5'1" what is your daily cal target? Activity?



  • jddykstra
    jddykstra Posts: 19
    I'm 5'1.5" and I only want to lose like 5 lbs, but it's impossible. My target is 1200 calories per day but I exercise and I find that really hard to maintain after a while. So i'm eating like 1400-1500 most days. yesterday i guess i gave myself a free day and ate 2300 :(

    but i feel like even if i ever do lose 5 lbs which i probably will never do, my calorie intake to maintain will have to be ridiculous, still. since my BMR is like 1190-something and i sit all day at a desk for my job.

    i do work out 3 times a week at the gym for an hour or so. i just feel like it's impossible to be this short. and maintain and not be hungry all the time.

    I know how you feel

    I'm right there with you, too. 5'1.5", want to lose 5lbs and struggle to lose it and then when I do, it comes back on so quickly. I feel like if I stray even the tiniest little bit, I'm screwed! I'm on a recovery break from p90x right now so I'm doing yoga and running this week and next, but I'm going to try to net 1500 cal/day.
  • Anyaaaa11
    Anyaaaa11 Posts: 242 Member
    I'm 5'2 just trying to lose around 10lbs
    I net 1550. Recently upped to 1600. I lift 1-3x a week and I've been working
    out everyday for two weeks just because I enjoy it. Probably will drop back down to 5 days.
    &I'm set at sedentary. (:

    Works for me
  • k8lyn_235
    k8lyn_235 Posts: 507 Member
    SW 110 (3/12/12)
    CW 107
    GW 105

    i started out with a net of 1200 cals/day (per MFP suggestion) but after doing a little research, i decided to increase it to 1350. i burn anywhere from 800-1000+ cals/week with lots of cardio and some strength training (with the help of 30DS and blogilates videos on youtube). i have been thinking about increasing my cals to 1400/day, but haven't yet. i have also reached a plateau, so i'm not really sure what to do now!

    ETA: i forgot to mention, activity level is set at sedentary and my carbs/fat/protein ratios are 40/35/25 (i have trouble getting all the protein i need each day, though)
  • ElizaRoche
    ElizaRoche Posts: 2,005 Member
    Im 5´2¨ and eat 1100-1200 (I feel stuffed and feel I eat a lot when I eat the 1200 tho)

    I walk everyday for 30-45 min.. And I also do zumba for one hour 6 days a week.
  • chopem4
    chopem4 Posts: 1
    i'm 5'3, and am at my goal weight (108) now. I'm at 1500 calories now maintaining, but don't seem to be hitting that consistently - it's more like on some days I'll go over, and some days I'll go under. I'd like to think it evens out on a weekly basis since I haven't moved on the scale for a month. I weight train at least 3x a week and do cardio 2x a week, mostly elliptical and one cardio kickboxing sesh.

    Trying to eat above 1500 now. not happy about not having gained any weight despite having gained strength.
  • I'm 5'0 here. My daily calorie goal is 1000 and I tend to keep it very low carb. I try to run/walk at least five times a week in addition to activities such as wii zumba and gardening. Good luck!
  • SpazzyMal
    SpazzyMal Posts: 276 Member
    I'm 5'2, and I was netting 1,200 at first, but my weight loss quickly seemed to halt. So I added an extra 150 to it the other day. I think I was just eating too little for my body to be happy to let things go! Hopefully this will also stop me from being so hungry all the time. I burn about 350 calories each day, working out 6 times a week, and always eat back my exercise calories.
  • niece04967
    niece04967 Posts: 12 Member
    I am 5'1 also.On days I dont exercise it says my goal is 1200 but there isnt a day I dont exercise.So depending on what I do for exercise it can range anywhere from 1500 to over 2000.I do intense workouts which burns more calories and workout at least an hour a day unless I have time for more(like I did today that you commented on..LOL) I hardly ever eat back all my calories I burn off though.And I read somewhere if you switch it up,like eat 1400 1 day then like 1700 another and lower the next..it confuses your body so you get out of the rut / plateau .