Possible depression HELP?

Hey guys,

So I've been here for I believe over a year now. Last summer I lost a ton but regretfully had to pull my attention from my health to focus on another person's in the fall. Since she has recovered I've been trying to get back on the ball but unfortunately I think I might be struggling with some emotional issues. Maybe its depression? Maybe its not? I've been swinging from extreme highs and extreme lows to the point where my girlfriend is baffled because its coming out of complete nowhere. I'm a emotional, boredom and social eater so this is going disastrously for my health. I'm almost back up to my highest weight EVER at 207lbs!! Which is making things worse.

Can anyone offer any tips? Anyone else have this problem but get through it? Just anything would be appreciated.


  • you dont get any medals for soldiering on - after my two brothers died I went to the doc's and have been on prozac 5 times over the last 15 years, I know a lot of people think it's a scary drug, but it really works for me, no manic highs or lows I just felt like the big black cloud over my head just moved over gradually, still feel down, still feel up, but in a more normal (!) kind of way. So, suppose the point of this is to say, go see your doctor, it may even be a hormone thing - point is, you need to speak to somebody qualified who can help you.
    Laughing here keying this - i'm one to give advice - joined up three wks ago weighing in at a hefty 220lbs, have not lost a single pound and this is the first time I have posted......! Anybody got any advice for me:smile:
  • acman145acp
    acman145acp Posts: 76 Member
    Its tough the only real options are get a doctors help
    Or keep putting on your boots and go on

    Wish i had some great words of wisdom but i just dont think they exist
  • 1shauna1
    1shauna1 Posts: 993 Member
    It's hard because often the weight is the cause of the depression, and then you gain weight because you're depressed. It's a vicious cycle. Can you see your doctor? Maybe an anti depressant would help; I've been on them in the past and they really can help (don't feel ashamed about having to take them, or even asking for help).
  • I think I have been depressed for 4 years now. It's really not fun. Lately I've been getting random mood changes and I'm very emotional and even suicidal at times. The funny thing is I don't even know why. It's hard to try and overcome and look past these feelings when that's all that you feel. I would suggest seeing a doctor or even a therapist or someone to talk to. If I have the courage I might go see one myself. My best friend is in the same boat and he's currently seeing a therapist and she is prescribing him something.
  • labarile
    labarile Posts: 1 Member
    I empathize greatly with your situation. I had been on antidepressant medication for 10 years. had to stop because I couldn't afford the doctor bills or the medication anymore. I have gained 10 lbs a year for the last 7 years and am now up to 210 lbs. I can't afford a gym and my work schedule keeps me from other activities I had previosly been involved in. I also recently moved to a new area and have not found a good place for the nightly walks I used to take.
    I cry every day. every day I try to put on my big girl panties and just do what I have to do.
    If at all possible I would suggest you see a doctor. therapy and/or medication could help.
  • luztrella
    luztrella Posts: 12 Member
    You might try niacin supplements. I've read some really great things about them in respect to depression. I went off of my antidepressants and started taking them and have really noticed no difference. Do a google search. It probably wouldn't hurt and you can still go to the doc if it doesn't work.
  • Hello there!
    I've been on antidepressants for years now, and I feel great. My advice is this: see a psychiatrist and get a proper diagnosis. If you do need meds, make sure you get them prescribed by a psychiatrist, not a GP, as you need to be properly diagnosed first. This is important. Also, talk to your doctor about your weight gain issues, as some antidepressants and other psych drugs can cause weight gain. Some can cause weight loss, which would be a plus for you. Next, get to a support group! I cannot stress this enough. I used to facilitate a group for anxiety spectrum disorders which includes depression and OCD. This group was a life saver for me. Next, read any literature you can get your hands on. There are many books out there as well as videos. Also, there are on-line sites that often include on-line support groups. Try: http://www.adaa.org/ . Good luck!
  • BamaGirl_Tricia
    BamaGirl_Tricia Posts: 70 Member
    I suggest seeking a doctor's help. Depression is an illness, just like any other thing, e.g. blood pressure, heart trouble. Medical advice is the ONLY solution. Just don't wait TOO LATE that it causes something else, e.g. hallucinations, loss of appetite, loss of social activity. PLEASE SEEK MEDICAL ADVICE!!
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    I feel you. I lost a good portion of weight on MFP and then got depressed over Christmas last year...and its been a struggle ever since. I agree with people here that seeing a doctor really might be an option worth looking at.

