting on Sept 1.....I bought the dvd months back and I tried it once and quit within the first 10 minutes:noway: Not this time!!!>..I am going to do this!!!!

    As for today, more elliptical :)...

    Have a great day everyone:flowerforyou:

    I just ordered this from Amazon and will be getting it in a couple days- is there a group starting Sept. 1? If so, I would love to join - I have heard it's a good DVD (challenging but with good results). I love the elliptical but need to add some variety to my workouts.

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • lettuceb
    lettuceb Posts: 207 Member
    I'm new here and thought I would jump right in.

    I'm a SAHM to 4 daughter 10, stepdaughter 9, son 3, and daughter 20months. All children live with us full time.

    I've been trying to loose weight for a year. And I just keep gaining. Seems I am not leaving enough time for me or something. I've noticed a few problems. One I hurry up and eat cause with 4 kids you never know when you are going to get a moment to eat. My husband I notice we do this when we went on a date a few weeks ago. We did at the restaurant and we were like OMG this is bad. So how do you take the time to eat a meal?

    Second problem I eat when I am bored. Bored in the sense that I have no adult contact. Of course my kids keep me mentally, emotionally, and some what physically busy.

    I also have noticed I eat when I am sad. Which is usually late at night. Once the kids are off to bed and my husband decides to play a game on the computer. Not sure how I should change that. I have asked him to spend time with me. But he needs down time...

    So with the bad eating has come me feeling tired and sluggish so now I am even less active and it gets worst daily. So then I eat more and do less each day. I'm gaining about a pound a week and can't seem to get out of this rut!

    Welcome!!:heart: Believe me when I say we all understand your issues as we have them too! This is a great group and you will find so much help here and on this site. I have found that just tracking my food has made a huge difference in my thinking about what I am putting in my mouth and this site makes it pretty easy to track....I have a hard time sometimes due to the fact that a lot of our food is made from scratch but I guess that is good too because it can be healthier :happy:

    Please feel free to ask any questions or to complain about anything going on in your life...we are here to listen and not judge....these ladies rock!
  • lettuceb
    lettuceb Posts: 207 Member
    What a day! Caden's fever has shot up but I was able to get him his antibiotics and get the 1st dose in so at least we are on the way to healing. I was also able to make a drs appt. for a pediatric urologist in September...we are fortunate to live in an area with many doctors.

    Got Jackson's hair cut so he is ready for 2nd grade on Monday :smile:

    Our AC is not working very well but oldest son's best friend works in HVAC and is going to come look at it later this evening, I swear, it is always something!!

    I had a good lunch, ate leftover girlled habanero chix in a salad with some pumpkin seeds added and fresh gouda cheese not sure on calories though.

    I am really tired but going to try and get in 2 miles of running/walking...have started back the C25K program at wk 3 and knee is holding up ok...will do the 30 day shred tomorrow (hopefully).

    I am keeping my fingers crossed for your stress to come down soon! We have had to give a dog to rescue before because of certain circumstances so you are not the only one :smile:

    Hang in there Ladies!!! We Can Do IT!:flowerforyou:
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    lettuce--thanks for the cheerleading!!
    and ugh on caden and a/c :frown:
    glad you can get in quickly but poor guy, they just don't get it when they're so young and being sick is plain miserable.

    Ate 2 more raw cookies (no, i do not give any thought to salmonella!) and then washed more raspberries and ate them. thinking about exercising soon....

    dh won't be around evenings for the next several days. on the one hand, it's harder w/o him. on the other, dinner and other things get easier.

    oh--lettuce! there are sites that will analyze the recipes' nutritional content and cals. then you can enter them in the database as homemade--lettuce b's salsa dip, etc etc
    it's worth the effort for things you eat often--like meatloaf, or my challah's in there and my pnut butt banana smoothie.
    it's tedious but cool and worth it in the long run, imo

    off to help with the homework--
  • yankeefamily05
    We went to pizza hut...I went through with eating the salad!...Than I ate 3 pieces of pizza..Than we went and got ice cream so add in a small vanialla cone with sprinkles:grumble: I don't think I went over in cals and if I did Iam not going to beat myself up about it!!....I have been in under for a long time!!!...

    We didn't get to walk tonight:grumble: Stinking weather.!!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    did the cardio x from the p90x program!!
    so stinkin'proud of myself!!! (jump for joy!!)
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Hi all!

    Angl - Chick-Fil-A is a fast food restaurant. They serve the best chicken sandwiches ever. They also have some of the yummiest biscuits! The best thing, even though it's fast food, the food isn't greasy. But, it's still fast food, so I have to watch myself.

    Well, i sort of made my goals today. I didn't walk on the treadmill because we had the carpets professionally cleaned this evening. So the treadmill is unplugged at the moment and in a different location. We tried to move as much as possible off the carpets. The good thing is that moving all that furniture around & vacuuming, I burned more cals than I would have on the treadmill. I only had 7 out of my 8 cups h20, but since I've barely been drinking 5 lately, I was happy.

    I was over my cals by 380 today. I wouldn't have been if I could have just stayed away from those 2 :noway: donuts! At least they're gone now!

    Stacey - good job on the cardio! When does the guy come look at the puppy? That's great that you found such a good rescue group!

    Lettuce - I hope Caden feels better soon. That's great that you were able to make his urology appt. so soon. And I hope your a/c can be fixed quickly. It's way too hot to be w/out a/c right now.
  • yankeefamily05
    Good Morning Ladies!!!!!!

    Back to business this morning after eating at Pizza Hut last night!!!....I ordered a size 16 jeans from Old Navy, My "minigoal" jeans:)......Can't wait to get them. Today I am going to try to drink all of my water. I have been slacking in that department!!!!...

