Party pooper

I'm getting together with some friends later this week to celebrate exams ending. I know some will say "just relax- you deserve it" but I really don't, at least not right now! The last couple of months have been very interesting and the scale has been going in the opposite direction. I don't want to make it awkward... but I really can't go along with the so far plan, which is "pizza, wings or whatever" (then drinks).

Just this week I've been trying to get back to the lifestyle I was living when I was losing weight 4 months ago, and I don't know what to do!!!! I could *just* put off the healthy lifestyle for a week longer but don't want to risk "not being in the mood" to get back on track again.

Suggestions? Anyone in the same situation?


  • mangobadango
    mangobadango Posts: 294 Member
    You could always live the healthy life style except for that one night. You could go in with the knowledge that you have been eating healthy and will allow yourself to indulge in limited amounts of this food and you will be starting fresh the next morning with a healthy breakfast and exercise.

    This is after all a lifestyle change and I know that I like to be able to celebrate with my girlfriends without making a big deal about living a healthy lifestyle. I just choose the best options, or try to.

    ETA: Also it is good to go with being in the mood to track now, it starts making it a habit. And if you want to add me as a friend you can.
  • NB4Karolat
    Why don't you just eat EXTRA healthy for the whole day (or two) leading up to it, and then eat and drink in moderation (approximately what your calories allow) --and if you go over exercise more the next day.
  • hitmewitdarock
    eat the pizza and drink the beer for one night and be happy :)
  • carramel0705
    carramel0705 Posts: 250 Member
    choose a personal size veggie pizza , thin crust Whole wheat ( i always eat half & take the rest home get 2 meals instead of 1)
    set a limit of 2 or 3 drinks. do some extra cardio before hand so you have some extra calories to eat / drink .
  • SweetSammie
    SweetSammie Posts: 391 Member
    I would eat VERY carefully earlier in the day (filling and low calorie) ... plan what you are going to have (wings, pizza, whatever), be REALISTIC on the number of drinks you will have (don't tell yourself 1 when it will be 3), and work out BEFORE if you can, but if you can't, work out the next day.

    Life happens.

    P.S. Make sure you ENJOY IT!
  • mbajrami
    mbajrami Posts: 636 Member
    Just because they're going to eat pizza/wings/whatevs and then have drinks, doesn't mean you can't, but maybe just don't gorge. What I would do (and have done myself if invited to a celebration) is eat a small, healthy meal before going out. When it comes time, have a couple bites of "p/w/w" or something healthier off of the menu and like 1 or 2 drinks (no one said you have to get wasted). That way, you're not alienating yourself or making it a big deal, but you're still staying kind of true to your plan.

    :-) HTH
  • AmyVC123
    AmyVC123 Posts: 13
    Ok - my 2cents

    We (my SIL, Mom and co-worker) give ourselves "cheat days" - these are days we allow indulgences or cravings into the diet in reasonable amounts. Total deprivation of loved foods is a recipe for faliure.

    On that note - you have three options as I see it -

    #1 Skip the party and feel left out

    #2 Go to the party, eat whatever and wake the next morning feeling like a faliure for giving in

    #3 Eat something healthy and more "on track" before you go to the party, arrive feeling full and fulfilled, have a drink or two (of LITE whatever) have a snack or two of something reasonable and wake the next morning feeling relieved and relaxed that finals are over and you stood your ground in the battle of the buldge!!

    personally think #3 is your winner :-)

    Congratulations on finals and good luck!!!
  • leasteph
    leasteph Posts: 2
    You're going for a lifestyle change, not perfection. Eating out with friends is part of enjoying life! These fun events are always going to come up along the way. I would just plan ahead as much as possible. Find out in advance what the healthiest options are wherever you are going. If it's a bring your own food event, then bring at least 1 option that's healthier. Eat healthy throughout the day and add in some extra exercise and water. And have a wonderful time with your friends celebrating!
  • pat6250
    pat6250 Posts: 90
    You could 1. eat lightly the day of the party, saving calories for the celebretory food, and get in a fierce workout, to up your calorie allowance. 2. Look up the calorie counts of wings, pizza, wine, beer, rum and diet coke, etc. so you have the knowledge to choose wisely. 3. Go to the website of the venue to help you in this planning. 4. When you get to the venue, get a glass of water and a salad, no dressing, to fill you up. 5. If your friends are supportive, you could tell them that you will be eating lightly so you don't blow your diet.6. If your friends are not supportive, maybe you need new friends.
    It is hard to eat lightly when your friends are urging another round of beer on you, or ordering enough food for an army, especially if you will be splitting the check evenly, and you are resentful of paying for a lot of food you will not eat. Consider all of this ahead of time, and go there determined to do what is best for your peace of mind. One night of overeating will not mess you up too much if you are careful every other day before and after. The day after, drink a lot of water to flush it all out of your system. And don't get on the scale until 3 days later. :drinker:
  • SnazzyTraveller
    SnazzyTraveller Posts: 458 Member
    great advice... thanks a lot guys!

    I guess the thing for me isn't "it's just this one night" but rather "just another night"... what I mean is that I really need some discipline right now and have finally decided to crack down on following my game plan, and it's not a good time to jump off the wagon again. Even if it is just for one night... not good!

    I've considered trying to stick with my plan (exercising as usual which burns ~450 cals/day) and eating good-sized portions and keeping my hands off the nutella and if i an do that then maybe on thurs i will have a treat? Lots of people here talk about having a treat day once a month or once a week... for me I've been overdoing it with something everyday for the last few months, and unfortunately the scale has shown this.

    So anyways! I think I should have a meal before and just have a few bites with friends, work out more the day of and plan to make it my treat day :) thanks all