    I've yet to go to a doctor, I've just never felt comfortable with it. But I also don't want to be stuck like this much longer! I did have a a few good weeks a little bit ago when I bumped up my exercise (endorphins!), but when I stopped exercising so much I got down again. That is another idea you can try. I was doing about 2 1/2 hours of exercise a day. :0/

    Good luck!
  • sjbangs
    sjbangs Posts: 8 Member
    I work with a natural health practitioner. I gained a lot of weight this summer and was diagnosed as bipolar. They started me on mood stabilizers, but I don't like being on meds, and a lot of anti-depressants and mood stabilizers can make you gain or keep you from losing weight.

    I'm working on a weight loss documentary now aimed at teaching people how to lose weight in a healthy, natural way (no drugs, no quick fixes) and how to focus on correcting imbalances by using food and natural supplements.

    Anyone, feel free to message me for more info.

    And hang in there. Depression sucks. but it can get better.
  • Jaimehathcock
    Jaimehathcock Posts: 9 Member
    I also eat when I am depressed and eat more cause I am depressed that I keep eating... Y gotta use these tools to snap out of it! Seems like a lot of people here really care
  • divalivious
    divalivious Posts: 213 Member
    You obviously been through a bunch and from the sounds of things you could be. But like most say its best to see your doctor and be 100% honest with them about your symptoms. For they might give you medications or assign you to some support groups that will get you over this bump.
    Also keeping a journal of your emotions your highs, lows, what was oging on, how long they last etc, so when you go into the docs they can see if there is a pattern with them. Have your gf keep an eye on when those pop up and make a note or two in case you miss something.
    Good luck
  • Had similar issues and found out I was bi-polar. Once I got on the right meds, my whole entire world changed. I felt more in control of myself and was able to focus on what was important. If worse comes to worse, go see a doctor!!!
  • BlueInkDot
    BlueInkDot Posts: 702 Member
    My advice is to talk to your doctor about your symptoms. The doctor will probably refer you to a therapist or prescribe something for you that will help you out.

    One important thing to realize is that this is not uncommon. You are not alone. It is fairly common for adults to take some kind of medication to help them have a higher quality of life. So don't feel like you're weird or abnormal because you're not. That's how I felt when I first went to the doctor's about my depression. But my doctor told me that this is very common and not unusual at all. And now that I take a medication, my quality of life has improved significantly.

    My guess is that you have bi-polar disorder? I'm not sure what medications are out there for bi-polar disorder, but I'm sure there is some kind of medication out there that can help you out. Your doctor would know.

    Just do whatever you think would help most - most likely either therapy or medication. Good luck, and I hope you find what you need to feel better. :)
  • Toddrific
    Toddrific Posts: 1,114 Member
    To reiterate what others are saying, talk to a doctor.

    If you do discover you have long term depression (as opposed to just feeling down temporarily)
    I'd suggest not to just do pills, but also see a counselor/therapist.

    Cognitive therapy is a wonderful thing and it helps break thinking that leads to a downward spiral.

    Also, exercise, helps tremendously.

    Edit: In addition, make sure you are getting enough fat, and try to get some omega 3s in, it seems they might be linked to mental well-being.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,319 Member
    Well, we've gone from Niacin to bipolar. That's about it for the MFP Psychiatry Department. That will be $375. :laugh:
  • amkelley
    amkelley Posts: 81
    Exercising is what helps me climb out of depression...walking, dancing, biking, etc.....2 times a day and Im in better spirits and all around happier....it sends out the happy endorphins that make me happy...good luck!!!
  • AbsoluteNG
    AbsoluteNG Posts: 1,079 Member
    Take Omega 3 fish oil on a daily basis. It will help and stop the headaches if your depression has progressed that far.
  • Crystal_Pistol
    Crystal_Pistol Posts: 750 Member
    My vote goes to seeing a professional for an evaluation.
  • Donnacoach
    Donnacoach Posts: 540 Member
    I have suffered from depression for many many years. See your Dr. and talk to her/him about how you are feeling. Please don't wait, for your own peace of mind. Do whatever it takes to keep yourself busy and motivated. Taking a great walk or working out
    always puts me in a better frame of mind. Also, do you keep a journal? Write down how you are feeling on a daily basis. It gets
    it out of your system and it honestly does make you feel better. Good luck.