    Have a great day ladies!:happy:
    wow I can't keep up here :)

    Thanks for all the warm welcomes and good ideas.

    I am a night owl too. It's hard for me to go to bed before 12. Usually at night is when I get my motivation to clean and do laundry. But during the day I am barely awake. I think it's the foods I am eating in the mornings. So this morning I am trying to eat higher protein and keep any sugar out. We'll see if a few days of that won't help with my energy level. And help fight off that hungry feeling.

    I did ok for my goal calorie intake yesterday even after finishing off a whole bag of trail mix. That blew up my fat in take. But I was careful with my choices for the rest of the day and only went over 150 in cals and 12 in fat. If I wasn't trying I'm sure I would have just doubled what my in take should have been for a day.

    I was checking out the exercise part of this site. And I realized that I used to go dancing at least 2 times a week for 3 hours back before kids. That burns so crazy calories. No wonder why now I am having weight issues. I am just not that active so I can't just eat whatever and how much I want. Having 4 kids slows you down in some ways.

    So I have a plan for that. 4 days a week I am at the ice rink with my oldest daughter. Usually sitting watching her skate for 2 hours each night. But they have a gym that is pretty in expensive and it has a treadmill looking down on the ice rink. So I think I am going to try to do that at least for 30 minutes each day there. Just doesn't make sense why I am not at least walking while there. I wish they had a track around the rink like some rinks do. That would be nice.

    Also I am trying to set up a walking group for at least 2 times a week with some other SAHM. It's nice to have the company. Plus I have a really hard time pushing myself out the door. But if it's a social reason it's much easier and much more likely that I will do it. Have any of you do something like this before? I belong to a few different mom groups so I thought I would send out a mass email and see who is interest. Once school starts I will just have the baby in the mornings so that will make it easier.

    Ugh but my struggle today is that my mom made a cake last night. Yes grandma lives with us. I want to eat it so bad and I know if I do that I will eat at least half of it. If not the whole 13x9 pan. Now you will never hear me say I don't know why I can't loose weight cause I know it's sweets! It's my biggest down fall! She made it last night and I thought about it the whole time I was sleeping. Does anyone else do that?
    lettuceb If I made those I would eat them all. I hate avoiding those fun treats for the kids but I just can't stop myself. I will make them if we are going to a party or something where other people will be to eat them up so I can just have one with out eating 20 of them.
  • lettuceb
    lettuceb Posts: 207 Member
    Not a good night! Was up most of the night with a very sick little boy and am exhausted. His fever has been so high he was somewhat down now and I am back from taking the middle 2 to the dentist. AC guy is coming out sometime today....I just want to sleep:indifferent:

    Don't know when I am going to get to workout again....sigh.

    Hope everyone else is having a good day :smile:
    aw I hope your little one feels better soon and you can get some ZZ nights like those make it so much harder to get off the sofa and do something.
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Good morning!

    Lettuce - I'm sorry to hear about your night. Fevers are so scary! :cry: Don't worry about working out right now, and get some sleep.

    Starrenight - I do that too. I work part-time (kids come w/ me & off work before school lets out), and right now, there are brownies for a bake-sale in the fridge in the next door (I work at my church). It's taking a lot of will power to not walk over and get one! The thing that is saving me right now is that it IS in another building! :laugh: Problem is ... my truck is parked in the carport there.

    I'm so excited! I'm going later this morning to the podiatrist to pick up my orthotic inserts! :happy:

    My mini goals today are the same as yesterday:

    8 glasses h20
    walk 1/2 mile
    :laugh: just one building LOL I don't think that would stop me if I knew they were there hmmmmm LOL

    Oh I didn't share my mini goal

    Walk for a half hour
    Drink all the water I only drank 3 glasses yesterday. I am not a drinker.
    And say no to the sweets.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    Now you will never hear me say I don't know why I can't loose weight cause I know it's sweets! It's my biggest down fall! She made it last night and I thought about it the whole time I was sleeping. Does anyone else do that?

    Me!me!me!! i'm addicted to cookies. i'm not kidding, ladies. i can hardly go a day without them! thank goodness i don't smoke and never tried meth :tongue: can you imagine?!

    seriously, starre, put the cake up high on the fridge so it's not easily grabbed and staring at you. and ask mom to make low fat recipes. there are so many out there--just google whatever you're wanting.

    anyway, totally get your struggles and am sending BE STRONG vibes to you today!

    as for social workouts--try it's free and there are a bazillion types of groups in every area in every activity. i've joined a couple but don't go yet (lunch one and book group). once you join meetup, it's free, you can also get notified of other groups that interest you.
    btw, that's how i found the puggle group and the beagle group which led to the beagle rescue lady.
    good luck!
  • lettuceb
    lettuceb Posts: 207 Member
    Thanks everyone for the well wishes for my little guy. The acetaminophen is finally working so he is running around some now just to get the antibiotic in him!

    The AC guy is supposed to be here within the hour, thank goodness. I am also very thankful that my hubby can work from home pretty often...he has been a big help last night and today. :heart:

    The kids had no cavities! Yeah!!! That is great since Jackson (7yo) had to have serious work done when really small.

    I am starving and trying not to eat anything bad but really craving some Chick Fil A! I do get their Southwestern chicken salad which is pretty healthy.

    I didn't get to run last night and can really feel it, either that or just

    I agree about doing the social thing with exercising, I would like to join a gym soon....been looking at a couple.
  • lettuceb
    lettuceb Posts: 207 Member
    Oh yeah, I am going to dry to at least drink some water today....I have a really hard time doing this!