Sedentary worker wants a banging bod!

Hello! I am a publisher - so I work at a desk for long hours and rarely do I even take breaks. I've noticed over the last 2.5 years that I've gained about 12 - 15 lbs. My husband is an athlete (a cyclist/bmx rider), so I want to show him that I can commit to being active and focus on changing my lifestyle.

This is actually a really difficult time for me to begin as I am currently wrapping up one deadline, and about to begin another. NO EXCUSES! I can do this, but most importantly I want it. When you really want something, you don't let anything get in the way, right? The irony is that I'm hoping the stress of production will be offset by my working out. They say it helps!

I am from Murfreesboro, Tennessee. I am a dog-loving, bohemian-at-heart with a spirit for business & entrepreneurship.

I plan to meet my goal by having Shakeology every morning, eating healthy, adhering to the 1,200 calorie recommendation and working out at least 4 times a week. My guilty pleasures are beer & cheese - I will have to ration. lol

I am looking for some friends! So please add me if you'd like to accompany me on this journey. :bigsmile:
